
Applied Gerontology

Bachelor of Science Degree

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Gerontology is offered in the Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences at 51³Ô¹Ï.

The field of gerontology is expanding as the number of elders in America continues to increase, quickly outpacing other segments of the population. By 2030 the older population will be more than twice their number from 2000. With over 13% of Americans currently over the age of 65 and projected to be 19% in 2030, our society will be facing crucial issues about aging which will impact the lives of most Americans.

The Applied Gerontology program aims to improve the quality of life of the aged. Central issues to the study of aging are individual, social, and institutional-based. The multidisciplinary course work follows these issues and provides proficiency in all aspects of working with, and administering to, an aging population.

This bachelor’s program is designed to prepare students for entry-level occupational positions in the growing field of aging as well as providing skills and knowledge necessary for graduate and professional school entrance.

All Applied Gerontology students will complete a 4-credit hour internship during their academic work. Students have the opportunity to work in area agencies on aging, private, state, and federal aging, care management organizations, advocacy organizations and non-profits serving older adults and their families.

The structure of the program centers on the traditional 8-semester format with additional options to incorporate approved transfer courses, and full and part-time options. Adult learners and change of career applicants are encouraged to apply and accommodated multiple online/hybrid class opportunities.

Assisted Living Administrations
Estate Preservation
Federal/State/Local Gov. Agencies
Geriatric Care Managers
Health Educators
Health Insurance Companies
Home Health Care Administration 
Hospice Facility Administration
Hotel Facilities Administration 
Long-term Care Administrator
Rehabilitation Facilities
Research settings
Residential Care Centers
Skilled Nursing Administration

Applied Gerontology (BS) Program Objectives:

  • Graduates will demonstrate an appreciation of fundamental interdisciplinary evidence-based awareness of geriatric care. They will apply personal and social responsibility to ethical behavior in all settings dealing with the elderly and the aging process.
  • Graduates will employ effective oral and written communication skills needed in a global information society.
  • Graduates will evaluate, interpret, and analyze current issues in geriatric science/ administration. They will extrapolate theoretically effective answers to solve problems involving the elderly.
  • Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge base skills needed to interpret analyze and evaluate the gerontology field and to prepare for further professional and graduate education. 


Admission to 51³Ô¹Ï - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information

Nutrition Science and Wellness

Dr. Jack Thomas
Lupton Hall, Room 144
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

College Requirement (1 credit)
FYE 101 First Year Experience* 1

Liberal Arts and Sciences (46 credits)
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing (GE) 3
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature 3
The Arts (GE) 3
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness(GE) 3
World Languages I (GE) 3
World Languages II (GE) 3
MTH 110 Statistics (GE) 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (GE) 3
BIO 123 Human Body in Health and Disease 4
BUS 111 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 141 Business Communications 3
NTR 110 Introduction to Nutrition Science 3
Arts/Science Electives 9
Required: Lower Division (21 credits)
GRO 100 Introduction to Gerontology 3
PHI 205 Ethics 3
SOC 228 Society and Health 3
HIS 240 History of Public Health Care & Medicine 3
PSY 230 Gender Psychology 3
SOC 220 Sociology of Aging 3
SOC 225 Sociology of the Family 3
Required: Upper Division (55 credits)
HUM 332 Intercultural Communications 3
GRO 300 Biology of Aging 3
GRO 310 Nutrition and Aging 3
GRO 320 Caregiving 3
GRO 330 Public Policy and Aging 3
GRO 340 Gender and Aging 3
GRO 350 Healthcare Financial Management 3
MLG 305 Hispanic and Latin American Culture and Civilization 3
PSY 315 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 326 Introduction to Behavioral Health Science 3
GRO 410 Health Care Insurance 3
GRO 420 Long-Term Care Administration 3
GRO 430 Communication and Aging 3
GRO 440 Cultural Diversity and Aging 3
GRO 450 Health Care Law 3
GRO 460 Internship in Gerontology 4
Arts/Science Elective (300/400 level) 6
Total Credits 122 - 123

Curriculum Summary

*FYE 101 First Year Experience is required by all first time full time students

Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 122-123

Please refer to the General Education, Applied Learning, and Writing Intensive requirement sections of the College Catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure that graduation requirements are satisfied.

As a part of the SUNY General Education Framework, all first-time full time Freshman at 51³Ô¹Ï (FSC) beginning Fall 2023, are required to develop knowledge and skills in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ). Students will be able to fulfill this requirement at FSC by taking a specially designated DEISJ course that has been developed by faculty and approved by the DEISJ Review Board. DEISJ-approved courses may meet other General Education Knowledge and Skills areas and/or core competencies and thus be dually designated. DEISJ-approved courses may also earn other special designations such as those for Applied Learning or Writing Intensive.

FYE 101 First Year Experience

This course is designed to assist new students in acclimating, connecting, and adjusting to the college campus and experience. Through presentations, discussions and group work, students will become familiar with college resources and learn strategies for academic success. Students will also be introduced to the values and ethical principles of the College and encouraged to reflect on their role/responsibilities as college students. Topics include time management, study skills, stress management, goal setting, course and career planning, self-assessment and awareness, and the development of wellness strategies. Note: Students completing FYE 101 may not receive credit for FRX101, FYS 101, or RAM 101. Credits 1 (1.0)

EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing

This is the first part of a required sequence in college essay writing. Students learn to view writing as a process that involves generating ideas, formulating and developing a thesis, structuring paragraphs and essays, as well as revising and editing drafts. The focus is on the development of critical and analytical thinking. Students also learn the correct and ethical use of print and electronic sources. At least one research paper is required. A grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Note: Students passing a departmental diagnostic exam given on the first day of class will remain in EGL 101; all others will be placed in EGL 097. Prerequisite is any of the following: successful completion of EGL 097; an SAT essay score (taken prior to March 1, 2016) of 7 or higher; an SAT essay score (taken after March 1, 2016) of 5 or higher; on-campus placement testing.

EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature

This is the second part of the required introductory English composition sequence. This course builds on writing skills developed in EGL 101, specifically the ability to write analytical and persuasive essays and to use research materials correctly and effectively. Students read selections from different literary genres (poetry, drama, and narrative fiction). Selections from the literature provide the basis for analytical and critical essays that explore the ways writers use works of the imagination to explore human experience. Grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101

MTH 110 Statistics

Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology

This course is designed to present basic psychological concepts and to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Core topics include methods of psychological research, the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning, memory and cognition, personality, and psychopathology. Other selected topics to be covered would include the following: motivation and emotion, life-span development, social psychology, health psychology, sensation and perception, intelligence, human sexuality, statistics, and altered states of consciousness.

BIO 123 Human Body in Health and Disease

This course is an inquiry into the mechanism of diseases that plague human beings. A systemic approach is taken in which all the major systems of the human body and the significant diseases that affect those systems are studied. Emphasis is on failures of homeostasis as the basic mechanisms of disease. Included are discussions on available treatments and therapies, the impact of new technological developments, and maintaining health and avoiding disease. The laboratory component contains both traditional and computer-generated exercises, which illustrate the onset and development of a variety of diseases and pathological states. Note: BIO 123 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 123L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 123L

BUS 111 Introduction to Business

This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of American Business and its contemporary environment. It provides an overview of organizational, national, and international trends and their impact on enterprises both large and small. The course develops an understanding of important business concepts, principles, and practices that explain how businesses are formed, how they operate to accomplish their goals, and why/how their success depends on effective management, production, marketing and finance/accounting.

BUS 141 Contemporary Business Communications

An introduction to the role and importance of effective communications in business. Key topics include the familiarization and practice in preparing common types of internal and external business communications; contemporary issues in business communication relating to technology, ethics, and nondiscriminatory language; memo and report writing with proper mechanics, style, and appropriate tone/attitude; and business presentations. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101 and BCS 102

NTR 110 Introduction to Nutrition Science

This course stresses the practical application of nutritional science throughout life. It discusses nutritional changes that occur during various life stages such as pregnancy, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Students explore the biological aspect of all major nutrients and relate them to chronic diseases. Basic chemistry principles are applied to major nutrient groups. Recommendations for adequate nutrient intake are presented and related to food consumption habits. This course evaluates nutritional supplement claims and discusses changes in athlete nutrient requirements in training and during competition. Note: Students who receive credit for BIO 125 may not receive credit for NTR 110.

GRO 100 Introduction to Gerontology

This course provides introductory topics in gerontology, including physical, mental, and social aspects associated with aging. It shows the interactions of various types of aging and describes the pathological developments that affect many older people. The course focuses on diversity in the older population. Topics include differing behaviors, traditions, and attitudes among aging. There will be an emphasis on how society is changed when the aging portion of the population increases rapidly.

PHI 205 Ethics

An examination of ethical theories including relativism, determinism, and the concept of duty, and the application of these theories to contemporary problems. The place of ethics in relation to other branches of philosophy and the role of religion in shaping ethical theory are also discussed. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for PHI 205 and PHI 205H PHI 205H is for students in the Honors Program. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102 with a grade of C or higher

SOC 228 Society and Health

This course examines the meanings and experiences of health and illness and the ways in which social factors like age, gender, class and ethnicity affect health. We explore the historical development of health professions, including alternative health professions. Significant time is also devoted to understanding the workings of the contemporary American healthcare system. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 228 and SOC 228*D SOC 228*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

PSY 230 Gender Psychology

This course will examine sex role stereotypes and their effects, research on psychological sex differences, theories of male and female development, sex roles and social institutions - how perceptions of males and females are influenced by schools, religion, and the media; and male and female approaches to sexuality, marriage, and parenthood. Readings and class discussions will be used to help students achieve a greater understanding of the female and the male experience. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

SOC 220 Sociology of Aging

The course examines the social phenomenon of aging. We look at different theories of aging and discuss the ways that different cultures approach the process of aging. Similarly, we consider class as well as racial/ethnic differences in the social meanings and consequences of aging. Lastly, we devote considerable time to looking at various political, economic, and social issues associated with aging and the elderly.

SOC 225 Sociology of the Family

This course examines the family in the United States as a core social institution. We consider theoretical, historical, and cross-cultural aspects of such topics as mate selection, marital dynamics, the changing roles of men and women, parenting and child-rearing, divorce, aging, conflict and violence, alternative lifestyles and family policy. Prerequisite(s): SOC 122

HUM 332 Intercultural Communication

This course is designed to develop an understanding of how specific interpersonal techniques can facilitate effective intercultural communication encounters. Students will be exposed to the ways in which cultural differences affect intercultural communications. Obstacles to effective intercultural communication will be examined and techniques to overcome these will be explored and practiced. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for HUM 332 and HUM 332*D HUM 332*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

GRO 300 Biology of Aging

This course involves an examination of the physical changes associated with the aging process and aging body. Knowledge and understanding of these processes are important because these physical changes also affect social, psychological, economic, and other aspects of the aging process. The importance of the topic is based on the growing number of older adults in our communities as well as our increased longevity. Each organ system will be discussed with a focus on age related diseases, conditions, and dysfunction. Prerequisites: BIO 123 Human Body and Health

GRO 310 Nutrition of Aging

This course covers concepts of nutrition directed towards improving nutritional status and health among older adults. Course material addresses key issues facing the field of geriatric nutrition, among a variety of contexts, with an eye to recommendations on improving nutrition programs and status among older adults. Federal, state, and community programs involving nutrition among older adults are reviewed and analyzed. This course is designed to provide entry level nutrition training for professionals to assist the growing aging population in maintaining a healthy quality of life. Prerequisites: BIO 125 or NTR 110

GRO 320 Caregiving

This course takes a comprehensive look at what is known about problems and issues caregivers face, caregiving tasks, caregiver appraisals of the situation, caregiver burden, and the psychosocial, health, social, and work consequences of caregiving. Of particular importance are the cultural, familial, and societal implications of caregiving for older adults. The course also will explore long-term care facilities, including nursing homes and assistant-living facilities. Prerequisites: Junior Status

GRO 330 Public Policy and Aging

This course addresses the impacts of national age-based and age-related policy and programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, American with Disabilities Act, the Older Americans Act, and the Affordable Care Act. In addition, it examines the implementation of these programs in state and local settings, where implications are tangible for vulnerable groups such as low-income and frail older people and their families. Policy challenges of issues such as Alzheimer’s, long-term care, housing, caregiving, transportation, nutrition, research funding, and disease prevention are discussed. Although the focus is on the United States, there will be opportunities for students to explore aging policies in international settings. Prerequisites: Junior Status

GRO 340 Gender and Aging

The course will focus on dominant gender paradigms and ways in which gender contributes to the differential structuring of health experiences for women, men and gender minorities. The course will incorporate historical, theoretical and empirical perspectives to explore the relationship between gender, aging, and health in America and other countries. It also explores the relationship at the intersection of class, ethnicity and sexuality, and throughout the course of life. Prerequisites: Junior Status

GRO 350 Health Care Financial Management

This course will introduce students to the key health care accounting, costing, budgeting, and reimbursement methodologies necessary for the effective management of the finances of a health care facility. Emphasis will be placed on those concepts required for the fiduciary oversight of long-term care and other health care organizations. The essential analytical tools, techniques, and data necessary to ensure sound fiscal operation of health care organizations will be discussed. A combination of accounting and finance concepts will be utilized to enhance the student's decision-making skills.

MLG 305 Hispanic and Latin American Culture and Civilization

Civilization course: Provides a general perspective on the formation of the Latin American Culture through the centuries, with special emphasis on Spanish America. In parallel form, historical and cultural evolution of the New World and the Iberian Peninsula will be studied, from their beginnings up to the present. Among other aspects, the course will give special attention to the rich multicultural heritage which has been maintained in Latin America through the centuries, as well as its achievements in Art and Literature. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for MLG 305 and MLG 305*D MLG 305*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

PSY 315 Abnormal Psychology

In this course the student will learn about concepts, theories, and issues in psychopathology (the study of mental illness and behavioral disorders). Topics may include historical background, mental health professionals, legal issues, normality/abnormality, etiology/assessment/ diagnosis/therapy, anxiety/stress/depression, personality disorders, sexual deviance, schizophrenia, neurological dysfunction, substance abuse, and psychophysiological disorders. The applications of psychology to personal problem solving will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101

PSY 326 Introduction to Behavioral Health Science

Behavioral Health Science is the scientific study of the ways that human behavior can affect health/mental health status and health/mental health outcomes. Introduction to Behavioral Health Science will explore how human actions, cognitions, relationships, interactions and systems affect health, well-being, and quality of life. This course will examine the integration of mental health care and health care from a historical, practical, and policy perspective. Students completing the course will understand the significance of health care policy changes as they relate to psychology, and the dramatic shift in thinking about how and where health/mental health care can be integrated and administered. Prerequisite(s): PSY 315

GRO 410 Health Care Insurance

This course explores the history, structure and likely future trends of health insurance in the U.S. The course includes policy analyses, availability, costs, and limitations in regard to the health insurance needs of the elderly. It provides an in-depth overview of the basic features of private health insurance: including operational challenges and requirements, to cost and quality controls. In addition, the course discusses financial and political challenges to continued viability of Medicare and Medicaid. Several comparisons are provided to international systems as a means for better understanding the unique aspects of the American system. Note: Students who take GRO 410W cannot receive credit for GRO 410; GRO 410W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): Junior status and GRO100 Introduction to Gerontology

GRO 420 Long-Term Care Administration

This course presents principles of nursing home management and assisted living services which examines administrative and staffing functions relating to clients, community, public policy, programming and financing. It provides a solid foundation in the operational functioning of long-term care facilities in the United States. The health care environment and the health care system are examined to determine how they impact long-term care administration. Both the long-term private and public sectors of health care organization are overviewed. Multiple long-term health care delivery systems are explored as to what they can offer the elderly and special needs populations. Prerequisite(s): HPW 435

GRO 430 Communication and Aging

This course approaches gerontology from a communication perspective. Attention is devoted to the ways in which communication sustains and deteriorates group collaboration among local, national, and global communities. Through central theories of communication there is recognition that aging is not just an individual process, but also an interactive and intergenerational process. Gerontology 430 shows that communication processes define, form, maintain, and dissolve all social relationships for all age groups. Further, this course gives insight into advertising/marketing communications geared toward the increasing senior population in the United States. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101

GRO 440 Cultural Diversity and Aging

This course provides an overview of diversity in aging through a multidisciplinary approach. Cultural Diversity & Aging explores key gerontological concepts, examines current applicable research, and summarizes important policies concerning the senior population. Within historical context this course separates gerontologic contributions from several disciplines (sociology, psychology, demography, and public policy). Cultural Diversity & Aging challenges students to consider complex issues of aging and their unique impact on diverse aged populations. Additionally, it examines the diversity among seniors in such complex areas as; ethnic origin, education, income, health status, health beliefs and their individual relation to the health care industry. Prerequisites: GRO 300 with a grade of C- or higher

GRO 450 Health Care Law

Health care is one of the most regulated sectors of our economy. This course examines the overlapping layers of federal, state and local jurisdiction to better understand health care law. It specifies the law as it relates to health administration and long-term care management. The course critically examines ethical dilemmas and the law associated with elder rights and long-term care facilities from multiple points of view. With the increasing intersection between health care delivery and the law, health care managers encounter a wide range of legal and regulatory issues, including patients’ rights, institutional liability, and employee relations. Prerequisite(s): Senior Status

GRO 460 Internship in Gerontology

In this course students have the opportunity to gain hands on experience in a professional setting. It is oriented towards professional development that builds skills and abilities related to job-seeking, and career. The focus is on development of professional tools including portfolios, resumes, interviewing skills, and relevant certifications. The field experience is individualized based on the career interests of the student and the specific needs of the organization. Field experience proposals must be presented and approved prior to registration for the course. Prerequisite(s): Senior Status, Program GPA 2.75 minimum, HPW 435 with a grade of C- or higher