Management Information Systems Minor
The Management Information Systems minor is available for students who wish to develop a deeper understanding and practical skill sets in information systems. Students selecting this Management Information Systems minor will take 18 credit hours of coding and computer applications courses.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Students will gain skills in programming, develop algorithms using top-down stepwise refinement including competencies in arrays, pointers, strings, classes, data abstraction, inheritance, composition and overloading.
- Students will have hands on experience with excel spreadsheets, access databases and SQL (Structured Query Language).
- Students will understand practical skill in MIS regarding the strategic role of information systems and the organizational, managerial and industrial changes driving e-business, globalization and the emerging digital firm.
- Students analyze the main function of the systems analyst, determine project feasibility and manage design activities.
- Students create and use data flow diagrams, explain how a database management system works and describe, plan, and document system requirements. They conduct project planning, scheduling, monitoring, and reporting.
About Academic Minors
51³Ô¹Ï students are invited to enhance their studies with an "Academic Minor." A minor is a cluster of thematically related courses drawn from one or more departments. In addition to department based minors (e.g. computer programming & info systems), interdisciplinary minors are also available (e.g. legal studies).
Academic minors are approved by the College-Wide Curriculum Committee and the Provost. Students must make application for an academic minor through the department offering the minor in conjunction with the Registrar's Office Specific course work must be determined in consultation with a faculty member in the department offering the minor. A statement of successful completion of the academic minor will appear on the student's transcript at the time of graduation.
- A minor is considered to be an optional supplement to a student's major program of study.
- Completion of a minor is not a graduation requirement and is subject to the availability of the courses selected. However, if the requirements for a minor are not completed prior to certification of graduation in the major, it will be assumed that the minor has been dropped. Consequently, the student will only be certified for graduation in their primary major.
- Only students in 4 year baccalaureate programs can apply for a minor.
- A minor should consist of 15 to 21 credits.
- At least 12 credits must be in courses at the 200 level or higher.
- At least 9 credits must be residency credits.
- Specific requirements for each minor are determined by the department granting the minor.
- Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in their minor. Some minors may require a higher GPA.
- Students are prohibited from declaring a minor in the same discipline as their major (e.g. one cannot combine an applied math minor with an applied math major). Academic minors may not apply to all curricula.
- Students are permitted to double-count courses.
- Students are only permitted to take more than one minor with appropriate written approval of their department chair or curriculum Dean.
Admission to 51³Ô¹Ï - State University of New York is based on the qualifications of the applicant without regard to age, sex, marital or military status, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation.
Contact Information
Computer Programming and Information Systems
David S. Gerstl
Whitman Hall, Room 112
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
CSC 111 Computer Programming I
This is an introductory programming course. Students will be taught basic concepts of computer programming and problem solving using an object-oriented language. Selection, repetition, methods, classes, and arrays will be covered. Note: CSC 101 is recommended as a prerequisite, but not required for this course. Note: Students completing this course may not receive credit for BCS 120.
BCS 160 Computers, Society and Technology
This is an introductory course that provides students with the knowledge to stay current and informed in a technology-oriented, global society. Students will receive instruction in basic computer concepts and terminology, the fundamentals of the Windows operating system and have hands-on experience at the beginning to intermediate level using Microsoft Excel and Access. The Internet will be used to supplement textbook and lecture materials. Note: Students taking this course may not receive credit for BCS 102.
BCS 260 Introduction to Database Systems
This course provides the fundamental knowledge of database concepts. Topics studied will include the history and advantages of database systems, and the process of database design including entity-relationship diagrams and database normalization. Students will have hands-on experience using SQL (Structured Query Language). Prerequisite(s): (BCS 120 or CSC 111) and BCS 160 all with a grade of C or higher
BCS 300 Management Information Systems
Managers have increasing responsibility for determining their information system needs and for designing and implementing information systems that support these needs. Management information systems integrate, for purposes of information requirements, the accounting, finance, and operations management functions of an organization. This course will examine the various levels and types of software and information systems required by an organization to integrate these functions. Prerequisite(s): BUS 109, BCS 109, BUS 111, or BCS 160