
Hands holding Narcan spray, needle being placed into sharps container, prescription medications in bottles

Shed the Meds!

On National Drug Take Back Day, Shed the Meds once again with Farmingdale's ADAPT Coalition!

The next Drug Take Back Day is taking place on Saturday, October 29, 2022.  This event will once again be co-hosted with Farmingdale United Methodist Church in Farmingdale Village, in partnership with the Nassau County Second Precinct Police Department and Community Action for Social Justice (CASJ).  

Bring any unused, unneeded, or expired medication, as well as sharps/needles for collection, then stick around to browse the tables of local agencies and programs, get some goodies, get trained to administer Narcan or compression-only CPR, and bring home some Deterra bags for safe at-home medication disposal.


Instructions for collection of medications:

Keep all medications in their original containers.

Use a permanent marker or pen to mark out identifying personal information (name, address); DO NOT cross out the medication information.

Bring:  Prescription (controlled and non-controlled) and over-the-counter medications, liquid medications, ointments, patches, creams, and pet medications.

Do Not Bring:  Illegal drugs or cannabis products, electronic nicotine pens or cartridges, medications contained in metal, aerosol cans, mercury thermometers, personal care products, or household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, oil, gas).


Instructions for collection of sharps/needles:

Ensure all sharps/needles are in an appropriate, safe storage container.  The FDA recommends that used needles and other sharps be immediately placed in FDA-cleared sharps disposal containers.  If an FDA-cleared container is not available, some organizations and community guidelines recommend using a heavy-duty plastic household container as an alternative.  

All sharps disposal containers should be:

  • made of a heavy-duty plastic;
  • able to close with a tight-fitting, puncture-resistant lid, without sharps being able to come out;
  • upright and stable during use;
  • leak-resistant; and
  • properly labeled to warn of hazardous waste inside the container.

For more information on proper sharps storage and disposal visit


Also available at the event:

FREE Narcan training offered on-site with Narcan nasal spray kits included.
FREE compression-only CPR training offered on-site.
FREE Deterra at-home medication disposal bags available.
FREE resources from local community agencies and programs.
FREE goodie bags with information and giveaways.

October 29, 2022
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Thank you to all of our attendees, we look forward to seeing you at future events.

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