
Planning for your Arrival

FSC email set up: Your FSC email address is the official form of communication. Official announcements from the College, your department, professors, and the International office are sent to this email address. Click here for set up instructions

Academic class schedule: Log into the FSC RAM Portal to find your advising department. Consult with your academic advisor to set up a full time schedule of 12 credits. Please note, you cannot register for classes until you have submitted your required health forms to Health and Wellness. Click here for the academic calendar. 

Required immunizations records: Visit the Health and Wellness Center webpage for information on immunization requirements and services available on campus. Students living on campus must be medically cleared prior to moving in. Follow the instructions on your FSC Ram Portal to upload required medical documents. 

Housing accommodations: Do you need to arrange for on campus housing? Visit the Residence Life webpage for a housing application and instructions. Students living on campus must have a paid tuition bill prior to moving in. Students must be medically cleared by the FSC Health and Wellness office prior to moving into on campus housing. For additional information regarding living on-campus please visit the Residence Life Handbook.

Paying your tuition bill: Tuition payments can be made through . Visit the Student Accounts webpage for instructions on paying your tuition bill and billing payment due date. 

See your healthcare provider: It is recommended to be up to date on routine check ups at home before coming to the U.S. with your healthcare provider, eye doctor and dentist. This is also a good time to ask about needed medications and prescriptions. Special restrictions may exist for traveling with medication. See for information on how to travel with prescription medications. 

Packing for Long Island: Long Island is a four-season location, meaning we experience both very cold and hot weather, as well as weather in-between. Please pack accordingly.

Bring U.S. currency: We suggest you bring about $100 U.S. dollars with you in cash to pay for small expenses that can occur directly after your arrival. 

New student orientation: Follow this link to register and complete the online orientation program. This orientation program is different from the International Student Orientation. 

International Education & Programs

Laffin Hall, Room 320A
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm


James Hall
Acting Director


Jeannette Sinnott
Assistant Director of International Programs


Stephanie Williams
Administrative Assistant 1