
Aerial photograph of campus.

Access Control and Lock Shop

The Locksmith is responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing all of the mechanical security hardware across the Farmingdale campus and issuing the keys that access this hardware to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Need a Key

Key Request Information

Need A Key?

The Lock Shop services all of the following items on campus:

  • Doors
  • Locks
  • Keys
  • Hardware

Our duty is to ensure the security and safety of all areas on the campus that are accessed through the items mentioned above. The Lock Shop is also in charge of campus installation, repair and maintenance.

Please see below for the Key Request Form.

Key Lock Policy

Policy Information

What is a Key and Lock Control Policy?

The purpose of a Key Control Policy is to keep all items, including keys accounted for, and it ensures property and people are safe and secure. The goal of this policy is to give your organization control over access to spaces and assets.

Please see the link below if you have any other questions regarding this policy.



Access Control and Lock Shop
Service Building, Room 108



Jonathan Barbieri
Manager of Access Control and Lockshop


Kenneth Knutsen
Trades Specialist (Locksmith)


David Avadanei
Trades Specialist (Locksmith)