Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Technology
Bachelor of Science Degree
The Bachelor of Science program in Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Technology is a technical program that prepares students for careers in law enforcement on the local, state, and federal levels. Other career opportunities exist with private police and military police forces.
The program blends courseware in computers, forensics, crime prevention, and technology to provide students with the necessary skills to control crime as well as to conduct investigations of crimes committed on a computer or at a crime scene. Students are provided with a legal foundation in the study of digital evidence, which is an essential element of cyber investigations.
The program will provide graduates with technical skills to pursue careers in the protective services as well as for in-service personnel who may seek career advancement. Students are also provided with a broad based educational experience that draws from the deep reservoirs of knowledge of the arts and sciences. Graduates who wish to continue their education will find that the program will adequately prepare them for graduate studies in criminal justice and related fields.
Students majoring in Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Technology will take a total of 122 credits of which 61 credits are in criminal justice and 61 credits are in liberal arts and sciences, with 33 credits as free electives. In the first two years of the program, students will have completed basic courses in criminal justice with acquired competencies in criminal and procedural law, criminal investigation and criminalistics. In the third year of study, students will take the more advanced technology courses. The advanced technology courses will provide students with skills in computer forensics, forensic imaging and video analysis, criminal justice database management, crime analysis and mapping, and crime prevention technology. The program concludes with a senior project capstone course which may involve the analysis of a discipline-related technical problem or the development of a research project.
Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Technology (BS) Program Outcomes:
- Graduates will have knowledge of criminal investigations and criminalistics and be able to analyze the elements that constitute crimes and effectively apply scientific methods towards crime scene investigations.
- Graduates will have knowledge of the technologies used in a variety of criminal justice and law enforcement applications ranging from crime scene investigations to digital forensic investigations.
- Graduates will gain competencies in evidence collection, documentation, analysis and maintenance of chain of custody as well as the laws and guidelines associated with these matters.
- Graduates will take specialized courses to gain knowledge in areas such as geographical information systems, crime analysis and prevention, security, and law enforcement technologies.
Admission to 51勛圖 - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
Contact Information
Center for Criminal Justice Studies
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Fall 2024
Subject to revision
College Requirement | (1 credit) |
FYE 101 First Year Experience* | 1 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | (61 credits) |
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing (GE) | 3 |
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature | 3 |
PSY 101 Intro to Psychology (GE) | 3 |
PSY 315 Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
SOC 122 Intro to Sociology (GE) | 3 |
SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods | 3 |
World Languages (GE) | 3 |
The Arts (GE) | 3 |
MTH 110 Statistics (GE) | 3 |
Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning (GE) | 4 |
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness(GE) | 3 |
Humanities (GE) | 3 |
Oral Communication | 3 |
Upper Division Technical Electives** | 21 |
Required courses in the Major | (61 credits) |
CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 |
CRJ 101 Law Enforcement Community Relations | 3 |
SST 115 Computer Forensics | 3 |
CRJ 200 Criminal Investigation | 3 |
CRJ 201 Criminalistics | 3 |
CRJ 203 Criminology | 3 |
CRJ 204 Criminal Law | 3 |
CRJ 205 Criminal Procedure Law | 3 |
SST 217 Computer Forensics II | 3 |
SST 218 Computer Forensics III | 3 |
CRJ 307 Criminal Justice Database Operation | 4 |
CRJ 308 Forensic Technology | 4 |
CRJ 406 Crime Analysis and Mapping | 4 |
CRJ 407 Crime Prevention Systems | 4 |
CRJ 460W Senior Project | 3 |
Free Electives | 12 |
Total Credits: | 122-123 |
Curriculum Summary
*FYE 101 First Year Experience is required for all first time full time students
Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 122-123
**Upper Division Technical Electives
CRJ 316 Victimology
CRJ 300/PSY 300 Forensic Psychology
CRJ 325 -Fraud Examination
CRJ 354 - Police Leadership
CRJ 360 - Probation and Parole
CRJ 380 - Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
CRJ 405 - Corrections and Reentry
CRJ 425 - Policy and Program Evaluation
CRJ 430 - Forensic DNA Analysis
CRJ 450 - Privacy and Equality
CRJ 454 - Ethics and Leadership in Criminal Justice
CRJ 458 Criminal Justice Internship
CRJ 490 - Topics in Criminal Justice
SOC 325 Social Inequality
SOC 342 Deviance: Crime, Sex and Drugs
STS 300 Special Topics: Science, Technology and Society
GEO 323 Urban Geography
SOC 329 Social Movements
CRJ 350 - Courts and the Judiciary
FYE 101 First Year Experience
This course is designed to assist new students in acclimating, connecting, and adjusting to the college campus and experience. Through presentations, discussions and group work, students will become familiar with college resources and learn strategies for academic success. Students will also be introduced to the values and ethical principles of the College and encouraged to reflect on their role/responsibilities as college students. Topics include time management, study skills, stress management, goal setting, course and career planning, self-assessment and awareness, and the development of wellness strategies. Note: Students completing FYE 101 may not receive credit for FRX101, FYS 101, or RAM 101. Credits 1 (1.0)
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing
This is the first part of a required sequence in college essay writing. Students learn to view writing as a process that involves generating ideas, formulating and developing a thesis, structuring paragraphs and essays, as well as revising and editing drafts. The focus is on the development of critical and analytical thinking. Students also learn the correct and ethical use of print and electronic sources. At least one research paper is required. A grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Note: Students passing a departmental diagnostic exam given on the first day of class will remain in EGL 101; all others will be placed in EGL 097. Prerequisite is any of the following: successful completion of EGL 097; an SAT essay score (taken prior to March 1, 2016) of 7 or higher; an SAT essay score (taken after March 1, 2016) of 5 or higher; on-campus placement testing.
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature
This is the second part of the required introductory English composition sequence. This course builds on writing skills developed in EGL 101, specifically the ability to write analytical and persuasive essays and to use research materials correctly and effectively. Students read selections from different literary genres (poetry, drama, and narrative fiction). Selections from the literature provide the basis for analytical and critical essays that explore the ways writers use works of the imagination to explore human experience. Grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
This course is designed to present basic psychological concepts and to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Core topics include methods of psychological research, the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning, memory and cognition, personality, and psychopathology. Other selected topics to be covered would include the following: motivation and emotion, life-span development, social psychology, health psychology, sensation and perception, intelligence, human sexuality, statistics, and altered states of consciousness.
PSY 315 Abnormal Psychology
In this course the student will learn about concepts, theories, and issues in psychopathology (the study of mental illness and behavioral disorders). Topics may include historical background, mental health professionals, legal issues, normality/abnormality, etiology/assessment/ diagnosis/therapy, anxiety/stress/depression, personality disorders, sexual deviance, schizophrenia, neurological dysfunction, substance abuse, and psychophysiological disorders. The applications of psychology to personal problem solving will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101
SOC 122 Introduction to Sociology
This is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the field of sociology. In addition to learning about the central concepts and major theoretical sociological perspectives, students study human behavior in groups, the organization of social life, the impact of social institutions on individuals, and the process of sociological research. Great emphasis is also placed upon development of students sociological imagination specifically, the ability to understand the ways that our individual lives are shaped by larger social forces and institutions. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 122 and 122W or SOC 122*D SOC 122W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. SOC 122*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.
SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods
In this course, we develop an understanding of the different types of research methods used by sociologists (and other social scientists) to study the social world. The class begins with a discussion of the fundamental concepts of social science research and the ethical issues involved. Students will learn how to conduct basic qualitative and quantitative research - the ability to formulate research questions, methods of research design, strategies for collecting information and data, as well as the ability to analyze and present statistical data. Great emphasis is placed on students doing research projects in and outside of class. Prerequisite(s): Any 200 Level Sociology course.
MTH 110 Statistics
Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015
CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
In this introductory course, the roots of the criminal justice system will be explored, along with the specific processes of law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. The understanding of Supreme Court cases will be connected to these areas of the system. Further understanding will be developed in areas of theory, crime elements and crime trends. Current issues in the criminal justice system will also be discussed.
CRJ 101 Law Enforcement and Community Relations
This course considers the functions of law enforcement in modern society. Emphasis will be placed on the numerous and complex factors involved in the areas of human relations, including culture and environment. The intricacies of communication, perception, and body language will be a connector to the examination of bias, prejudice and discrimination. Documented law enforcement and community interactions will be examined in relationship to agency policy, the courts and public sentiment.
SST 115 Computer Forensics
This course will introduce basic concepts of computer and digital hardware and software as they apply to challenges of computer and mobile forensics, including the process of analysis and examination of operating systems and file systems. Students will learn differences in evidence locations and examination techniques on Windows and Linux computers, as well as for common mobile devices. A concise survey of standard forensics tools commonly used in forensics investigations will be presented and reviewed for their latest features and applications. Legal issues governing the collection and handling of digital evidence will be explored.
CRJ 200 Criminal Investigation
Introduction to criminal investigation, technical methods used at the crime scene; development of clues, identification of suspects; criminal investigation procedures including the theory of an investigation; conduct at crime scenes; collection and preservation of physical evidence, analysis of the elements that constitute all crimes. Note: The course may be offered as a writing intensive course at the discretion of the Criminal Justice Department. Students cannot get credit for both CRJ 200 and CRJ 200W. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100
CRJ 201 Criminalistics
The role of the Crime Laboratory in the law enforcement organization; scope of a criminalistic operation; organizational orientation of the criminalistics laboratory. Reconstruction of the crime scene through computer animation methods. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100 and CRJ 200
CRJ 203 Criminology
This course introduces anthropological, biological, economic, ecological, philosophical, psychiatric, and sociological theories of criminal behavior. The functions of punishment and methods of crime reduction will be connected to theoretical concepts. Crime trends and patterns will be explored through the examination of Uniform Crime Reports, the National Crime Victimization Survey, and local sources. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100
CRJ 204 Criminal Law
The course introduces students to the criminal law system and its function within the criminal justice system, specifically through the discussion of New York State Penal Law. The course will examine offense types and degrees, as well as the elements of specified offenses, with reference to principal rules of criminal liability. Students will employ the case analysis method to study case precedents. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100
CRJ 205 Criminal Procedure Law
This course focuses on the rules of evidence, operation, and policy that make up criminal procedure. Emphasis will be placed on New York Criminal Procedure Law and its rules regarding arrest, force, and search and seizure. Case Tracking tools that are used within prosecution and court units and systems will be discussed, as well as methods of determining trends in practice and rule effectiveness. Students will be able to apply fact patterns to procedure. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 204
SST 217 Computer Forensics II
Computer Forensics II is a continuation of CRJ 115 or SST 115. This course covers topics such as disk geometry and organization. Master boot sector record and volume record creation and organization, file signatures for data type identification, cyclic redundancy checksum for data integrity validation, and RSA's MD5 hash values for file authentication. Other subjects introduced include the UNIX "grep" search utility, search string techniques and file signature matching, and recovery of files that are intentionally deleted, hidden, or renamed. The course examines advanced computer-based evidentiary and "discovery" data methodologies, and includes a study of evidence identification, documentation, and chain of custody procedures. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 115 or SST 115
SST 218 Computer Forensics III
This course examines federal, state, and local computer fraud statutes to provide the student with a legal foundation to approach computer investigations. The course includes lecture elements that provide the student with the skills necessary to conduct successful computer-related investigations, and includes an examination of the processes involved in preparing an affidavit for a search warrant. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 217 or SST 217
CRJ 307 Criminal Justice Data Base Operations
The course introduces students to the meaning and structure of criminal justice data, the design of and security for criminal, legal and classified databases, the management of competing information security and confidentiality concerns, and the rights to access criminal justice records on the part of the public, corporate interests and the media. The course examines criminal justice data collection throughout the legal lifecycle (complaint, arrest, prosecution, court, corrections, probation and parole); understanding all through the prism of authenticity, value, timeliness, accountability, integration and prevention. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 115 or SST 115 Corequisite(s): CRJ 307L
CRJ 308 Forensic Technology
The course will introduce the student to photographic and video equipment and methods that are used for crime scene documentation and police surveillance operations, including forensic imaging analysis. The course will include a study of camera design and operation, lens selection and functions, role of light and illumination technologies, digital image editing software, and a review of the chain of custody procedures in recording and archiving images for courtroom presentation. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 201 Corequisite(s): CRJ 308L
CRJ 406 Crime Analysis and Mapping
Students will learn how to analysis and apply sampled data distributions to crime patterns. Digital tools will allow students to identify trends and patterns in order to determine police service allocations based on collected data The science and foundation principles of geographical information systems design and operation will be reviewed. Homeland Security implications as well as publicly available geospatial information will also be covered as specific applications for mapping techniques. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 307 Corequisite(s): CRJ 406L
CRJ 407 Crime Prevention Systems
This course will introduce the student to the theory and practice of crime prevention and examine topics such as the relationship of the built environment to crime, designing out crime, threat assessment, target hardening, and the like. The course will also focus on residential and commercial crime prevention systems. In addition, an analysis of false alarms from the perspective of the environment, end-user errors, and equipment malfunctions will be conducted. The course concludes with a review of police studies that have examined the nature and extent of the false alarm problem as well as the laws that regulate the use of crime prevention systems by public and private agencies. Prerequisite(s): CRJ 406 Corequisite(s): CRJ 407L
CRJ 460W Senior Project (capstone) Writing Intensive
Students in this course develop a criminal justice topic in the area of police, courts, corrections or intelligence that is of interest to both the student and a faculty member who shall act as project advisor. The project selected will utilize competencies acquired in criminal justice and related courses. Students will either develop an independent project or work with an advisor on on-going research. The advisor will work with the student to define the project based on the students academic and career path. Prerequisite(s): Senior status in Criminal Justice B. S. degree program and EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher