
Asian Studies Minor

The Asian Studies Minor is designed for students who wish to deepen their knowledge of East Asia, with particular focus on China, Japan, and Korea. The minor offers students of all majors an opportunity to explore Asia from the interdisciplinary perspectives of history, politics, geography, society, literature, culture, art, landscape design, film, science, economics, and business as well as language. Students are encouraged to study abroad in Asia.

The Asian Studies Minor consists of 15 credits (five 3-credit courses). Students are required to take three Asia-focused courses and two-Asia component courses chosen with the approval of the programs coordinator.  While language study is not required for this minor, students interested in learning Chinese language can take CHI 151 and CHI 152.  (Note: only one 100-level course will count toward the minor). Courses taken abroad or in an Asia-focused internship will be considered by the coordinator to determine appropriateness for the minor.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will gain knowledge of Asia from a Historical and Political Perspective
  • Students will acquire an interdisciplinary appreciation of the importance of East Asia and its role and contributions to the global society - past and/or present.
  • Students will develop intercultural competencies that will prepare them for travel, business, or study in East Asia

About Academic Minors

51勛圖 students are invited to enhance their studies with an "Academic Minor." A minor is a cluster of thematically related courses drawn from one or more departments. In addition to department based minors (e.g. computer programming & info systems), interdisciplinary minors are also available (e.g. legal studies).

Academic minors are approved by the College-Wide Curriculum Committee and the Provost. Students must make application for an academic minor through the department offering the minor in conjunction with the Registrar's Office Specific course work must be determined in consultation with a faculty member in the department offering the minor. A statement of successful completion of the academic minor will appear on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.

  • A minor is considered to be an optional supplement to a student's major program of study.
  • Completion of a minor is not a graduation requirement and is subject to the availability of the courses selected. However, if the requirements for a minor are not completed prior to certification of graduation in the major, it will be assumed that the minor has been dropped. Consequently, the student will only be certified for graduation in their primary major.
  • Only students in 4 year baccalaureate programs can apply for a minor.
  • A minor should consist of 15 to 21 credits.
  • At least 12 credits must be in courses at the 200 level or higher.
  • At least 9 credits must be residency credits.
  • Specific requirements for each minor are determined by the department granting the minor. 
  • Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in their minor.  Some minors may require a higher GPA.
  • Students are prohibited from declaring a minor in the same discipline as their major (e.g. one cannot combine an applied math minor with an applied math major). Academic minors may not apply to all curricula.
  • Students are permitted to double-count courses.
  • Students are only permitted to take more than one minor with appropriate written approval of their department chair or curriculum Dean.

Admission to 51勛圖 - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.

Contact Information

History, Politics and Geography

Dr. Jeffery S. Gaab
Memorial Hall , Room 230
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Fall 2024

Subject to revision

The three required Asia-focused courses may be selected from the following options:
CHI 151 Chinese I 3
CHI 152 Chinese II 3
HIS 213 Peoples and Cultures of Asia 3
HIS 214 East Asia and the World 3
HIS 216 History of Central Asia: From Genghis to Borat 3
HIS 311 China Since 1840 3
HIS 343 Cinema and The City 3
POL 373 Politics in Asia and the Pacific Rim 3
MLG 321 Chinese Culture and Civilization 3
The two Asia-component courses may be selected from the following options:
ART 201 Survey of Art History: Prehistoric Times Through Middle Ages 3
BUS 280 International Business 3
BUS 320 International Marketing 3
BUS 322 International Management 3
BUS 366 International Resource Management 3
BUS 494 & BUS 494W Global Strategy 3
ECO 340 International Trade 3
EGL 206 World Literature: Early Classics 3
GEO 211 The World and Its Peoples 3
HIS 233 Comparative Religions and Cultures 3
HIS 315 Imperialism 3
HOR 350 The Art History of Garden Design and Landscape Architecture 3
MLG 300 International Cinema 3
MLG 325 Visions of the East in Hispanic Civilization 3
POL 262 Global Politics 3
POL 265 Comparative Politics 3
POL 370 International Relations 3
POL 371 Geopolitics 3
POL 392 Religion and Politics 3
RAM 303 Research Experience 3

Curriculum Summary

Total Required Credits: 15

1. Some sections of the Special Topics courses listed below have a thematic focus on East Asia.  If students request, the Minor Coordinator will approve those Asia-themed sections as counting toward the minor: ECO 390 (Special Topics in Economics), GEO 290 (Topics in Geography), GEO 390 (Special Topics in Geography), HIS 219 (Topics in History), HIS 319 (Special Topics in History), POL 395 (Special Topics in Politics), and STS 400W (Senior Seminar in Science, Technology, and Society)
2. Some sections of the Special Topics courses listed below have a thematic focus on East Asia.  If students request, the Minor Coordinator will approve those Asia-themed sections as counting toward the minor: ECO 390 (Special Topics in Economics), GEO 290 (Topics in Geography), GEO 390 (Special Topics in Geography), HIS 219 (Topics in History), HIS 319 (Special Topics in History), POL 395 (Special Topics in Politics), and STS 400W (Senior Seminar in Science, Technology, and Society)

CHI 151 Chinese I

A beginning course in Chinese emphasizing the gradual development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative competence and cultural awareness.

CHI 152 Chinese II

A continuation of Chinese 151. This course emphasizes the gradual development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing with stress on communicative and cultural awareness. Prerequisite(s): CHI 151 or 2-3 years of high school Chinese.

HIS 213 Peoples and Cultures of Asia

A study of the peoples, cultures, religions, customs and philosophies of India, China, Japan, and southeast Asia, and discussion of the social and political effects of Mongol, Muslim, and Occidental contacts with the Orient.

HIS 214 East Asia and the World

This course examines modern East Asian history and culture as well as the multifaceted interactions between the region and the world in the global age. Focusing on the historical transformation of China, Japan, and Korea since 1200, this course investigates different aspects of political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual revolution and transformation. The main topics include the following: cultural encounters between the East and West, imperialism (within the region and imposed from abroad), modernity and political transformations, Japanese territorial aggression and the Pacific War, postwar societal and economic change, the growth of the metropolis, Asian diasporas, and the unique qualities of East Asian modernities. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101

HIS 311 China Since 1840

This course is a survey of the major political, social, intellectual, and cultural developments in China from the First Opium War to the present. Using primary texts (historical documents) and other scholarly resources, this course investigates different aspects of Chinas various revolutions (political, social, cultural, and intellectual). The main topics include the encounter between East and West, the transition from an empire to a nation-state, the New Culture Movement, as well as the making of a new vernacular language, the growth of the metropolis, and the various facets of Chinese modernity. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course

HIS 343 Cinema and the City in East Asia

This is an interdisciplinary, seminar-style course that focuses on the history, culture, society, and everyday life in major urban centers in East Asia as depicted in film. This course draws on movies set in major cities, including Tokyo, Kyoto, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Seoul. This course will address such topics as metropolis and modernity, women and gender, war and trauma, love and family relationships, modern and contemporary media, urban and rural contrasts, as well as perceptions of time, identity, and globalization. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course

POL 373 Politics in Asia and the Pacific Rim

This course is a comparative evaluation of governments and international politics in the Asia-Pacific region, paying particular attention to the rise of China and the new geopolitics of the Pacific Rim. Regional rivalries, economic reform, and foreign policy will figure prominently in the course. Transnational cooperation and integration through organizations such as APEC, ASEAN, and ANZUS will be considered. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

MLG 321 Chinese Culture and Civilization

This course covers the development of Chinese civilization from Neolithic times to the present. It examines both the evolution and the continuities of this ancient culture, including aspects of philosophy, religion and ritual, social life, literature, and art. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

ART 201 Survey of Art History: Prehistoric Times through The Middle Ages

A survey of the history of the visual arts from their beginnings in prehistoric times to the end of the Middle Ages. Works of art are studied both as monuments of intrinsic aesthetic value and as expressions of the needs, ideals, and aspirations of the societies in which they were created. Note: Students cannot get credit for ART 201 and ART 201W; ART 201W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101

BUS 280 International Business

This course examines the international integration of socio-cultural, political, and economic aspects of business. It explores the impact of globalization on countries, organizations, and individuals. The course will also discuss key issues in ethics, corporate social responsibility, and technology in the global context. Students will develop a broad understanding of the global marketplace and learn how the global environment affects business functions and performance.

BUS 320 International Marketing

As the interconnectedness of the global economy grows, marketing managers are faced with an imperative to understand and face the challenges posed by the international marketplace, including the challenge of selling goods and services in markets abroad. This course focuses on marketing management within international settings and will cover topics and issues such as international market selection, adaptation of products, international promotion and pricing strategies, and differences in distribution channels, all within the context of national differences in culture, consumer behavior, levels of development, and political, legal, and economic systems. Prerequisite(s): BUS 131 and BUS 280

BUS 322 International Management

This course will examine the critical issues and practices of international management. Emphasis will be placed on the multicultural workforce and worldwide developments. Topics will include planning, political risk, organizing, decision-making, and controlling as pertaining to international management and operations. Students will study human resource/personnel issues concerning selection and repatriation, communication skills, and labor relations in a global context. Ethics and social responsibility as well as future trends of international management will be explored. The course will include student assignments and case studies examining the issues affecting small businesses expanding operations into foreign markets. Prerequisite(s): BUS 109, BUS 280

BUS 366 International Human Resource Management

This course examines the strategies, policies, and practices used in the management of an international work force. Students will learn how global corporations engage in the international aspects of traditional human resource management functions such as staffing, recruitment, development, compensation, performance management, and labor relations. Additional topics specific to having a globalized work force will also be covered, such as global diversity, challenges and stresses facing international assignees, and expatriate management. Prerequisite(s): BUS 280

BUS 494 Global Strategy

This capstone course for global business management majors will cover a wide range of current issues in strategy and policy and integrates concepts from across the core global business courses. Students will be required to synthesize and apply these methods and concepts to case studies and case write-ups. The course will culminate with students developing and completing a research project and presentation based upon their personal interest in global/international business. Note: Students cannot get credit for BUS 494 and BUS 494W; BUS 494W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): BUS 280, 320, 322, and 409

ECO 340 International Trade

First of a two semester offering to provide a comprehensive exposition of the theory and principles of international trade, the importance of international trade in interdependent economics, and a knowledge of international trade institutions and how they relate to U.S. commercial policy. The material will employ an analytical as well as historical and institutional approach. Prerequisite(s): ECO 156 or ECO 157

EGL 206 World Literature: Early Classics

An introduction to Western and non-Western literature from earliest times through the seventeenth century. Included are works from ancient Greece and Rome, Medieval and Renaissance Europe, the Middle East, Africa, China, and India. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102 with a grade of C or higher

GEO 211 The World and Its Peoples

This course is an exploration of the rich diversity of cultures and societies of the contemporary world, as well as an introduction to world geography and how it has shaped major developments in global history. Critical readings of recent ethnography will be used to examine themes such as ethnicity and migration, rural life and traditionalism, and family and kinship. Students will also be familiarized with the growth of cities, demographic changes, the development of a leisure culture, and attitudes towards work as we survey the major world regions (Southern Asia, the Pacific Rim, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Americas, Europe, and Oceania). Furthermore, we will examine the interaction between humans and their physical environment, interrogate the role of language on national identity among peoples, and trace the evolution of world religions. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for GEO 211 and GEO 211*D GEO 211*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

HIS 233 Comparative Religions and Cultures

A survey of religions of the East and the region of the Mediterranean, with discussion of their impact on the lives of individuals, and on cultures and other societies through the interrelationship of value systems. NOTE: Students cannot earn credit for HIS 233 and HIS 233*D HIS 233*D can be used to fulfill the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice requirement.

HIS 315 Imperialism: A Modern History

The rise and fall of empires is fundamental to world history. Beginning with the First Opium War and concluding with East Timors independence from Portugal, this course explores how Europes maritime empires (Britain, France, Spain, Netherlands, etc.) and continental imperial states (Russia, Austria, and Turkey) acquired, maintained, and ultimately lost their vast colonial possessions in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Using cross-disciplinary approaches, the connections between imperialism and commercial, technological, and industrial advancement will be explored through analysis of various forms of imperialism, including political, economic, and cultural, as well as its discourses and practices. Related issues such as power, hegemony, capitalism, consumerism, and decolonization will also be examined. The course content may focus on a particular area of the globe (e.g., East Asia, the Middle East, or Latin America) or a particular theme associated with imperialism (e.g., gender, migration, identity, etc.). Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS course

HOR 350 The Art History of Garden Design and Landscape Architecture

Gardens and cultivated landscapes are works of art whose development offers a historical snapshot of the societies and historical movements that shaped them. Studying the evolution of gardens, landscapes and urban spaces in Europe, Asia and North America allows us to interpret the history, art and cultures of these regions. This historical survey charts the designed landscape from pre-history to the present with an emphasis on the historical perspective, analytical skills and specialized vocabulary necessary to understand and describe gardens, landscapes and the artistic movements they reflect. Note: Students cannot get credit for HOR 350 and 350W; HOR 350W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Note: Offered at the discretion of the Ornamental Horticulture Department Prerequisite(s): EGL 101 with a grade of C or higher

MLG 300 International Cinema

Selected international films will be viewed, analyzed, and discussed in terms of their historical, social, political, and economic context as well as for their aesthetic value. Readings, lectures, and class discussions are organized to teach coherency in reading filmic works. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

MLG 325 Visions of the East in Hispanic Civilization

This course will study images and themes related to the East (the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia) that are developed in Hispanic civilization. Guided by Edward Said's influential work on "Orientalism", this course studies representations of the East through Spanish and Latin American cultures and artistic forms. Students are expected to memorize and identify facts and basic concepts, describe and explain the representations of the East in Hispanic civilization, apply their knowledge and interpret the visions of the East, analyze and compare different perspectives in Hispanic cultural forms, evaluate Hispanic Orientalism through analytical and critical thinking, and create and compose original and essays on Hispanic Orientalism. Prerequisite(s): EGL 102

POL 262 Global Politics

An introduction to global politics which explores regional issues in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the America etc., as well as genuinely transnational concerns such as pandemics, international terrorism, environmental degradation, etc. Prerequisite(s): Any 100-level or higher HIS or POL course.

POL 265 Comparative Politics

This course examines a broad range of governmental systems utilizing the comparative methods of analysis. In addition to analysis of selected political systems in the developed world (e.g., Great Britain, the United States, and the Russian Federation), students will also explore the governmental structures of at least one country in the developing world (India, Brazil, the People's Republic of China, etc.). Students will also compare plural democracies, monarchies, dictatorships, and neo-authoritarian forms of government, emphasizing policy-making and contemporary problems facing the state in era of globalization, such as the purported victory of neo-liberalism, the threat of terrorism, and the importance of satellite television and the Internet in shaping politics.

POL 370 International Relations

This course examines how the international political system was established and how it has changed since the Peace of Westphalia. Focusing on the role of states, complemented by a thorough analysis of non-state actors, students will investigate how the global system works and how the process of globalization is remaking the political and economic world. The art and purpose of diplomacy will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

POL 371 Geopolitics

This course examines the strategic, political, and cultural developments and concepts associated with geopolitics from late 19th century through the current era. Combining knowledge of international relations and world geography, students will examine how states and nations interact in an increasingly globalized world. Special topics will include the geopolitics of space, technology, energy, religion, and the environment. Popular media's impact on geopolitics understanding will also be explored. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

POL 392 Religion and Politics

This course examines the complicated and often fractious relationship between religion and politics. Following a brief introduction to the world's major religions, we will explore how politics and faith interact around the globe. Following a geographic approach, we will focus first on the United States before investigating the politics of religion in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region. The themes of theocracy, sectarian conflict, fundamentalism, Islamism, secularism, and so-called "religious terrorism" will be investigated. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level or higher HIS, POL or GEO course.

RAM 303 Research Experience

This hands-on research experience with a faculty mentor is the culminating experience for students enrolled in the Research Aligned Mentorship (RAM) program. Students will be placed in research experiences on the Farmingdale Campus or off-campus in major universities, research laboratories, businesses, industry, government, horticultural gardens, and other settings that fit their academic interests and career goals.