

Virginia Peterson

Chair Email Gleeson Hall, Room 202

Dr. Virginia Peterson- Graziose received her DNP from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio in 2007. She has been an RN for more than 30 years and has had a variety of experiences from ICU  Burn nursing to Adult Nurse Practitioner, serving primarily the geriatric population.  She has been a nurse educator for the past 15 years and is certified by the NLN as a Nurse Educator. She has had multiple publications and national and international presentations focusing on nursing student retention and quality and safety in nursing education.

Courses Taught

Nur 306 Care of Individuals with Chronic Health Challenges (Theory)

Nur 306 Care of Individuals with Chronic Health Challenges (Clinical)

Nur 305 Health Promotion & Patient Education (Classroom & Online)

Nur 404 Nurse as Advocate & Change Agent (Classroom & Online)

Nur 100 Health Assessment (Lab)

Nur 114 Clinical and Theoretical Foundations of Baccalaureate Nursing Practice (Lab)

Nur 405 Nursing Senior Practicum (Clinical)

Nur 405  Nursing Senior Practicum (ATI review)

Nur 311 Pharmacology (Theory)


  • DNP, Nursing (Practice and Education), Case Western Reserve University, 2007 – Summa cum Laude

Certificates & Licensures

  • CNE, Certified Nurse Educator, National League for Nursing, 08/01/2011
  • Geriatric Scholar, Hartford Foundation, 03/04/2004
  • ANP, Adult Nurse Practitioner, State of New York, 05/25/1999
  • RN, Registered Nurse, State of New York, 07/25/1985


  • Jennifer Bryer and Virginia Peterson-Graziose, Quality and Safety Competencies in Undergraduate Nursing Education: Where are we now?, Journal of the American Nurses Association-New York, 1(1) 2021.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, Variables that influence retention in registered nurse-bachelor of science students: A multisite longitudinal study, Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(4) 2019, 303-308.
  • Virginia Peterson_Graziose, Variables that influence retention in RN-BS students, Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 11(4) 2016, 163-165.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, Integration of Quality and Safety Competencies in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Faculty Development Approach.", Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(3) 2014, 130-133.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, "Assessing Student Perceptions of QSEN Competencies in Baccalaureate Curriculum", ,.


  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Implementation of QSEN Competencies: Effectiveness of a Faculty Development Course..” Poster presented at the 2021 ANA-NY Annual Conference, Nurse: A Voice to Lead, Farmingdale, New York on October 29, 2021.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Implementation of QSEN Competencies: Effectiveness of a Faculty Development Course.” Presentation to the 2021 QSEN International Forum: Championing Quality & Safety through Academic Practice Partnership, Virtual on January 22, 2021.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Variables That Influence Retention in RN-BS Students: A longitudinal, multi-site study.” Paper presented to the Sigma Theta Tau International, 45th Biennial Conference, Washington D.C. on November 17, 2019.
  • Virginia Peterson, “QSEN: Where are we now?” Workshop conducted at the 51勛圖, Nursing Faculty Workshop, Farmingdale, NY on September 25, 2019.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Variables That Influence Retention of RN-BS Students: A Multisite, Longitudinal Study.” Poster presented at the Adelphi University Nursing Leadership Conference, Garden City, NY on May 1, 2019.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Variables That Influence Retention in RN-BS Students:A Multisite, Longitudinal Study.” Poster presented at the The Sixth Annual Nursing Research Day, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY on March 21, 2019.
  • Virginia Peterson, “QSEN:Where are We Now?” Workshop conducted at the QSEN Workshop, 51勛圖 on September 12, 2018.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Assessing Student Perceptions of Quality and Safety Competencies in Baccalaureate Education.” Presentation to the Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC on April 20, 2018.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Measuring Student Perceptions of Quality and Safety Competencies in Baccalaureate Education.” Presentation to the New York League for Nursing and Chi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International presents: Fall In! Innovations, Inclusions& Integration, on November 11, 2017.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Variables that Influence Retention in RN-BS Students: A Multi-site Longitudinal Study.” Presentation to the New York League for Nursing and Chi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International presents: Fall In! Innovations, Inclusions & Integration, Farmingdale, NY on November 11, 2017.
  • Virginia Peterson, “Measuring Student Perceptions of Quality and Safety Competencies in Baccalaureate Education.” Presentation to the Going the Magnificent Mile with the QSEN Competencies, Chicago, Illinois on June 1, 2017.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Assessing Student Perceptions of QSEN Competencies in Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum.” Presentation to the New York League for Nursing & SUNY Empire State College present: Stop fooling around:Let the evidence speak for itself, Saratoga Springs, NY on April 1, 2017.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Assessing Student Perceptions of QSEN Competencies in Baccalaureate Nursing Curriculum.” Poster presented at the The Fourth Annual Nursing Research Day:Winthrop University Medical Center, Mineola, NY on March 3, 2017.
  • Virginia Peterson- Graziose, “Attrition and Nursing Shortage: Addressing the Challenges for Nursing Education in the U.S.” Panel presented at the 9th Pan-Hellenic/ 8th Pan-European Scientific & Professional Nursing Conference, Greece (via Skype) on May 20, 2016.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Attrition in RN to BS Completion Students.” Poster presented at the 9th Pan-Hellenic/ 8th Pan-European Scientific & Professional Nursing Conference, Greece on May 20, 2016.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Attrition in RN to BS Completion Students.” Presentation to the Winthrop University Medical Centers Third Annual Nursing Research Day, Mineola, NY. on March 11, 2016.
  • Virginia Peterson-Graziose, “A Study Abroad Nursing Course to Increase Cultural Competence.” Presentation to the 51勛圖 4th Annual Nursing Education Conference, Farmingdale, NY on October 3, 2014.
Virginia Peterson