
Cannabis Production and Management Certificate

The Certificate Program in Cannabis Production and Management prepares graduates for emerging new careers in the legalized cannabis industry. With the 2021 passage of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, New York joins other states with an expanded market for legalized cannabis and cannabis-related products. There is a growing need for skilled technicians and specialists who can enter this exciting field as growers, budtenders, dispensary staff, product managers, and marketing/sales associates. Offered as an online program, the Certificate in Cannabis Production and Management requires students to complete 24 credit hours which includes three courses in cannabis science and production, three courses in the business of legalized cannabis, one course that explores the economics of the cannabis market, and one course that addresses medicinal and health-related issues to legalized cannabis. 

Typical Employment Outcomes:

  • Dispensary manager
  • Retail budtender
  • Crop cultivation technician
  • Marketing assistant
  • Business manager
  • Sales representative
  • Wellness guide

Certificate Program Outcomes: 

  • Manage/assist the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal, recreational, and industrial use.
  • Market cannabis products and manage their sale through dispensaries and other outlets.
  • Understand and communicate legal, economic, and health-related cannabis considerations.

*Gainful Employment Mandatory Disclosure Statement

Admission to 51³Ô¹Ï - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

URBAN HORTICULTURE AND DESIGN | Dr. Jonathan Lehrer | business@farmingdale.edu | 934-420-2711

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

HOR 107 The Plant Science of Cannabis 3
BUS 112 Legal Environment of Business in the Cannabis Industry 3
BUS 134 Cannabis Management and Marketing 3
HOR 134 The Production of Cannabis I 3
BUS 222 Accounting for Cannabis Managers 3
HOR 230 The Production of Cannabis II 3
HPW 230 Health and Cannabis Usage 3
ECO 306 Cannabis Economics 3

Curriculum Summary

Total Required Credits: 24

HOR 107 The Plant Science of Cannabis

Successful cultivation of Cannabis requires an understanding of the fundamental plant science principles that govern the growth of all plants. This course offers an overview of plant structure, growth processes, cultural factors, and propagation. Students will acquire the tools necessary to begin a program of Cannabis production. Cannabis is utilized as the model plant throughout all phases of instruction.

BUS 112 Legal Environment in the Cannabis Industry

This course provides an introduction to the legal and regulatory environment of business in the cannabis industry. This course will explore the origins of the cannabis industry beginning with the first state to legalize medical marijuana as well as the proliferation of state law in the area of recreational marijuana. Students will explore the doctrine of federal pre-emption and evaluate ethical issues facing businesses in the cannabis industry. Students will be able .to observe and examine the impact of the current legal environment in the cannabis industry on other areas of law such as contract law, bankruptcy law, and securities law.

BUS 134 Cannabis Management and Marketing

This course provides the students who want to work in an existing cannabis business, or who want to start their own businesses with a sound knowledge of the basic elements of the management and marketing processes for different types of cannabis businesses. Major topics include the features of the overview and history of the cannabis market, analyzing the immediate and macro environments of cannabis businesses, various structures and designs of cannabis businesses, management processes, organizational cultures, innovation, and change, leadership, motivation, and communication in management businesses, ethics and social responsibility of cannabis businesses, product and branding in cannabis businesses, distribution, pricing, and promotion of cannabis products, behaviors of cannabis consumers, segmentation, targeting, and positioning of cannabis markets, sales and customer service in cannabis businesses, and business planning techniques and creating a business plan.

HOR 134 The Production of Cannabis I

Prospective Cannabis growers are presented with many options when selecting a production system appropriate for their conditions and needs. This course offers a comprehensive overview of the many alternatives available and the benefits of each. Students will learn how to manipulate the environment to better control the growth and development of Cannabis. Both indoor and outdoor production systems will be explored.

BUS 222 Accounting and Finance for Cannabis Managers

This course will cover the following topics: regulations -of GAAP on cannabis companies; SEC and FASB; State system; taxation laws 280E; 471 and COGS; systems design and chart of accounts; tracking records and inventory; costs and deductions; accrual versus cash basis systems; assets; liabilities and equity; journals and ledgers; payroll accounting; financial reporting and financial statements; forming a cannabis company; filing form 8300; licenses. By the end of this course, students should be able to define financial statements for cannabis companies, recognize how to make decisions at managerial level in a growing industry, differentiate the COGS and other costs, define deductions, prepare tax return for their business.

HPW 230 Health and Cannabis Usage

This course addresses the selection and implementation of strength, power, speed, agility, endurance, and hypertrophy training methods with an emphasis on periodization programs. Components of the course include discussion of physiological principles and strength assessment as they relate to resistance exercise training. The course introduces students to the principles of strength and conditioning and partially fulfills the strength and conditioning course requirement for students wishing to sit for the American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiologist and other fitness professional certifications.

ECO 306 Cannabis Eco:Mkts and Policy

This course provides students with a systematic introduction to economic concepts and issues as they relate to the cannabis industry. Students will investigate the microeconomic and macroeconomic forces influencing the decisions of buyers and sellers in cannabis markets throughout the supply chain from grower to consumer, and students will evaluate cannabis policy along the dimensions of efficiency, equality, and other criteria. Prerequisite(s): ECO 156 or ECO 157 or enrollment status in Cannabis production and management certificate program