
Get to Know the Nexus Center

The Nexus Center is a specialized department solely dedicated to connecting students and grads to jobs, internships, career development, applied learning, and other opportunities. Our goal is to support students individually throughout their education at Farmingdale and beyond.

All four-year degree programs will gain hands-on, real-world experience, including internships, clinics, social justice, and civic engagement experiences. Farmingdale’s focus on career development and applied learning creates a future-ready workforce. 

FSC Partnership Spotlight

Featured Partnerships

The Nexus Center has a deep commitment to providing practical experience to students by cultivating strong relationships with local Long Island companies and national corporations to build a committed partnership to support and guide student learning. 

Amazon logo National Grid Logo PSEG Logo Sherwin Williams Logo

Searching for an Internship or Job 

One of the most convenient ways that the Nexus Center provides information is through CareerConnect. This web-based platform offers up-to-the-minute job and internship postings from hiring managers and recruiters looking for Farmingdale students and alumni. CareerConnect also allows students to schedule an appointment with a Nexus Center Career Counselor to review job postings, apply to a position, upload their resume, cover letter, and other documents for employers to view.

Career Exploration 

For students who are unsure of their career direction and need help, the Nexus Center can assist them in exploring career options with Career Explorer and Career Finder resources. The Nexus Center’s goal is to empower students and alumni to explore, define and achieve their academic and post-graduate goals. 

Staying Connected with Students and Alumni 

Once a student signs up with CareerConnect, the Nexus Center will have the ability to communicate about upcoming job fairs, workshops, applied learning opportunities, and other essential information about fantastic learning and career opportunities.