
Science, Technology, & Society

Bachelor of Science Degree

The Science, Technology, & Society Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is a customizable interdisciplinary program that prepares students to confront complex issues and address emerging challenges which have arisen as a consequence of the interconnectedness of systems in the current era. Students in the Science, Technology, & Society program learn to apply methods of scientific thinking and integrative analysis to solve unstructured, real-world problems faced by individuals, organizations, industries, and societies in ways which cut across traditional boundaries of disciplinary thought.

Upon completing the degree, Science, Technology, & Society graduates will have obtained a broadly applicable set of high-value skills necessary to adapt and thrive in the ever changing workforce of the modern age. These skills are honed through upper-division courses in technical communication, data science, geographical information science, and organizational leadership. This STS skill-set is then applied in courses covering contemporary topics best addressed through a multi-perspective, interdisciplinary approach. Topics include the societal impact of technological change, environmental science, global affairs, and gender, race, and culture. The degree culminates in an applied learning capstone experience in which students can choose to enroll in a senior seminar or an internship relevant to their studies.

The Science, Technology, & Society curriculum is designed to develop within the students a problem solving skill-set defined by critical, integrative analysis. Such a skill-set will prepare students to engage head-on the challenges faced by future employers in the Long Island region and beyond. Further, the STS skill-set cultivates the intellectual agility required to succeed in the rapidly evolving professional landscape of the 21st century. By focusing on the interplay between science, technology, and social change, students graduate better equipped to anticipate emerging trends in the workforce and their impact on the future. The skills acquired in the Science, Technology, & Society program may be applied to a range of careers including those in the health professions, social welfare, science policy, and business.

Science, Technology, & Society (BS) Program Outcomes:

At the completion of any of the concentrations within the Science, Technology, & Society program:

  • Graduates will be able to synthesize solutions to 21st century problems on the local and global scale through the utilization of scientific thinking and interdisciplinary problem solving.
  • Graduates will be able to critically assess issues relevant to the modern workforce and identify internal and external drivers of change.
  • Graduates will demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate ideas of a technical nature and be able to appraise and anticipate their impact on society.
  • Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the methods by which data science and geographical information science can provide valuable insight when addressing modern problems

In addition to the above program outcomes, graduates completing the STS pre-health track will meet the prerequisite requirements to enter their intended health professional program.

Admission to 51勛圖 - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information

Science, Technology, & Society

Dr. Edmund Douglass
Memorial Hall, Room 116
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

College Requirement (1 credit)
FYE 101 First Year Experience* 1

Required for all students in STS Programs: Liberal Arts & Sciences (24 credits)
EGL 101Composition I: College Writing 3 3
EGL 102Composition II: Writing about Literature 3
Communication - Oral (GE) 3
The Arts (GE) 3
Humanities (GE) 3
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness (GE) 3
World Languages Level I & II (GE) 6

Required for: Standard Science, Technology, & Society Curriculum (49-50 credits)
Liberal Arts & Sciences Credits
Social Sciences (GE) 3
US History and Civic Engagement/World History and Global Awareness (GE) 3
Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (GE) (MTH 110 or higher) 3
Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning (GE) 4
Natural Science Elective w/Lab 3-4
Liberal Arts & Science Electives 21
Free Electives (Standard Science, Technology, & Society Curriculum) 12

Required for: Pre-Health Track Liberal Arts & Sciences (38 credits)
SOC 122Introduction to Sociology (GE) 3
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology (GE) 3
MTH 110Statistics (GE) 3
BIO 130Biological Principles I (GE) OR
BIO 170Anatomy & Physiology I (GE) 4
BIO 131Biological Principles II (GE) OR
BIO 171Anatomy & Physiology II (GE) 4
Liberal Arts & Sciences Pre-Health Electives (BIO 130, BIO 131, BIO 170, BIO 171, BIO 240, CHM 124, CHM 152, CHM 153, CHM 260, CHM 270, ECO 156, ECO 157, MTH 116, MTH 129, MTH 130, NTR 110, PHY 135, PHY 136, PSY 232, PSY 252, PSY 253, SOC 228, SPE 130) 21
Additional Pre-Health Credits (12 credits)
12 Credits from Elective Group: BIO 120, BIO 123, BIO 130, BIO 131, BIO 170, BIO 171, BIO 240, CHM 124, CHM 152, CHM 153, CHM 260, CHM 270, HPW 105, MTH 116, MTH 129, MTH 130, MTH 150, NTR 110, PHY 135, PHY 136, PSY 232, PSY 252, PSY 253, SOC 228, SPE 130 12
Required for all students in STS Programs:
STS Technical Requirements (9 credits)
BCS 160 Computer Society & Technology 3
STS 330 Scientific Thinking 3
STS 400WSTS Seminar OR
STS 401WI紳喧梗娶紳莽堯勳梯2 3
Required for all students in STS Programs:
STS Restricted Technical Electives (one course at the 300-level or above from each RTE category) (39 credits)
RTE Category 1: Technical & Scientific Communication 3
RTE Category 2: Data Science 3
RTE Category 3: Geographic Information Systems 3
RTE Category 4: Organizational Leadership 3
RTE Category 5: Impact of Technological Change 3
RTE Category 6: Energy, Environment, & Sustainability 3
RTE Category 7: Global Connections 3
RTE Category 8: Gender, Race, & Culture 3
Electives at the 300-level or above 15

2A grade of C or higher is required in the Capstone Course (STS 400W or 401W)

All graduates must have 30 credits in residency and a total of 15 credits of Upper Division (300-level or higher) courses in residency.

A full list of STS Restricted Technical Electives is available in the department. The list below is a sample of just some of the RTE's available to take:

Technical & Scientific Communication
EGL 303 Writing for the 21st Century
EGL 310 Technical Writing
PCM 315 Research Techniques
SPE 330 Professional and Tech. Speech
SPE 331 Advanced Oral Communications
STS 381 Science Communication

Data Science
BUS 345 Foundations of Business Analytics
PSY 324 Psychological Measurement & Assessment
PSY 348 Statistics for Psychologists
SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods
STS 350 Data & Society

Geographical Information Science
GEO 322 Cultural Geography
GEO 323 Urban Geography
GIS 301 GIScience
GIS 351 GIS and Public Health
GIS 352 GIS and Municipal Government

Organizational Leadership
BUS 311 Organizational Behavior
PSY 311W Organizational Behavior
PSY 331 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
SOC 303 Sociology of Work and Occupation

Impact of Technological Change
ECO 358 Economics of Labor
HIS 320 Europe Since the Industrial Revolution
HIS 342 History of Television
PHI 307 Philosophy of Science and Technology
POL 393 Politics and Popular Culture
STS 320 Tech & Humanity in Cinema
STS 391 Generative AI: Choices & Challenges

Energy, Environment, & Sustainability
BIO 355 Ecological Principles
ENV 302 Wind Technology
GEO 330 Environmental Interactions
POL 330 21st century Energy Policy
SOC 352 Environmental Sociology
STS 341 Sustainable Food Systems
STS 342 Food and Nutrition Policy in the U.S.

Global Connections
BUS 366 International Human Resources Management
ECO 340 International Trade
GEO 355 Geography of Tourism
HIS 315 Imperialism: A Modern History
HIS 341 Terrorism and the Modern World
POL 370 International Relations
POL 374 Politics of Africa
SOC 350 Global Social Change

Gender, Race, & Culture
EGL 309 Voices of Black America in Poetry, Prose, and Song
HIS 335 Gender and Technology from a Historical Perspective
MLG 300 International Cinema
MLG 313 Science, Literature, and Film in the Hispanic World
MLG 317 The Arab-American Experience
MLG 321 Chinese Culture and Civilization
POL 360 Women in Comparative Development
PSY 307 Psychology of Women
SOC 325 Social Inequality

Curriculum Summary

*FYE 101 First Year Experience is required for all first time full time students

Degree Type: BS
Total Required Credits: 121-123

Please refer to the General Education, Applied Learning, and Writing Intensive requirement sections of the College Catalog and consult with your advisor to ensure that graduation requirements are satisfied.

As a part of the SUNY General Education Framework, all first-time full time Freshman at 51勛圖 (FSC) beginning Fall 2023, are required to develop knowledge and skills in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ). Students will be able to fulfill this requirement at FSC by taking a specially designated DEISJ course that has been developed by faculty and approved by the DEISJ Review Board. DEISJ-approved courses may meet other General Education Knowledge and Skills areas and/or core competencies and thus be dually designated. DEISJ-approved courses may also earn other special designations such as those for Applied Learning or Writing Intensive.

FYE 101 First Year Experience

This course is designed to assist new students in acclimating, connecting, and adjusting to the college campus and experience. Through presentations, discussions and group work, students will become familiar with college resources and learn strategies for academic success. Students will also be introduced to the values and ethical principles of the College and encouraged to reflect on their role/responsibilities as college students. Topics include time management, study skills, stress management, goal setting, course and career planning, self-assessment and awareness, and the development of wellness strategies. Note: Students completing FYE 101 may not receive credit for FRX101, FYS 101, or RAM 101. Credits 1 (1.0)

MTH 110 Statistics

Basic concepts of probability and statistical inference. Included are the binominal, normal, and chi-square distributions. Practical applications are examined. Computer assignments using Minitab form an integral part of the course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

SOC 122 Introduction to Sociology

This is an introductory course designed to familiarize students with the field of sociology. In addition to learning about the central concepts and major theoretical sociological perspectives, students study human behavior in groups, the organization of social life, the impact of social institutions on individuals, and the process of sociological research. Great emphasis is also placed upon development of students sociological imagination specifically, the ability to understand the ways that our individual lives are shaped by larger social forces and institutions. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 122 and 122W or SOC 122*D SOC 122W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. SOC 122*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology

This course is designed to present basic psychological concepts and to introduce students to the scientific study of behavior. Core topics include methods of psychological research, the biological bases of behavior, principles of learning, memory and cognition, personality, and psychopathology. Other selected topics to be covered would include the following: motivation and emotion, life-span development, social psychology, health psychology, sensation and perception, intelligence, human sexuality, statistics, and altered states of consciousness.

BIO 130 Biological Principles I

This course deals with biological processes primarily at the molecular and cellular level, and develops the foundations of evolutionary and ecological concepts. There is a study of cell structure, and an examination of cellular composition and metabolic processes including enzyme activity, respiration, and photosynthesis. Principles of genetics are studied at the cellular and molecular level, with reference to current techniques in molecular biology. Evolutionary mechanisms are introduced and ecological concepts are presented as a unifying theme. Note: BIO 130 is the first course in the required two-semester introductory sequence in the Bioscience Curriculum Core. It is also approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 130L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 130L

BIO 170 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. This sequence is appropriate preparation for nursing and other allied health professions. Topics included in Anatomy and Physiology I are: basic anatomical and directional terminology, fundamental concepts and principles of cell biology, histology, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Students may not receive credit for both BIO 170 and BIO 270. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 170L is a part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): High School biology with a lab or BIO 120 or 123 or 130; High School or College chemistry recommended Corequisite(s): BIO 170L

BIO 131 Biological Principles II

This course deals with biological processes primarily at the organismal level, and examines the diversity of living things. The origins and adaptations of the Prokaryota, Protista, and Fungi are explored, with emphasis on their ecological roles, economic value, and medical significance. Plant life cycles are introduced, and plant structure, physiology, and utilization are studied. The evolution and adaptations of various animal phyla are presented, with a consideration of structure and function in each; organ systems are studied with emphasis on humans as representative vertebrates. Note: BIO 131 is the second course in the required two-semester introductory in the Bioscience Curriculum Core. It is also approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 131L is a part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): BIO 130 Corequisite(s): BIO 131L

BIO 171 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. This sequence is appropriate preparation for nursing and other allied health professions. Topics include Anatomy and Physiology II are: the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system and immunity, the respiratory system, the digestive system, metabolism, the urinary system, fluid/electrolyte and acid/base balance; and the reproductive systems. Note: students may not receive credit for both BIO 171 and BIO 271. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 171L is a part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): BIO 170 Corequisite(s): BIO 171L

BIO 240 Bioethics

This course will cover ethical issues raised as a result of modern advances in biotechnology which directly affect the quality of human life. Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care: medical, moral, political, religious, legal and financial. It scrutinizes outmoded laws and deals with the enormous growth in available medical services. It takes into account our views of ourselves as members of a humane society. Note: This course is also offered as a writing intensive course at the discretion of the department. Students cannot get credit for BIO 240 and BIO 240W. Prerequisite(s): One course of college biology with a C- or higher; for the writing intensive version, EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher is also required.

CHM 124 Principles of Chemistry

A one semester survey of general chemistry. Emphasis is placed on quantitative applications of chemical concepts. Topics include: measurement, matter and energy, atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical stoichiometry, chemical equations, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, acids and bases, equilibrium and kinetics. This course will fulfill the requirement of certain science, health science, or pre-health programs that have an introductory chemistry course as a prerequisite. Note: the laboratory course CHM 124L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

CHM 152 General Chemistry Principles I

The first part of a two semester sequence in General Chemistry Principles with laboratory. This course covers the qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific measurement, the nature of matter, gases, liquids and solids, energy, atomic theory, properties of elements, chemical bonding, molecular structure and properties, stoichiometry, thermochemistry and solutions. Note: the laboratory course CHM 152L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): MP3 or MTH 116 AND Regents Chemistry or an equivalent High School Chemistry with Laboratory or CHM 124

CHM 153 General Chemistry Principles II

A continuation of General Chemistry Principles I, which includes laboratory. Topics include: solutions and their colligative properties, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, ionic equilibrium, pH, buffers, titration curves, oxidation and reduction balancing, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, the covalent bond and the shape of molecules. Note: the laboratory course CHM 153L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): CHM 152

CHM 260 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry

A one semester course in organic chemistry designed to provide background in the fundamentals of nomenclature, mechanisms, structures, and synthesis of carbon based compounds. This course is designed for science and health science majors who desire a general rather than a detailed knowledge of the compounds of carbon. Topics to be covered include: structure and bonding, acid/base chemistry, isomerism, stereochemistry, and structure determination. Functional groups to be covered include: hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives and amines. Laboratory work will include common organic techniques and experiments supporting the principles covered in lecture. Note: The laboratory course CHM 260L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): CHM 153 Corequisite(s): CHM 260L

CHM 270 Organic Chemistry I

This course is a study of the compounds of carbon involving a thorough integration of observation and theory and emphasizing the relationships between structures, properties, mechanisms and reactions. This course, intended for science and pre-professional majors, covers topics such as bonding and structure, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, alcohols, and phenols. Note: the laboratory course CHM 270L is a part of your grade for this course. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. Approved eye-protection and a laboratory coat are required materials. A student must pass the laboratory course to receive a passing grade in the entire course. Prerequisite(s): CHM 153 Corequisite(s): CHM 270L

ECO 156 Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics)

This course is designed to introduce classic macroeconomic issues such as unemployment, inflation, national income and economic growth. The course will provide a unified framework to address these issues and to study the impact of different policies, such as monetary and fiscal policies, on the aggregate behavior of the economy. Analytical tools will be used to understand the experiences of the United States and other countries, and to address how current policy initiatives affect their macroeconomic performance.

ECO 157 Principles of Economics (Microeconomics)

This course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts and theory, including demand, supply, and the formation of equilibrium prices in product and resource markets. Students will learn a specific set of analytical tools as well as how to apply them to current policy issues. In addition, the course offers an introduction to applied fields such as industrial organization (market structures), labor economics, international trade, and market failure.

MTH 116 College Algebra

This course is designed to provide students with a firm foundation in symbolic manipulation and algebraic reasoning. Both manipulative skills and conceptual understanding of algebraic principles are stressed. Topics include equivalent expressions and equations, linear functions, properties of exponents and logarithms, quadratic equations, power functions, exponential functions. Upon completion of this course students will be prepared for precalculus as well as for quantitative courses in the natural and social sciences. Prerequisite(s): MP2 or MTH 015

MTH 130 Calculus I with Applications

This is a calculus course for those not majoring in Mathematics. Topics include the derivative, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative and the definite integral. Applications are taken from technology, science, and business. Problem solving is stressed. A graphing calculator is required. Note: Students completing this course will not receive credit for MTH 150. This course may be non-transferable to science programs, such as Engineering Science or Computer Science, at other institutions. Prerequisite(s): MP4 or MTH 117 or 129

NTR 110 Introduction to Nutrition Science

This course stresses the practical application of nutritional science throughout life. It discusses nutritional changes that occur during various life stages such as pregnancy, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Students explore the biological aspect of all major nutrients and relate them to chronic diseases. Basic chemistry principles are applied to major nutrient groups. Recommendations for adequate nutrient intake are presented and related to food consumption habits. This course evaluates nutritional supplement claims and discusses changes in athlete nutrient requirements in training and during competition. Note: Students who receive credit for BIO 125 may not receive credit for NTR 110.

PHY 135 College Physics I

An integrated theory/laboratory general college physics course without calculus. Topics will include fundamental concepts of units, vectors, equilibrium, velocity and acceleration in linear and rotational motion, force, energy, momentum, fluids at rest and in motion, and oscillatory motion. Laboratory problems, experiments and report writing associated with the topics studied in the theory are performed. Prerequisite(s): MTH 129 Corequisite(s): PHY 135L

PHY 136 College Physics II

A continuation of PHY 135. Topics will include heat, electricity, magnetism, light and optics. Prerequisite(s): PHY 135 Corequisite(s): PHY 136L

PSY 232 Child Development

In this course the student will explore human development from preconception through the end of childhood. Course material will include historical and modern concepts of attitudes towards children, theories and models of child development, research methods in the study of children, genetics, prenatal development and influence, pregnancy, and birth. Within each age range the emphasis will be on factors influencing the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of the child. Developmental disorders, both physical and psychological, will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

PSY 252 Adult Development

This course will deal primarily with the psychological correlates of development and transitions during adulthood. Specifically, the course will focus on such topics as what it means to be an adult, the meaning of marriage, the meaning of work, being a parent, divorce, the empty nest syndrome, mid-life crisis, retirement, and facing death. Biological and social factors will be taken into consideration, as will psychological theories and individual responses to stages and passages throughout adulthood. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

PSY 253 Life Span Development

This course provides a comprehensive overview of normal human development throughout the life span. It will apply a scientific and research perspective to understanding both age-related change and consistency. The course will examine physical, cognitive, social and emotional development at every stage of life, with an emphasis on continuity and discontinuity of development as we progress from one stage of life to the next. Additionally, students will learn about those theories and research methods which are most pertinent to the study of lifespan development. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

SOC 228 Society and Health

This course examines the meanings and experiences of health and illness and the ways in which social factors like age, gender, class and ethnicity affect health. We explore the historical development of health professions, including alternative health professions. Significant time is also devoted to understanding the workings of the contemporary American healthcare system. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 228 and SOC 228*D SOC 228*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

SPE 130 Public Speaking

This course prepares students in the following areas of effective expository and persuasive public speaking: audience analysis; topic selection; appropriate use and documentation of supporting material; organization and outlining techniques; aspects of delivery which include appropriate eye contact, posture, use of notes, elements of voice such as rate and volume, and the use of presentational visual aids. Group discussion and problem solving exercises will also be provided, and students will engage in peer feedback throughout the course.

BIO 120 General Biology

With a focus on building bridges between students lives and foundational topics in the field, General Biology is an introductory survey course of cellular and evolutionary biology. Students learn the biological underpinnings of topics like diets, cloning, stem cell research, genetic engineering, extinction, and climate change. Biodiversity is also emphasized through the study of evolution and the impacts our species has had on the world. Laboratory exercises provide hands-on examination of lecture topics, while emphasizing common research techniques. Note: BIO 120 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 120L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 120L

BIO 123 Human Body in Health and Disease

This course is an inquiry into the mechanism of diseases that plague human beings. A systemic approach is taken in which all the major systems of the human body and the significant diseases that affect those systems are studied. Emphasis is on failures of homeostasis as the basic mechanisms of disease. Included are discussions on available treatments and therapies, the impact of new technological developments, and maintaining health and avoiding disease. The laboratory component contains both traditional and computer-generated exercises, which illustrate the onset and development of a variety of diseases and pathological states. Note: BIO 123 is approved in the Natural Sciences General Education Competency Area and can serve as a lower-level laboratory science elective within the Liberal Arts. However it does not satisfy Bioscience Core requirements and cannot be used as a substitute for either BIO 130 or BIO 131. Note: The laboratory course, BIO 123L is a part of your grade for this course. Corequisite(s): BIO 123L

HPW 105 Medical Terminology

This course is the study of medical terminology. The focus is on prefixes, suffixes, word roots and their combining forms by an introduction to medical word building and the general structure of the body and its various body systems. Students will learn word construction, spelling, usage, comprehension, and phonetic 'sounds like' pronunciations as well as some common medical abbreviations. This course is just right for Health Studies students who are considering a career in dental hygiene, nursing, or medical technology.

MTH 129 Precalculus

In this course, the topics introduced in College Algebra course will be extended. The course will provide a comprehensive study of functions, which are the basis of calculus and other higher-level mathematics courses. The students will study the properties, graphs, and some applications of polynomial, rational, inverse, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for MTH 117. Prerequisite(s): MP3 or MTH 116

MTH 150 Calculus I

This is the first course of the calculus sequence. Topics include limits, continuity, differentiation of functions of one variable, anti-differentiation, introduction to Riemann sums and integration, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and applications of differentiation and integration. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for MTH 130. Prerequisite(s): MP4 or MTH 117 or 129

BCS 160 Computers, Society and Technology

This is an introductory course that provides students with the knowledge to stay current and informed in a technology-oriented, global society. Students will receive instruction in basic computer concepts and terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows operating system and have hands-on experience at the beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft Excel and Access. The Internet will be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials. Note: Students taking this course may not receive credit for BCS 102.

STS 330 Scientific Thinking

In this course students will be introduced to a method of problem solving characterized by critical thinking across multiple disciplines. Students will revisit the scientific method to learn how to employ its tenets to approach unstructured, real-world problems faced on the individual, local, and global levels. Students will be introduced to the concept of integrative thinking and how to draw on the multi-disciplinary nature of STS to substantively interact with complex issues. In the process, students will gain familiarity with the methods in which data science may be employed to approach problem solving. As the semester progresses, students will apply the skill set this course cultivates to analyze and evaluate problems as well as synthesize solutions. Prerequisite(s): Junior Status and one General Education Science course with a lab.

STS 400W Senior Seminar in Science, Technology, & Society (Writing Intensive)

The Senior Seminar in Science, Technology, & Society is a capstone course for those students intending to graduate from the Science, Technology, & Society (STS) program. Students will participate in a reading and writing-intensive seminar organized around a common theme in the sciences and technologies, exploring how social, political, and cultural values affect the production and dissemination of knowledge and the development and use of new technologies. Students in the seminar will be required to complete a substantial research project integrating what they have learned during their course of study and their specific areas of interest. Students should consult the department before registering for any seminar course. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite(s): Senior status in STS program and EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher.

STS 401W Internship in Science, Technology, & Society (Writing Intensive)

This course is designed for Science, Technology, & Society (STS) majors who wish to complete a semester-long (or equivalent) internship as part of their course of study. Students may choose an internship at a corporation or a civic, educational, governmental, or not-for- profit organization after consultation with and permission of the department chair. Any internship should support learning outcomes and/or career development in the sciences, technology, and/or society. Enrollment in this course is restricted to students with senior status in the STS Program. Students enrolled in an internship will meet periodically with their advisor and will be required to submit internship notes and both a draft and final report of the internship experience at the end of the semester. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite(s): Senior status in STS program and approval of Department Chair and EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher.

EGL 303 Writing for the 21st Century

Writing for the 21st Century explores the many modes of expression that are available to writers, speakers, and thinkers, including auditory, visual, gestural, and spatial acts of communication. A central goal of this course is to make deliberate use of these modes and design choices in relationship to specific purposes and audiences. To do so, students will critically analyze the ways these varied modes are employed, as well as produce texts that deploy these for specific contexts, audiences, and situations in order to effectively inform, persuade, and communicate. After completing this course, students should feel confident in their ability to transfer information using twenty-first century technology and possess skills that will assist in their future academic and professional lives. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102 and 200-Level or higher Writing Intensive Course with a grade of C or higher.

EGL 310 Technical Writing

A detailed study of the fundamentals of writing technical reports and other technical communications. Topics emphasized include the elements of a technical report, the interpretation of statistics and data, and the composition of letters, memos, and informal reports containing technical information. Assignments and student exercises are drawn from the student's technical area. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102 with a grade of C or higher

PCM 315 Research Techniques

In this course students are introduced to information science, bibliographic practices, and research methods appropriate to finding, evaluating, and incorporating into documents both online and hard copy data and graphics. Students complete several research projects. Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or permission of department chair.

SPE 330 Professional and Technical Speech

A course designed to prepare students to develop and deliver oral presentations in a professional, business, scientific, or technical context, stressing methods of presenting information specific to students disciplines. Students use audio-visual materials or technology to enhance their presentations. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

SPE 331 Advanced Oral Communications

This course is designed to develop effective and professional communication in the areas of communication theory, advanced presentation skills, and voice and diction. A major component of the course provides students with a personalized voice and diction diagnostic profile which informs each student of specific speech characteristics they present that deviate from Standard Eastern Dialect. Particular attention is given to New York Regional Dialect and foreign accent reduction. The course also introduces various theoretical systems of communication. There is a strong focus on the development and effective application of presentational skills in both public and group/team environments with an emphasis on professional settings. All aspects of the course contain written components which include student readings and reports as well as comprehensive speech outlines. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

STS 381 Special Topics in Technical & Scientific Communication

This course offers instruction in special topics in Science, Technology, & Society pertaining to Technical & Scientific Communication. Students will explore, analyze, and evaluate special interdisciplinary topics in Technical & Scientific Communication further developing their Science, Technology, & Society critical/scientific thinking skill set. The prerequisite can be taken as a prerequisite or a corequisite. Prerequisite(s): STS 330

BUS 345 Foundations of Business Analytics

This course introduces the primary business analytics concepts and tools. The course presents an overview of basic statistics, data mining, data visualization, optimization, and decision analysis. The course incorporates the use of Excel spreadsheet modeling capabilities in order to prepare students to model and solve real world problems. Prerequisite(s): BUS 240 or MTH 110 with a grade of C or higher

PSY 324 Psychological Measurement and Assessment

An analysis of the theory and practice of psychological measurement and assessment including the implications of psychological measurement in society and institutions such as schools, the workplace, clinical populations and other groups with special needs. Topics will include overview and history of the field, foundations of psychological testing and psychometrics, the assessment of ability, the assessment of personality, the assessment of interest and vocational choice, and ethical /social/cultural issues of psychological assessment. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

PSY 348 Statistics for Psychology

This course will examine the basic descriptive and inferential statistics used in the behavioral and social sciences. Topics will include the organization of data, measures of central tendency and variability, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing, and various parametric and nonparametric tests of significance including t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-square analysis. In the computer lab component, students will focus on the interconnections between theory, statistical techniques, and research methods in order to identify the appropriate statistical tests to analyze data and reach objective conclusions regarding research questions in the social sciences. Computer lab sessions will also provide practice in using statistical software for data summarization, presentation, and analysis. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101, MTH 110 and Junior level status

SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods

In this course, we develop an understanding of the different types of research methods used by sociologists (and other social scientists) to study the social world. The class begins with a discussion of the fundamental concepts of social science research and the ethical issues involved. Students will learn how to conduct basic qualitative and quantitative research - the ability to formulate research questions, methods of research design, strategies for collecting information and data, as well as the ability to analyze and present statistical data. Great emphasis is placed on students doing research projects in and outside of class. Prerequisite(s): Any 200 Level Sociology course.

STS 350 Data and Society

Vast amounts of data exist online which chronicle aspects of our modern society in great detail. Careful analysis of these data sets can uncover useful information which may allow individuals, organizations, and governments to make better decisions as they prepare for the future. In addition to the benefits that come with more information, there is a growing risk of these data being misused in critical situations, either deliberately or as a result of poor training. This course introduces students to the skills necessary to extract meaningful and useful information from this data, the caveats associated with data mishandling and misuse, and the role that big data and online algorithms are playing in shaping society. Tenets of the scientific method will be applied to probe questions of a social, political, and economic nature through the analysis of publicly available online datasets. Students will learn hypothesis testing to be able to make statistically sound conclusions from their data analysis projects. Data acquisition, basic statistical techniques, data visualization, and methods for logical interpretation of results will be taught. The course will primarily use Microsoft Excel for data handling and analysis. STS 330 can be taken as a prerequisite or a corequisite. Prerequisite(s): STS 330, MTH 110, and BCS 160

GEO 322 Cultural Geography

This course takes a critical approach to the study of human-environment interactions, focusing on how various cultural products and norms (as well as differences across cultures) shape our views about each other and the world around us. Students will be introduced to the comparatively new sub-discipline of cultural geography and interrogate the cultural turn in the field of geography. Students will engage the complex relationship between the self and the other, addressing the topics of power, economy, race, religion, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, and nationalism. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for GEO 322 and GEO 322*D GEO 322*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course

GEO 323 Urban Geography

This course will trace the historical development of the city from its humble beginnings to its current form and beyond. We will explore the impact of environmental, economic, demographic, sociological, cultural, technological and political forces on the development of the worlds urban centers. This course will also explore the effects that urbanization and urbanism has on the lives of the worlds citizens and how cities are shaping the future of mankind. In addition to a theoretical treatment of the city, we will also take an in-depth look at the worlds great metropolises. By focusing on representative urban centers in different world regions, students will gain insight into the commonalities and differences of cities around the globe. Class discussions will be supported by lectures on the development of urban centers in the United States. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS, POL, or GEO course

GIS 301 GIScience

This course will cover fundamentals of geographic information science (GIScience), the application of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to scientific inquiry involving geospatial data. GIScience intersects with fields as diverse as epidemiology, urban studies, environmental science, criminal justice, public policy, business management, marketing, data science, etc. This course offers hands-on application of techniques for the capture, storage, processing, analysis, and communication of geospatial data Prerequisite(s): EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher and (any 200 level or higher GEO course, or MTH 110) all with a grade of C or higher and Junior Level Status.

GIS 351 GIS and Public Health

This course covers the uses of geographic information systems (GIS) in public health. Possible topics include access to health services, the spatial clustering of health events, analysis of environmental hazards, the effective visualization and communication of information derived from geospatial data, and the evidence-based formulation of public policy based on the analysis of geospatial data. Skills developed in this class can enhance existing professional capabilities, and provide a stronger foundation for research performed during graduate study. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 with a grade of C or higher and Junior-Level status

GIS 352 GIS and Municipal Government

This course covers the uses of geographic information systems (GIS) in municipal government. Topics covered include the acquisition of municipal geospatial data from diverse sources, the processing of structured and unstructured data into usable GIS formats, basic analysis of geospatial data to answer frequently-asked questions, and the publication of effective visualizations of geospatial data. Students will develop fundamental skills used by GIS technicians working for municipal government, and those skills can be used to enhance existing professional capabilities, or provide a foundation for deeper study of GIS technology. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 with a grade of C or higher and Junior-Level status

BUS 311 Organizational Behavior

This upper-division course presents the concepts of organizational behavior and structure as well as topics relating to motivation content and process theories; group communication and dynamics; decision making; causes and resolutions of organizational conflicts; and factors pertaining to influence, power, and politics in organizations. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for PSY 311. Prerequisite(s): BUS 109, or PSY 101 or permission of department chair.

PSY 331 Industrial / Organizational Psychology

Students will explore how the science and practice of psychology is applied in the world of work and organizations. Among the topics that will be examined are the history and research methodology of industrial/organizational psychology, job analysis, employee selection, performance evaluation, training, work motivation, job satisfaction, leadership, group dynamics, and organizational development. The course will highlight emerging trends in the modern workforce and examine how these changes will impact research and practice in today's organizations. Students will examine the factors influencing cross-cultural diversity and globalization, the theoretical and practical implications of these workforce trends, and how current organizational theories and practices apply to cultures outside of the United States. Implications for the full range of topics discussed in the course will be examined including how cultural diversity and globalization affect employee selection procedures, group dynamics, preferences for leadership, training needs, work motivation, and organizational development. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101.

SOC 303 Sociology of Work and Occupation

This course will focus on the various dimensions of work and the social experience of making a living in the United States and other societies - past, present and future. We consider the large-scale developments related to a rapidly changing global economy, and the implications of these changes for individual workers. Topics discussed include the impact of technological innovations, changing occupational roles and subcultures, the development of the professions and professional ethics, gender roles and work roles, unemployment and underemployment, and the relationship between work and family. Prerequisite(s): SOC 122 and EGL 102

ECO 358 Economics of Labor

Economics of Labor explores how individuals enhance their economic well-being through their work behavior and examines the role of labor markets in explaining disparities of wealth. Topics include the static labor market and its internal structure, the composition of the labor force, the nature of a job search, the life cycle human capital model, determination and classification of wages and wage structure, the American labor movement and the role of labor unions. Prerequisite(s): ECO 156 or ECO 157

HIS 320 Europe Since the Industrial Revolution

This course examines European history from the period of the Industrial Revolution to the present. Special focus will be placed on how scientific and technological developments impacted politics, society, and culture in Europe and the West more generally. The histories of individual European nation-states will be discussed, as well as major revolutions, periods of intense social change, and the two world wars. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course.

HIS 342 The History of Television

Despite the recent emergence of new communication technologies, television arguably remains the most powerful and important form of communication today--a medium that influences and shapes our views of ourselves and our outlooks on the world. Television helps to bind us together through shared cultural distortions of our social experiences and relations and yet divides us over its short- and- long-term effects, both national and global. This course explores American culture during the post World War II period through an analysis of the history of television from its origins in radio to its future in digital media. It examines television's role in both reflecting and constituting American society through a variety of analytical approaches. The course topics include the structure, economics and dynamics of the television industry, the role of television within American democracy, the variety of television genres, television as a site of gender and racial identity formation, television's role in everyday life, and the medium's technological and social impacts. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS or POL course.

PHI 307 Philosophy of Science and Technology

A philosophical overview of developments in science and technology, showing their impact on general culture. Some highlights include the early separation of religion and philosophy, the role of mathematics in culture, the beginnings of modern science in the works of Galileo, Descartes, Leibniz and Newton, and contemporary revolutions in science and technology. Prerequisite(s): One semester of science and EGL 102 with a grade of C or higher

POL 393 Politics and Popular Culture

This course examines the influence of popular culture on political identity within the United States and across the globe. The relationship between the U.S. entertainment industry and the political system will be explored, while the second half of the course will focus on the impact of global popular culture on international relations. Various forms of pop culture will be addressed, including but not limited to: film, television, music, video games, novels, comics, political cartoons, jokes, blogging, fads, and fashion. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for POL 393 and POL 393*D POL 393*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

STS 320 Technology and Humanity in Cinema

This course examines the issues surrounding cinemas portrayals of the impact that scientific and technological progress have upon humanity. Through critical analysis of assigned screenings and readings, students will explore the ways in which film articulates the shifting conception of what it means to be human in a world increasingly defined by our relationship with technology. Prerequisite(s): Junior Status in STS program.

STS 391 Special Topics in Impact of Technological Change

This course offers instruction in special topics in Science, Technology, & Society pertaining to the Impact of Technological Change. Students will explore, analyze, and evaluate special interdisciplinary topics related to the Impact of Technological Change further developing their Science, Technology, & Society critical/scientific thinking skill set. The prerequisite can be taken as a prerequisite or a corequisite. Prerequisite(s): STS 330

BIO 355 Ecological Topics: The Structure and Function of Nature

This course introduces students to basic ecological concepts as they relate to the biotic and abiotic environment. It stresses the diversity of life and the impact that man, other organisms and environment have on each other. Laboratory exercises and field work will investigate the effects organisms have on each other as well as the effects of environmental conditions on growth and development. Students will also characterize the nature of selected site(s) in terms of species diversity using plot sampling techniques. Seminar type discussions require individuals or small groups to explore environmental issues. Topics for these discussions will be submitted to the instructor for appropriateness and approval. Students will be required to research and prepare a paper as well as make a presentation to the class. The class will be given the opportunity to question each speaker following that individual's presentation. Note: the laboratory course, BIO 355L is a part of your grade for this course. Prerequisite(s): BIO 131 or BIO 192 or BIO 198 with a grade of C- or higher and Junior Status. Corequisite(s): BIO 355L

ENV 302 Wind Energy

This course provides an overview of sustainable systems of wind renewable energy. Topics include the assessment of wind resources, wind site assessments, identifying and evaluating factors affecting wind energy development, the basic principles of wind turbines, and the environmental impact of assessment processes for wind developments. Prerequisite(s): MTH 110 or higher

GEO 330 Environmental Interactions

This course explores important environmental issues in sustainability facing society today. Topics to focus around understanding the changing spatial relationships between people and their environments, the causes and consequences of environmental degradation, strategies for building a more sustainable world, and the methods and approaches that scholars have used to understand human-environment interactions. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-Level Social Science Course

POL 330 21st Century Energy Policy

In this course, students will examine pivotal questions of U.S. and global energy policy. Topics covered will include the development of alternatives and emerging technologies, energy efficiency, government intervention in markets, and the future role of conventional sources. While the focus is on the electricity sector, the roles played by food production and transportation will be considered as well. Students will also evaluate the role of localities and states, paying particular attention to how they are responding to changes in federal policy. Prerequisite(s): Any 200 level or higher social science Course with a grade of C or higher

SOC 352 Environmental Sociology

Environmental Sociology examines the changing relationship between social systems and the environment, and explores how environmental issues come to be defined as social problems. This course examines multiple perspectives within the field--including risk, political economy, consumer studies and social movements-- to understand the range of explanations for environmental degradation and improvement. The first part of the course is dedicated to introducing students to key theoretical perspectives, research methods and historical and contemporary cases in environmental sociology. In the second part, we look at competing explanations for why a meaningful response to environmental problems, such as resource depletion, environmental injustice, and climate change, have failed to materialize and what transformative change might look like. Prerequisite(s): SOC 122 and EGL 102 both with a grade of C or higher

STS 341 Sustainable Food Systems: Food Literacy

This course is a survey of food systems through historic, geo-political, and socio-economic lenses. A food system is the amalgamation of influencers from five categories: resources, production, processing and distribution, preparation and consumption, and resource recovery/disposal. The course addresses those influencers that are economically viable, socially just, and environmentally sustainable; a food systems so-called triple-bottom-line. As food literacy is a trending global imperative, the course will address issues surrounding the shaping of food systems on the local, regional, national, and international level. We will discuss what works and what doesnt within a given system, which stakeholders benefit and which are neglected, and how each movement; organic, local food, fair trade and others, impact these systems. Prerequisite(s): Junior Status

STS 342 Food and Nutrition Policy in the U.S.

This course explores the intersection of food systems, food security, and the American diet. Topics of focus include roles of government agencies, NGOs, business and private sector stakeholders, media outlets, and sustainable food system advocates as they navigate federal food and nutrition programs, the US Farm Bill, and dietary guidelines. Emphasis will be placed on intended and unintended consequences of food and nutrition policies and how they may benefit certain groups at the expense of others. Specific attention will be paid to how these policies impact the development, adoption, and practice of sustainable agriculture in local food systems. The role of interest groups whose influence helps shape these policies will also be examined. STS 330 can be taken either as a prerequisite or corequisite. Prerequisite(s): STS 330

BUS 366 International Human Resource Management

This course examines the strategies, policies, and practices used in the management of an international work force. Students will learn how global corporations engage in the international aspects of traditional human resource management functions such as staffing, recruitment, development, compensation, performance management, and labor relations. Additional topics specific to having a globalized work force will also be covered, such as global diversity, challenges and stresses facing international assignees, and expatriate management. Prerequisite(s): BUS 280

ECO 340 International Trade

First of a two semester offering to provide a comprehensive exposition of the theory and principles of international trade, the importance of international trade in interdependent economics, and a knowledge of international trade institutions and how they relate to U.S. commercial policy. The material will employ an analytical as well as historical and institutional approach. Prerequisite(s): ECO 156 or ECO 157

GEO 355 Geography of Tourism

Approaching leisure travel from a spatial perspective, this course examines the complex interplay between geography and tourism in a global world. Beginning with the history of tourism, the content critically assesses the power structures of holidaymaking, the effects of the tourism encounter, and how the travel-based experiences shape our individual and collective perceptions of the world around us. The impact of tourism on economics, society, culture, and politics will be explored alongside its effects on the environment at the local, national, and planetary scales. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher History, Politics or Geography course

HIS 315 Imperialism: A Modern History

The rise and fall of empires is fundamental to world history. Beginning with the First Opium War and concluding with East Timors independence from Portugal, this course explores how Europes maritime empires (Britain, France, Spain, Netherlands, etc.) and continental imperial states (Russia, Austria, and Turkey) acquired, maintained, and ultimately lost their vast colonial possessions in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Using cross-disciplinary approaches, the connections between imperialism and commercial, technological, and industrial advancement will be explored through analysis of various forms of imperialism, including political, economic, and cultural, as well as its discourses and practices. Related issues such as power, hegemony, capitalism, consumerism, and decolonization will also be examined. The course content may focus on a particular area of the globe (e.g., East Asia, the Middle East, or Latin America) or a particular theme associated with imperialism (e.g., gender, migration, identity, etc.). Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course

HIS 341 Terrorism and the Modern World

This course traces the global impact of terror and terrorism since the first use of the term in 1795. Much of the course focuses on the use of political violence by non-state actors and revolutionary organizations operating both at a domestic and international level. We will compare and contrast the various "waves" of terror which have gripped the globe since the late 1800s and analyze the similarities and differences between groups such as the IRA, the Ku Klux Klan, and al Qaeda. We will also explore state-based terror, specifically the use of fear, surveillance, and the secret police by various regimes in the 19th and 20th centuries. The role of media as an enabler of terrorism and terrorists will also be an important theme throughout the semester. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS/POL/GEO course or Junior Status

POL 370 International Relations

This course examines how the international political system was established and how it has changed since the Peace of Westphalia. Focusing on the role of states, complemented by a thorough analysis of non-state actors, students will investigate how the global system works and how the process of globalization is remaking the political and economic world. The art and purpose of diplomacy will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

POL 374 Politics in Africa

This course addresses modern African politics, including, but not limited to the colonial background and its consequences, ethnicity, the military, ideology, dependency, democracy and political stability. While a thematic approach to African politics is stressed in the course, an underlying current in the course will be the tensions that exist between opposing forces in African politics. Some of these influences include foreign and indigenous influences, anarchy and order, democracy and authoritarianism, socialism and capitalism, political decay, and development. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level course in Social Science

SOC 350 Global Social Change

This course examines global social change from a sociological perspective. Specifically, the course focuses on the process of globalization, particularly on the challenges international development poses for developing nations. Specific topics may include global income inequality, global poverty, anti-globalization activism, transnational corporations (e.g. Walmart), and the rise of supranational organizations (e.g. World Trade Organization). Prerequisite(s): SOC 122 and EGL 102.

EGL 309 Voices of Black America in Poetry, Prose and Song

A study of the oral and literary tradition of African Americans in poetry, prose and song. This course provides both a historical examination of the written and oral tradition of African Americans in its own right and as a lens through which American culture can be viewed. The course will explore the developing aesthetic concerns of this tradition in different historical periods as, for example, the question of dialect before, during and after the Harlem Renaissance and the later Black Arts movement up through contemporary rap. Students will also consider how many texts by African Americans combine literary and musical forms, particularly spirituals, blues, jazz, hip hop and rap. Critical readings and research project required. Students who have completed EGL 224 may not receive credit for this course. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102 with a grade of C or higher

HIS 335 Gender and Technology in Historical Perspectives

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the connections between gender roles and technology from comparative and historical perspectives. Studying the past in this way sheds light on key global issues today. How does technology shape feminine and masculine identities in the developed world? What happens to preconceived notions of gender relations and gender identities when the developed world and developing world come into contact? This course focuses on the interaction between technology and gender in the age of globalization and is intended to be interdisciplinary and may begin with a dash of sociology or anthropology, dissecting gender roles in our world today. It will also examine the historical connections between gender roles and technology specifically in the United States. At the discretion of the instructor, topics to investigate may include the function of gender and technology in European exploration, European imperialism, and U.S. expansion. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course.

MLG 300 International Cinema

Selected international films will be viewed, analyzed, and discussed in terms of their historical, social, political, and economic context as well as for their aesthetic value. Readings, lectures, and class discussions are organized to teach coherency in reading filmic works. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

MLG 313 Science, Literature, and Film in the Hispanic World

This course takes an integrated vision of reality in which the sciences and technologies, together with the humanities, take active part in the sociocultural system. This course synthesizes two supposedly antagonistic systems: the humanities and the sciences, and creates a communication between humanists and scientists. The course traces how the Hispanic world represented scientific activities in history and examines the interplay between sciences and humanities through Hispanic literature and film. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

MLG 317 The Arab-American Experience

This course will examine the assimilation of Arab immigrants within the United States and their unique contribution in creating a rich multicultural society. The course will allow students to learn about the Arab-American community through history, literature and sociology by using creative media tools such as art, music, films and documentaries. In addition, the course will examine political and social stereotypes of Arab-Americans as portrayed in current events. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

MLG 321 Chinese Culture and Civilization

This course covers the development of Chinese civilization from Neolithic times to the present. It examines both the evolution and the continuities of this ancient culture, including aspects of philosophy, religion and ritual, social life, literature, and art. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

POL 360 Women in Comparative Development

This course examines the relationship between women and development, including controversies surrounding the gendered impact of development strategies. It explores issues such as womens health, education, employment, and population planning in the developing world. The course will analyze how womens rights, leadership, and political participation are restricted or hindered by various societal and governmental structures. The course will consider a wide range of issues and human rights violations against women and examine how such inequalities affect the political and developmental progress of a country. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-Level or higher social science course.

PSY 307 Psychology of Women

This course is about being female in American culture. The purpose of the course is to examine the lives of girls and women from a feminist psychological perspective. It addresses the biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors influencing womens behavior, thoughts, and feelings. The course is woman-affirming as it will examine and validate womens experiences and perspectives. The course will highlight how race, class, and sexual orientation intersect with gender to affect womens lives. Topics will include: behavioral and psychological gender differences and their origins; concepts of femininity and gender stereotypes; pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood; women, achievement and work; violence against women; women and mental health (disparity in diagnosis and treatment); and feminist psychology. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 or PSY 131

SOC 325 Social Inequality

This course examines the nature, causes, and consequences of social stratification. We explore the different theoretical perspectives on inequality, global inequalities, the extent of inequality in America, and the issues of status and mobility. In addition to examining the different class cultures in the United States, we investigate the profound effects of education, class, gender, and race on individual life chances (i.e. the ability to achieve power, wealth, status, etc.). NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for SOC 325 and SOC 325*D SOC 325*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement. Prerequisite(s): Any 200 level Sociology course.