Health Promotion and Wellness
Bachelor of Science Degree
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Promotion and Wellness through the Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences is ideal for students who want an interdisciplinary approach to helping others achieve healthy lifestyles. Students will develop a strong foundation in administrative and technical skills to successfully implement health promotion and wellness programs. The pursuit of wellness in all dimensions of life - social, physical, emotional, occupational, intellectual, environmental and spiritual - is emphasized throughout the curriculum.
Graduates from the BS in Health Promotion and Wellness will acquire leadership, management, and collaborative skills to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the health promotion planning process. Graduates can work in local, regional and national settings and are also prepared for graduate-level programs in numerous health-related areas.
Typical Employment Opportunities
- Public Health Educator
- Health Coach
- Corporate Wellness Coordinator
- Director of Fitness / Wellness
- Community Health Director
- Health Services Manager
Health Promotion and Wellness (BS) Program Outcomes:
- Graduates will use leadership, management, and collaborative skills to apply a multidisciplinary approach to the health promotion planning process through the incorporation of health enhancement interventions. (Professional/Leadership)
- Graduates will serve as a health promotion resource by effectively promoting or advocating for healthy lifestyles and the profession in oral and written form through any variety of sources. (Communication/Marketing)
- Graduates will apply knowledge and experience from course work in the arts, science, and humanities into the field of Health Promotion and Wellness. (Knowledge)
- Graduates will demonstrate proficiency at interpreting one-on-one and group health assessments to achieve improved quality of life for themselves and the people they educate. (Critical Thinking)
Admission to 51勛圖 - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
Contact Information
Nutrition Science and Wellness
Dr. Jack Thomas
Lupton Hall, Room 144
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Fall 2024
Subject to revision
College Requirement | (1 credit) |
FYE 101 First Year Experience* | 1 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences | (50 credits) |
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing (GE) | 3 |
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness(GE) | 3 |
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (GE) | 3 |
World Languages I (GE) | 3 |
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature | 3 |
SOC 122 Introductory Sociology (GE) | 3 |
MTH 110 Statistics (GE) | 3 |
NTR 110 Principles of Nutrition (GE) | 3 |
BIO 123 Human Body in Health and Disease OR | |
BIO 130 Biological Principles I OR | |
BIO 166 Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
SOC 228 Society and Health | 3 |
Humanities (GE) | 3 |
CHM 124 Principles of Chemistry (GE) | 4 |
The Arts (GE) | 3 |
Liberal Arts and Sciences Electives | 6 |
SPE 202 Interpersonal Communications OR | |
SPE 330 Professional and Technical Speech | 3 |
Required: Lower Division | (25 credits) |
HPW 101 Perspectives of Health and Wellness | 3 |
PSY 240 Health Psychology | 3 |
HPW 200 Lifespan Health and Wellness | 3 |
BUS 131 Marketing Principles OR | |
ECO 156 Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) OR | |
SMT 225 Sport Marketing | 3 |
Technical Elective I | 3 |
BIO 318 Medical Microbiology | 4 |
BIO 240 Bioethics OR | |
HPW 245 Ethics in the Health Professions | 3 |
HPW 225 Fitness Health and Coaching | 3 |
Required: Upper Division | (49 credits) |
HPW 300 Evaluation of Health Promotion | 3 |
HPW 325 Mental Health Wellness | 3 |
NTR 305 Weight Management & Obesity | 3 |
NTR 365 Sports Nutrition | 3 |
HPW 330 Concepts in Public Health | 3 |
HPW 400 Community Health | 3 |
HPW 410 Seminar in Health Promotion | 3 |
HPW 420 Addictive Behaviors | 3 |
SOC 303 Sociology of Work and Occupations | 3 |
HPW 425 Sport & Exercise Physiology | 3 |
HPW 430 Research Methods in Health Sciences | 3 |
HPW 435 Health Care Administration | 3 |
HPW 440 Holistic & Integrative Health | 3 |
HPW 405 Exercise Science (w/lab) OR | |
HPW 450 Health & Wellness Internship | 4 |
HPW 470 Healthy America | 3 |
Technical Elective II | 3 |
Total Credits | 124-125 |
Curriculum Summary
*FYE 101 First Year Experience is required for all first time full time students
Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 124-125
Please refer to the General Education, Applied Learning, and Writing Intensive requirement
sections of the College Catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure that graduation
requirements are satisfied.
As a part of the SUNY General Education Framework, all first-time full time Freshman
at 51勛圖 (FSC) beginning Fall 2023, are required to develop knowledge
and skills in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ). Students will
be able to fulfill this requirement at FSC by taking a specially designated DEISJ
course that has been developed by faculty and approved by the DEISJ Review Board.
DEISJ-approved courses may meet other General Education Knowledge and Skills areas
and/or core competencies and thus be dually designated. DEISJ-approved courses may
also earn other special designations such as those for Applied Learning or Writing
Technical Elective I
BUS 109 Management Theories & Practices
SMT 110 Introduction to Sport Management
Technical Elective II
HPW 230 Health and Cannabis Usage
HPW 405 Exercise & Movement Science
PSY 315 Abnormal Psychology
SOC 309 Sport in Society
SOC 350 Global Social Change
SOC 360 Sociology Theory
SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods
FYE 101 First Year Experience
This course is designed to assist new students in acclimating, connecting, and adjusting to the college campus and experience. Through presentations, discussions and group work, students will become familiar with college resources and learn strategies for academic success. Students will also be introduced to the values and ethical principles of the College and encouraged to reflect on their role/responsibilities as college students. Topics include time management, study skills, stress management, goal setting, course and career planning, self-assessment and awareness, and the development of wellness strategies. Note: Students completing FYE 101 may not receive credit for FRX101, FYS 101, or RAM 101. Credits 1 (1.0)
EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing
This is the first part of a required sequence in college essay writing. Students learn to view writing as a process that involves generating ideas, formulating and developing a thesis, structuring paragraphs and essays, as well as revising and editing drafts. The focus is on the development of critical and analytical thinking. Students also learn the correct and ethical use of print and electronic sources. At least one research paper is required. A grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Note: Students passing a departmental diagnostic exam given on the first day of class will remain in EGL 101; all others will be placed in EGL 097. Prerequisite is any of the following: successful completion of EGL 097; an SAT essay score (taken prior to March 1, 2016) of 7 or higher; an SAT essay score (taken after March 1, 2016) of 5 or higher; on-campus placement testing.
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
This course is designed to present basic psychological concepts and to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Core topics include methods of psychological research, the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning, memory and cognition, personality, and psychopathology. Other selected topics to be covered would include the following: motivation and emotion, life-span development, social psychology, health psychology, sensation and perception, intelligence, human sexuality, statistics, and altered states of consciousness.
EGL 102 Composition II: Writing About Literature
This is the second part of the required introductory English composition sequence. This course builds on writing skills developed in EGL 101, specifically the ability to write analytical and persuasive essays and to use research materials correctly and effectively. Students read selections from different literary genres (poetry, drama, and narrative fiction). Selections from the literature provide the basis for analytical and critical essays that explore the ways writers use works of the imagination to explore human experience. Grade of C or higher is a graduation requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101
SOC 122 Introduction to Sociology
This is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the field of sociology. In addition to learning about the central concepts and major theoretical sociological perspectives, students study human behavior in groups, the organization of social life, the impact of social institutions on individuals, and the process of sociological research. Great emphasis is also placed upon development of students sociological imagination specifically, the ability to understand the ways that our individual lives are shaped by larger social forces and institutions. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 122 and 122W or SOC 122*D SOC 122W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. SOC 122*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.
MTH 110 Statistics
Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015
NTR 110 Introduction to Nutrition Science
This course stresses the practical application of nutritional science throughout life. It discusses nutritional changes that occur during various life stages such as pregnancy, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Students explore the biological aspect of all major nutrients and relate them to chronic diseases. Basic chemistry principles are applied to major nutrient groups. Recommendations for adequate nutrient intake are presented and related to food consumption habits. This course evaluates nutritional supplement claims and discusses changes in athlete nutrient requirements in training and during competition. Note: Students who receive credit for BIO 125 may not receive credit for NTR 110.
BIO 123 Human Body in Health and Disease
This course is an inquiry into the mechanism of diseases that plague human beings. A systemic approach is taken in which all the major systems of the human body and the significant diseases that affect those systems are studied. Emphasis is on failures of homeostasis as the basic mechanisms of disease. Included are discussions on available treatments and therapies, the impact of new technological developments, and maintaining health and avoiding disease. The laboratory component contains both traditional and computer-generated exercises, which illustrate the onset and development of a variety of diseases and pathological states. Note: BIO 123 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 123L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 123L
BIO 130 Biological Principles I
This course deals with biological processes primarily at the molecular and cellular level, and develops the foundations of evolutionary and ecological concepts. There is a study of cell structure, and an examination of cellular composition and metabolic processes including enzyme activity, respiration, and photosynthesis. Principles of genetics are studied at the cellular and molecular level, with reference to current techniques in molecular biology. Evolutionary mechanisms are introduced and ecological concepts are presented as a unifying theme. Note: BIO 130 is the first course in the required two-semester introductory sequence in the Bioscience Curriculum Core. It is also approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 130L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 130L
BIO 166 Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology
This is a one semester integrated survey of human anatomy and physiology, covering the major physiological and morphological relationships of the human organ systems. The design of this course is appropriate preparation for Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory Technology, and certain other allied health professions, but it does not satisfy the requirements of the Nursing Curriculum. The major theme of the course is the integrative pathways and regulatory processes that maintain the homeostasis of the body. Note: BIO 166 does not satisfy the requirements of the Nursing Curriculum and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 170 or BIO 171. It is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as lower-level laboratory science elective within Liberal Arts. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 166L is a part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): High School biology with a lab or BIO 120 or 123 or 130; High School or College chemistry recommended. Corequisite(s): BIO 166L
SOC 228 Society and Health
This course examines the meanings and experiences of health and illness and the ways in which social factors like age, gender, class and ethnicity affect health. We explore the historical development of health professions, including alternative health professions. Significant time is also devoted to understanding the workings of the contemporary American healthcare system. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 228 and SOC 228*D SOC 228*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.
CHM 124 Principles of Chemistry
A one semester survey of general chemistry. Emphasis is placed on quantitative applications of chemical concepts. Topics include: measurement, matter and energy, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical stoichiometry, chemical equations, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, acids and bases, equilibrium and kinetics. This course will fulfill the requirement of certain science, health science, or pre-health programs that have an introductory chemistry course as a prerequisite. Note: the laboratory course CHM 124L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015
SPE 202 Interpersonal Communications
An Introduction to effective interpersonal communication skills covering areas such as effective and active listening, feedback techniques, the effects of self-concept and perception in daily communications, and non-verbal and cross-cultural communication. These skills will be developed through class lectures, group exercises, and individual activities and assignments. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101
SPE 330 Professional and Technical Speech
A course designed to prepare students to develop and deliver oral presentations in a professional, business, scientific, or technical context, stressing methods of presenting information specific to students disciplines. Students use audio-visual materials or technology to enhance their presentations. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102
HPW 101 Perspectives on Health and Wellness
This course examines major contemporary public/individual health issues as an applied social science. It incorporates theoretical as well as practical applications in the health/wellness field. Emphasis is placed on social/behavioral development enhancement strategies at various life stages. HPW 101 compares the public health status of groups by variables such as socioeconomic position, environment, lifestyle behaviors, and genetics. Various health behaviors are analyzed, evaluated, and compared to standards. Preventive nutrition behaviors are addressed to aid in controlling chronic social problems such as obesity and malnutrition. Additionally, this course discusses past/current government policy and politics in structuring the public health of the United States. Note: Students cannot get credit for HST 101 and HPW 101.
PSY 240 Health Psychology
Health Psychology is the study of psychological factors that affect health and illness. This course will apply a scientific and research perspective to the study of health promoting and health damaging behaviors. Using a biopsychosocial approach, behavioral patterns that result in cardiovascular disease, cancer, alcoholism, sexually transmitted diseases and other conditions will be explored. Course content will focus on stress and the immune system, stress management techniques, the health care system, risk taking, culture-bound syndromes, diversity issues, social support, and the role of the patient. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.
HPW 200 Lifespan Health and Wellness
This course considers public health topics from a life course perspective. It will review leading causes of death and other significant health and development topics across the lifespan and explore the individual, social, and environmental factors that determine health status. Students will learn to identify health inequities across the lifespan and, using the life course approach, explore the factors that lead to them. For the health topics discussed, students will learn about health interventions, including, but not limited to, education, policy and environmental changes, for childhood, adulthood, and the aged. Prerequisite(s): HPW 101
BUS 131 Marketing Principles
This course provides the student with a sound knowledge of the basic elements of the marketing process. Major topics include the features of consumer and organizational markets, market segmentation, and target market strategies. Product planning and development, brands, packaging and other product features are covered. Price determination and the use of various pricing strategies are discussed. The factors in the selection of channels of distribution and the features of wholesaling and retailing are considered. Elements of the promotional process such as sales, advertising, and sales promotion are included. Ethical and legal issues in marketing, marketing of services, global marketing, and marketing on the Internet are also covered.
ECO 156 Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)
This course is designed to introduce classic macroeconomic issues such as unemployment, inflation, national income and economic growth. The course will provide a unified framework to address these issues and to study the impact of different policies, such as monetary and fiscal policies, on the aggregate behavior of the economy. Analytical tools will be used to understand the experiences of the United States and other countries, and to address how current policy initiatives affect their macroeconomic performance.
SMT 225 Sport Marketing
An investigation into the decisions necessary to plan, develop, implement and control integrated sports marketing programs. Attention will be directed towards each major element of the marketing industry--advertising, promotion, public relations and sponsorships. The emphasis will be on the marketing of professional and collegiate athletes. Included will be the use of marketing for teams, leagues and special events. The course will also focus on negotiations, contracts and the role of the media. Prerequisite(s): SMT 110 with a grade of 'C' or higher
BIO 318 Medical Microbiology
This course focuses on the role of microbes as causative agents of disease in human hosts, including the morphological characteristics of pathogenic species, classification of communicable diseases, and epidemiological aspects. The course will emphasize common bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Both the laboratory and lecture will contain sections on the mode of action of antibiotics, sterilization, disinfection methods and contamination control. The course will elaborate on infectious agents (viral, prions, bacteria, fungi, and parasites) that cause disease. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 318, is part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): (BIO 130 and 131) or (BIO 171) or (BIO 270 or BIO 271) all with a grade of C- or higher Corequisite(s): BIO 318L
BIO 240 Bioethics
This course will cover ethical issues raised as a result of modern advances in biotechnology which directly affect the quality of human life. Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care: medical, moral, political, religious, legal and financial. It scrutinizes outmoded laws and deals with the enormous growth in available medical services. It takes into account our views of ourselves as members of a humane society. Note: This course is also offered as a writing intensive course at the discretion of the department. Students cannot get credit for BIO 240 and BIO 240W. Prerequisite(s): One course of college biology with a C- or higher; for the writing intensive version, EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher is also required.
HPW 245 Ethics in the Health Professions
Students will explore and discuss current issues and controversies in the health and wellness field. The focus will be on ethical issues raised as a result of social change and modern advances in biotechnology, which directly affect the quality of human life. Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care: medical, moral, political, religious, legal and financial. It scrutinizes outmoded laws and policies, as well as the enormous growth in available medical services. Bioethics also takes into account our values and views of ourselves as members of a humane society. A multiple-perspective approach of each topic will be emphasized, including interpreting and evaluating evidence supporting or refuting perspectives. Topics will include discussion of key sociocultural issues including: diversity, equity, and inclusion for underserved populations. Note: Students cannot get credit for both HPW 245 and BIO 240(W). Prerequisite(s): HPW 101 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the department.
HPW 225 Fitness Health & Coaching
In this course, students will learn the details of health coaching and be able to apply instruction techniques and theories directly to contemporary issues. Students will examine immediate and long-term physiological responses and adaptations to exercise. Specific detail will be paid to the role of health coaching and conflict management. Study of musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems will enhance the relationship between exercise and health. Core coaching values will address eating/physical activity habits to modify or control body weight. Students will explore specific aspects of training for sports performance and discuss various methodology for coaching and motivating individuals and athletes. Prerequisite(s): HPW 200
HPW 300 Evaluation of Health Promotion
This course involves the investigation of the social, epidemiological, behavioral, educational, and administrative factors related to planning health programs and the procedures and methods for health program evaluation. It introduces students to concepts required for development of successful health/wellness promotion programs for a variety of patient/client populations. Concepts such as the impact of socioeconomic status on health/wellness, cultural diversity as related to health/wellness, methods of creating change, and teaching strategies and theory, including teaching the adult learner, are covered. Students discuss current literature related to these topics and develop a promotion and wellness intervention project based on an area of their choice. Note: Students cannot get credit for HPW 300 and 300W; HPW 300W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): HPW 200
HPW 325 Mental Health Wellness
This course will explore mental illness from psychological, neurobiological, historical and cultural perspectives. Conditions to be examined include autism, schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, multiple personality disorder, eating disorders, attention deficit disorder, and Tourette syndrome. Students will consider the impact of racism, class, and gender on the construction of, explanations for, and interventions developed in mental illnesses. All syndromes will be viewed in the context of an increasing public health concern with mental health and mental illness. Attention will be paid to the neurobiological and psychiatric mechanisms associated with these disorders. Prerequisite(s): HPW 200 and Junior level status
NTR 305 Weight Management & Obesity
This course will examine the genetic and social determinants of a person's body weight and composition. Factors such as eating patterns, exercise amounts, and employment caloric expenditure will be explored. Lectures will separate fact from popular diet fiction. Students will examine weight loss and maintenance through evaluation and examination of current research data and compare and contrast fad diets and practices. Instruction is included on using epidemiology as a tool to understand and help prevent disease caused by excess weight in the United States population. Prerequisite(s): BIO 130 and Junior-Level status
NTR 365 Sports Nutrition
Course content will span basic physiology as it applies to nutrition and sport, nutrient utilization, body composition, and specific application of nutrition as well as dietary coaching for different sports in training/competition. This course will discuss optimal performance and endurance in various sports. Lectures will cover proper hydration, increased calorie and nutrient needs in athletics. The course also identifies appropriateness of supplements and ergogenic aids by understanding their methodologies with examination of scientific research validity. Prerequisite(s): NTR 110 or BIO 125 and Junior-Level status
HPW 330 Concepts in Public Health
This course is designed to introduce the basic tenets, applications, and foci of public health, including integrating public health with other health professions. It will provide a history of public health with an emphasis on the practical application of public health theories and principles in public health program delivery. It will integrate various interactive learning strategies to both individual and community health outcomes. Prerequisite(s): HPW 200 and Junior level status
HPW 400 Community Health
In this course students will learn the benefits of establishing health promotion programs in public and community settings. Students are provided the knowledge and tools required to assess community needs and the steps involved to plan and implement wellness/ fitness programs. Students integrate the various theories of behavior change in their planning assessments for the rural and suburban supporting communities. As part of the course, students will be assigned community service at select local sites and be required to present the experience to the class. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300
HPW 410 Seminar in Health Promotion
This course focuses on major issues in Health & Wellness and the role of the health promotion specialist. Students are provided a wide range of exposure to current controversies in Health and Wellness to aid in developing scientific thought, critical thinking and decision-making skills in order to provide safe, competent and compassionate care to individuals in multiple healthcare settings. Through the presentation of health related topics, this seminar provides a culminating experience for the Health Promotion & Wellness program. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300
HPW 420 Addictive Behaviors
This course expands on the counseling techniques for coaching healthy individuals learned in HPW 225. It combines mental health counseling models and techniques (from HPW 325) and applies them to various stages of addictive behaviors. It is an advancement of of intervention evidence-based counseling practices used to deal with the leading types of addiction in the United States. Prerequisite(s): HPW 325
SOC 303 Sociology of Work and Occupation
This course will focus on the various dimensions of work and the social experience of making a living in the United States and other societies - past, present and future. We consider the large-scale developments related to a rapidly changing global economy, and the implications of these changes for individual workers. Topics discussed include the impact of technological innovations, changing occupational roles and subcultures, the development of the professions and professional ethics, gender roles and work roles, unemployment and underemployment, and the relationship between work and family. Prerequisite(s): SOC 122 and EGL 102
HPW 425 Sport & Exercise Physiology
This course provides a theoretical basis for understanding the bodys physiological responses to exercise. Exercise and athletic physiology is an evaluation of the acute responses and chronic adaptations of the body to the stresses of exercise. Students will investigate how the support systems of the body function and how energy metabolism ensures that sufficient energy is provided to exercise. Students will apply exercise physiology principles to coaching, teaching, and other physical training practices. Students will observe measurable physiological responses to exercise through required laboratory exercises. Prerequisite(s): NTR 365 and Junior level status
HPW 430 Research Methods in Health Science
This course provides a thorough and comprehensive overview of the scientific research process utilized in social and health sciences. It provides training in the process of publishing peer reviewed research as well as practical experience on the complete development of a research project. Topics to be covered include the underlying theory of research, data management/analysis, and presentation to small and large media groups. Note: Students cannot get credit for HPW 430 and 430W; HPW 430W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300 and Junior level status
HPW 435 Health Care Administration
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the administration, organization and delivery of healthcare in the United States. It gives an overview of the business of health using technology, the economy, society and politics as driving forces of change. Students study the organizational structures, types of governance, and management issues of the American healthcare system. Further, current healthcare reform issues will be discussed. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300 and Junior level status
HPW 440 Holistic & Integrative Health
This course is an introduction to the concepts, theoretical basis, evidence-based analysis, challenges, and issues in integrative health and complementary and alternative medical practices. Integrative, alternative, and complementary medicine covers a broad range of health philosophies, approaches, and therapies involving the use of holistic or culturally-specific health services and practices in the treatment of illness and disease and embraces an expanded concept of health and illness. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300 and Junior level status
HPW 405 Exercise & Movement Science
This course provides a survey of scientific principles, methodologies, and research as applied to exercise and physical fitness. Emphasis is placed on physiological responses and adaptations to exercise. Topics include basic elements of kinesiology, biomechanics, motor learning, and the physical fitness industry. Laboratory sessions will identify major muscle groups and examine physiological response to exercise. Specific sport exercise requirements/demands will be examined for training and during the athletic event. The course HPW 405L is a part of the grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): HPW 225 with a grade of C- or higher and Junior level status Corequisite: HPW 405L
HPW 450 Health & Wellness Internship
The Health Promotion and Wellness internship course is a professional development orientated course that builds skills and abilities related to job-seeking, career, and field experiences. The focus is on the development of professional skills including portfolios, resumes, interviewing skills, and relevant certifications. The internship is individualized based on the career interests of the student and the specific needs of the organization. Internship proposals must be presented and approved by the department prior to registration for the course. Prerequisite(s): HPW 410, Junior level status and Approval of department chair.
HPW 470 Healthy America
This course provides students with current health information in areas such as psychosocial health, substance abuse, injuries, death, sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, fitness, nutrition, stress management and environmental issues. Environmental health is examined from a health practitioner perspective, with a focus on urban versus rural American living situations. This course also investigates solutions to American health inequities, with strategies for improvement at the local, state, and federal levels. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for HPW 470 and HPW 470*D HPW 470*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite(s): NTR 305 and Junior level status