

Rick Weber

Associate Professor 10 Months Email School of Business

Dr. Weber teaches a variety of classes covering a range of topics in economics, data science, quantitative and computational methods, and network science.


In spring of 2024 Dr. Weber will be teaching a class on the statistical programming language R to conduct social scientific and economic research. Over the course of the semester students will develop their ability to understand data--how it is used, shaped, and communicated--and their ability to use data to understand the issues important to them. This class is generously supported by , an interactive learning platform for data science and analytics. This cutting edge tool will allow students to receive immediate feedback while completing tutorials in R. Interested students will also gain access to their tools that teach Python, and SQL allowing ambitious students to go farther in developing their skills with the tools used by data professionals. Courses on DataCamp are taught by experts on topics such as cleaning data, machine learning, and data visualization.


  • B.S., Economics, San Jose State University, 2010 – Magna cum Laude
  • Ph.D., Economics, Suffolk University, 2014
Rick Weber