Greek Council
The Greek Council is the governing body of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Farmingdale State College. Members of the council are voted into their position by their peers, and are advocates for fraternity and sorority life at FSC. The council plans community-wide events such as "Why Go Greek?", Greek Week, Food Drives and other on campus events. Additionally, the council ensures all organizations are adhering to FSC's Code of Conduct, and all fraternity and sorority life policies and procedures. The Greek Council essentially oversees all individual organizations, and the sub-governing councils. The current active sub-governing council is The Panhellenic Association.
Greek Programming Committee: The Programming Committee, which is a subset of Greek Council meets weekly to plan events and programs for the entire Fraternity/Sorority community including: Why Go Greek?, Greek Week and other colloborative Greek Events.
The mission of the Greek Council at 51³Ô¹Ï is to enhance student development through involvement in Greek organizations united under the Four Pillars of Fraternity and Sorority Life; Friendship, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service. We strive to foster positive relations with the administration, faculty, students, alumni(ae), national offices, other constituencies and between the various organizations on campus, Greek and Non-Greek, to promote a unified campus community. Students are encouraged to place equal emphasis on the philanthropic, educational, personal development, and social aspects of membership in a Greek organization.
Executive Board
- President: Marina D'Atri (ΦΣΣ)
- Vice President of Standards: Max Carrion (TKE)
- Vice President of Finance: Grace Sullivan (ΣΔT)
- Vice President of Operations:
- Vice President of Scholarship: Vincent D'Antone (AΣΦ)
- Co-Vice President of Programming: Jenna Morgan (ΔΦE)
- Co-Vice President of Programming: Frank Patano (TKE)
- Vice President of Public Relations: Kristen Abreu (ΔΦE)
Office of student activities
Quintyne Hall, Room 111
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
William Finnegan
Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life & Operations