Dr. Jeff Hung By Kevin Hong (ºéÊÀÁú)
Professor Jeff Hung is an Engineering teacher at 51³Ô¹Ï and has accomplished many amazing things. He moved to America at a young age and worked hard to learn English, dedicating himself to his studies and becoming the chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Technology department. More of his accomplishments include writing two books on engineering, condensing information to better help his students understand the subject. He is further working on another textbook and hopes to finish it soon. Professor Hung¡¯s dedication to his craft and students is astounding. A couple of dishes he enjoys from his culture are ܇×ÐüI (cart noodles) and Äc·Û (steamed rice roll). Furthermore, he believes more people should try hot pot, as a gentle way of introducing Asian food to people. A Chinese figure he thinks more people should know is Steven Chow, as he played an influential role in forming the humor and jokes we see in modern movies today. In order to maintain his cultural roots he speaks Chinese at home. Some of his insights from living in both cultures are that the Chinese job environment is far more crowded, busy, stressful, and competitive than America¡¯s. He states that China¡¯s job market is very competitive and that in America there is more freedom to pursue his interests and passions. He feels that there are two extremes when comparing the educational culture of both countries. Whereas in China a heavy emphasis is put on education and the workload is exceedingly difficult, Professor Hung believes that America is too lenient with the students. Finally, he wishes to see more integration of Asian culture in America in the future. Through establishing more Asian supermarkets and stores, it will make experiencing and appreciating Asian culture more accessible to individuals.
Modern Languages Department
Memorial Hall, Room 200
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm