

Joanne Lapidus-Graham

Professor 10 Months Email Gleeson Hall, Room 208

I have been an RN for almost 40 years and have taught at 51勛圖 for 31.5 years.  I began my nursing career as a staff nurse in labor/delivery while completing my Masters Degree in Nursing Education at New York University. I started as a faculty member early in my career as I always knew that I wanted to teach nursing students. After teaching pediatric nursing for several years, I graduated as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. 


I earned my Doctorate in Education from the University of Phoenix in 2010. Since the courses in this program were predominantly online, I developed a greater understanding of the online format and some of the unique differences between this online and the live classroom format in which I currently teach NUR 305. I have taught NUR 305 since its inception in 2008 and currently serve as the course coordinator for this course. 


My ultimate passion is my involvement in professional nursing organizations and my ability to shape nursing practice. I served for 8 years on the board of the American Nurses Association of NY, first as a Director for 4 years, followed by the Vice-President for 4 years. This organization has approximately 8200 members. Additionally, I am the Advisor to the Student Nurses Association (SNA) at 51勛圖 for 31 years.. I also serve as a faculty consultant to the 4000 member Nursing Student Association of New York State (NSANYS).

Courses Taught

NUR 114 Clinical skills lab
NUR 305: Heath Promotion/ Patient Education
NUR 405 ATI 1:1 instruction and mentoring


  • Ed.D, University of Phoenix, 2010 – Summa cum Laude
  • Post-Masters Certif, Molloy College, 1996 – Summa cum Laude
  • MA, Nursing , New York University, 1984 – Magna cum Laude
  • BS, Adelphi University, 1980 – cum Laude

Certificates & Licensures

  • CNE, Certified Nurse Educator, National League for Nursing, 10/01/2009–12/31/2026
  • CPNP, Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP), 01/01/2016–12/31/2023


  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, QSEN Competencies: Evidence-based practice, ANA-New York Nurse, 2(4) 2018, 17.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, QSEN Competencies: Nursing Informatics, ANA- New York Nurse, 1(3) 2018.
  • Joanne Graham, QSEN Competencies: Safety, ANA- New York Nurse, 1(1) 2017, 8.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, QSEN Competencies: Teamwork and collaboration, ANA- New York Nurse, 1(2) 2017.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, "Empowering students to be leaders", The New York Nurse (2019),.


  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “A distinguished Panelist that followed a presentation by the Keynote speaker. The event was scheduled virtually for Sunday, October 17, 2021, from 10AM-3PM. The theme for the program was: Social Changes: Nursing and Impact on the Culture of Health..” Paper presented to the , on October 17, 2021.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “Empowering faculty and students to be leaders..” Forum presentation at the Annual convention of the Nurses Association of New York State (NSANYS), New York, NY on February 5, 2021.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “NSANYS 5th Annual Council of School Leaders (COSL) Summit: Developing leadership through participation in the American Nurses Association and the National Student Nurses Association.” Plenary address at the , on October 10, 2020.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “Advanced practice nursing: Role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.” Panel presented at the Nursing Students Association of New York State (NSANYS) annual convention, on February 8, 2020.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “Community participation in ANA-NY.” Round Table leader at the Annual meeting of the American Nurses Association of New York State, on October 18, 2019.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “Empowering faculty and students to be leaders: Annual meeting of the Chi Gamma Honor Society of Sigma.” Presentation to the , 51勛圖 on May 22, 2019.
  • Joanne Lapidus-Graham, “"Empowering students to be leaders".” Paper presented to the Nursing Student Association of New York State (NSANYS)Annual convention, New York, NY on February 9, 2019.

Awards & Honors

  • Nominated for Distinguished Service Promotion, June 2, 2019 - January 15, 2020.
  • American Nurses Association-NY: Presidential Award for Meritorious Service, 2020.
Joanne Lapidus-Graham