Khadeeja Maqsood, 23, entered her senior year eager to explore career options shed never considered before, thanks to her spring internship with the New York State Assembly. The experience sparked new interests and opened the door to new career opportunities.  

Maqsood, of Levittown, is an Applied Economics major pursuing a minor in Business Management. Last year, Professor Mary Clifford of the Business Department recommended that she apply for a semester-long internship with the New York State Assembly in Albany. Maqsood applied, never expecting to be selected, but was chosen. She spent several months with Rep. Taylor Darling, who represents the 18th Assembly District, collecting information for Darling, taking notes on proposed bills, interviewing lobbyists on her behalf, and learning about the workings of state government.

While the internship is open to students from all disciplines, Maqsood is only the second Applied Economics major Clifford can recall applying. She spoke about her interest in learning more about state government operations, and she was excited by the prospect of living and working in Albany to gain this experience, said Clifford, who oversees the program. I knew that she would be able to succeed in the internship because of her attention to detail, her ability to manage multiple tasks, and both her interpersonal skills and knowledge.    

Working in politics can be fun and exciting, Maqsood noted. I felt like my heart was in it when I met her (Darlings) constituents and saw what she does for them.

What I learned and the people I met will stay with me, she continued. I met some amazing people. Now I have a political background.

Clifford added that she was confident that Maqsood would excel in her internship. She is intelligent, articulate, works well in a group setting, and is highly capable of successfully completing assignments independently. 

After a semester away, Maqsood was especially excited to return to campus in the fall. Just to see everyone is amazingyou cant beat the in-person experience. 

FSCs wide variety of majors and close proximity to her home made it a good college for her, Maqsood said. There was a lot to choose from. She selected Applied Economics because it was one of her favorite subjects in high school. It was a big interest; it just clicked for me.

Despite the disruptions from the pandemic during her college years, Maqsood loved her experience at Farmingdale.  The professors were so accommodating during COVID-19, and I met an amazing group of people here. The professors were great when we were working online. It was truly difficult for everyone and they did their best. 

Maqsood called the professors the best part of FSC. I would recommend Farmingdale just for the professors. They provide great insight. Their (expertise) speaks for itself. They possess a wide range of information and they are so smart. 

In considering what to do after graduation, Maqsood has been investigating accounting. But thanks to applied learning opportunities, her political experience has given her more to think about and discuss with FSC professors. Her future looks bright in any direction.