
Collage for smiling students in computer labs in the Library and Writing Center.

Registration - Non-Matriculated Students

Non-matriculated students are non-degree seeking students who are taking classes at Farmingdale without being accepted into a degree program. To better understand the differences between a matriculated student versus a non-matriculated student, please review this document

There are two types of non-matriculated students:

How to Register

  • You will register for classes through FSC's Online Administrative Student Information System (). 
  • You can check class availability with our . 
  • If you need to submit a pre-requisite for a course, visit the registration web page to learn how to complete the process. 


Other Registration Resources 

  • Technology plays a big part in your academic success. As a new student to Farmingdale, the Getting Started with Technology web page is the place to find everything you need to know about your technology needs and services before and during your time at FSC.