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Title IX at FSC

Title IX and other federal, state, and local laws collectively prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ+ identity. These laws impose legal requirements and protections that serve as a foundation from which 51勛圖 (FSC) has created policies, practices, services, and programs that work in concert to advance equity for students, staff, and faculty of all identities.

Why Title IX May Matter to You

  • You are seeking information about how to support a colleague, student, or friend who has experienced sex and/or gender-based violence or harassment. 
  • You have experienced violence, harassment, or discrimination and want to learn about available support resources and/or reporting options.
  • You are an employee who wants to understand your reporting obligations

The Title IX Coordinator provides leadership and collaboration across campus, working collectively with faculty, staff, and students to advance gender equity. This work is done through a system of initiatives, programs, and services that are focused on achieving equity and parity, as well as both preventing and responding to sex and gender-based discrimination, harassment and violence. 

Title IX Coordinator Responsibilities

  • Work in partnership with FSC communities, units, and programs to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Provide leadership to advance FSC's Title IX mission, vision, and strategic priorities
  • Provide information and assistance to individuals who wish to raise a complaint or have concerns or questions regarding Title IX
  • Consult and collaborate with a broad network of partners, offices, and programs who in turn provide support, resources, and outreach on Title IX and gender equity matters and initiative
  • Assist College entities responsible for responding to and investigating Title IX complaints, including coordinating the response to each complaint
  • Facilitate campus-wide Title IX related education and prevention
  • Monitor and coordinate compliance with federal, state, and local laws, resolution agreements, and regulatory guidance related to Title IX and other laws that address sex and gender discrimination
  • Identify and coordinate responses to patterns or systemic issues relating to sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, or other Title IX and gender equity concerns 

FSC carries out the objectives of Title IX through a coordinated system of initiatives, programs, and services that collectively protect educational access, advance gender equity, and prevent and respond to sex and gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment. Title IX applies to - and protects - students, staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and visitors.

The College strives to be a leader and model within higher education for achieving gender equity and providing and maintaining a respectful learning and working environment free from sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender discrimination. 

Guiding Values

  • Survivor Choice
    Providing options and support resources to those who experience sex and gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment. 
  • Community Responsibility
    Working to prevent harm to members of the FSC community and appropriately respond when harm occurs.
  • Equity
    Ensuring equitable access to academic and workplace activities, providing support resources to all members of the FSC community, and using equitable procedures and due process for both/all parties during investigations and adjudications.
  • Moving Beyond Compliance
    Title IX and related laws provide a foundation from which we can build services, programs, and systems that collectively move us beyond compliance towards prevention, inclusion, and equity. Focusing solely on what the law requires is not sufficient, and we are committed to moving beyond compliance. 

Section 106.45(b) of the 2020 Final Title IX Rules require the sharing of All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. A recipient must make these training materials publicly available on its website, or if the recipient does not maintain a website the recipient must make these materials available upon request for inspection by members of the public. Training is provided by the

This applies to all College programs and activities including, but not limited to, academic and athletic programs, financial aid and student records and accounts, health and counseling services, and housing and residence life programs.

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination against students, employees, or third parties. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence.

In compliance with statutory reporting obligations, FSC annually publishes a comprehensive Campus Security and Fire Safety Report that details relevant campus safety statistics - including Title IX information.

FSC also publishes a Sexual Violence Prevalence (SVP) Campus Climate Survey. Administered to both students and employees during the Spring 2023 term, the survey gauges community knowledge of institutional policies, resources, and reporting methods related to Title IX and its covered behaviors.

Kathleen Flynn
Meet Kathleen Flynn

Your Title IX Coordinator

In her role as the Title IX Coordinator, Kathleen is a supportive resource for students in need and prides herself on being a non-judgmental problem solver. Responsible for coordinating, implementing, overseeing, and ensuring Title IX compliance, she is the College' primary resource on the scope and requirements of the 50-year old federal statue.

Title IX Events

There are no upcoming Title IX events at this time. Check back soon for upcoming events.

dean of students

Dewey Hall, Room 118
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:30pm


Dewey Hall, Room 115
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:30pm