FSC’s Winter Recognition Ceremony
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 51Թ (FSC) was proud to hold a Winter Recognition Ceremony for members of its Winter Class of 2024. The winter graduates were joined in celebration by FSC President Robert S. Prezant, PhD, College Council Chair Patricia Hill Williams, EdD, Senior Vice President and Provost Laura Joseph, EdD, Associate Professor Martin Lewison, PhD, as master of ceremonies, Deans of the College’s four Schools, the President's Cabinet, FSC faculty and staff, in addition to parents, family, and friends.
The morning ceremony, held in the Campus Center Ballroom, recognized 22 students with Bachelor of Science degrees in 12 of FSC’s esteemed programs who, due to extenuating circumstances, will be unable to celebrate their degrees next spring.
“We are truly honored to be here today to celebrate this monumental achievement with all of you. Welcome to the Farmingdale Alumni Family,” said Michelle Johnson, FSC director of alumni engagement and stewardship. “Today you join the ranks of over 100,000 alumni who came before you.
“Long after today and far into the future we hope you carry on the alumni tradition of keeping in touch, attending events and, of course, giving back when you are able to do so to support the students who will follow in your place at FSC,” she added. “I wish you all nothing but the best, congratulations!”
In his ceremony address, President Prezant shared the remarkable outcome of a third-grade assignment. Tasked with writing “to someone of note in an area we were interested in” he hand-wrote a letter to “one of the only famous individuals that I could think of that had anything to do with my 8-year-old aspirations to be a medical doctor. I wrote to Dr. Charles Mayo, as in Mayo of the Mayo Clinic.”
A few weeks later, Mayo responded with the secret to his long and influential career. “He shared that what made him so successful--no surprise here--and I quote, ‘lots of hard work.’ All that ‘hard work,’ he assured me, ‘would be worth it.’ And there it is, the key to success, hard work,” President Prezant said.
“And so, as you sit here, I congratulate you on your hard work,” he added. “Your efforts, even at the most challenging times, times that you had to struggle with, times when you did NOT give up…all of that brought you to this moment.”
“As graduates of 51Թ, you have received a high-quality educational experience grounded in both theoretical learning and practical application,” said Joseph. “Your academic programs were not only rigorous but also deeply aligned with the real-world demands of the rapidly evolving technological landscape. Regardless of your field of study, you have been educated to think critically, innovate, and solve complex problems that will shape the future of our industries and communities around the world. We are all so proud of you and I have no doubt you will continue to inspire us all.”
Mazen Kapadi, ’24, a computer science major and economic minor, said he was thankful to FSC for the bright future his hard work and FSC experience gave him. “I came in as an international student. I didn’t have any friends or know anyone. I got a job as an admissions tour guide and after that everything [started to go up],” said Kapadi, who received a Student Award for Academic Excellence in Computer Science and held several campus positions and internships, including SGA senator and an internship with FSC’s Marketing and Communications web development team. “Today is a very bittersweet moment. They say college is your second home and Farmingdale was truly my second home. I’m very grateful for the opportunities I had here. It changed who I am."
Looking ahead
“Your perseverance, empathy, and integrity have inspired me and set a standard for the generations of students who will follow in your footsteps,” said. Student Government Association (SGA) President Jairo Orozco, ’25, an applied psychology major and sports management minor, “Today, you carry the torch forward.”
President Prezant concluded with the importance of lifelong learning and The Golden Rule.
“Your education does not end here,” he said. “With every new experience you learn. I encourage you to be purposeful, to learn something new in everything you do, and to remain curious…Keep an open mind, keep exploring, and keep discovering. Your passion for learning, your caring attitude, and your concern for others will define who you are.
“Accept my heartfelt congratulations on earning your degree and our best wishes for your next adventure,” he ended. “I absolutely know your future is bright.”
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