
How to Reset your Password

Follow the steps below to reset your password if you already setup the Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) utility.
If you have not done so, please visit the Self Service Password Reset (SSPR) webpage.

The SSPR will enable your mobile device to receive the verification code that is needed when resetting your password. 

                                   To change your password, click on the below password reset link:

If you happen to be at one of the below login screens, you can also reset your password by clicking on the Cant access your account? or Forgot my password links.

Next you need to enter your Farmingdale email address in its entirety and the CAPTCHA characters 

Get back into your account

Click Next

Depending upon which option you chose when setting up SSPR (Self Service Password Reset), that is how you will receive your verification code.

The steps below guide you through receiving the verification code via "Text my mobile phone" option.

Enter the phone number that was used in the SSPR (Self Service Password Reset) setup

Enter the phone number

Click Text

You will receive a text with a verification code

You will receive a text with a verification code

Enter the verification code sent to your mobile device

Enter verification code sent to your mobile device

Click Next

Enter your new password.  The password requirements are:

  • Minimum of 8 characters
  • Passwords cannot contain parts of your username, first or last name greater than two characters
  • Must contain characters from 3 of the following 4 categories:
    • Uppercase letter (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letter (a-z)
    • Number (0-9)
    • Special character (!, $, #, %, etc.)
  • Cannot be a password you used before
  • Passwords can only be changed once a day
  • Passwords expire every 120 days

Enter new password and confirm password

Click Finish