Campus Resources
Headings reflect the page's organization. Top Header is level 1. Sub headers follow level 2 as are all the other structural headings.
Sub Header 2
You can have multiple headers 2 as long as they're followed by a header 1. Sub sub headers should follow a header 3, and so on.
Do not use "Click Here" for links. Use action words instead as illustrated below:
- Register for Event
- View More Information
- Download Flyer (PDF). Documents such as PDFs must open on a new window.
Don't list the whole link on the page, for example Instead, use something like '.' External links must open on a new window.
Images must have a proper image description and a title that complements the description.
EMERGE: Office of First Year and Transfer Year Experience
Building, Room
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm