The Property Control Department assists the campus in many areas. We assign inventory tags for equipment with a purchase price of $5,000 and above and ownership tag for purchases below $5,000. All such assets issued are tracked through the Property Control System (PCS). The Property Control Coordinator (PCC) will send inventory lists of all property in each department to verify its location and request certification by the Department Head that the equipment is in usable condition and that the department acknowledges having custody of the equipment. The PCC will also conduct a biannual physical inventory of assets recorded in the PCS.
New Equipment
All new equipment (property) refers to procured or manufactured equipment that is self-contained, durable, and has an expected service life of one or more years with a purchase price of $1,000 and above. The new equipment will be issued an asset-numbered decal/tag accordingly. Please contact the Property Control Department.
When purchasing with a Procurement Card, (P Card) you will then need to fill out a for the PCC. When filling out the New Asset Receipt form on Etrieve, the card holder will need to fill in as much detail as possible and attach the invoice and/or receipt of the assets that's been purchased on a Pcard.
Upon receiving the new asset or assets and the form is completed by the card holder, it will need to be submitted to the PCC for approval. The PCC will then submit the form to the Purchasing Department for their record keeping as well.
The New Asset Receipt form is for Pcard usage only. PO's are not included.
If equipment is purchased and is a "walkable item" (ie. Laptop, tablet, camera, microscope, etc.), be sure to complete the and submit it to the Property Control Office.
The Property Control Policy outlines the guidelines for tagging College property.
- All State property that is walkable or with State funds with a threshold of $5,000 and above, will receive a State Inventory Tag by the Property Control Coordinator.
- Items that are procured through the Research Foundation of the State of New York, will be assigned a Research Foundation Tag by the Property Control Coordinator as per the Research & Sponsored Programs Office request.
- Departments should affix all other property with an Ownership Tag. To obtain ownership tags contact the Property Control Coordinator.
Surplus Equipment - Procedures
- Theis to be completed by the department that needs to dispose of a surplus asset and submits the form to the attention of the Property Control Clerk
- If the equipment being surplus contains a hard drive (computer, laptop, tablet, copier, fax, etc.), then you must contact the Information Technology Department at ext. 2167 before the removal of the piece of equipment from your department. IT will determine if the hard drive needs to be removed and destroyed before the property can leave the department. IT will place a tag on the equipment, noting that the hard drive has been removed and destroyed, allowing the Moving & Trucking department to remove the equipment.
- The Property Control Clerk forwards a copy of the form to the Moving & Trucking Department, which picks up the surplus asset and returns the completed form indicating its disposition to the Property Control Clerk. The Clerk removes the item from the Property Control System and adjusts the records as needed. If the asset is under the $5,000 value, the adjustment is made into the Excel Spreadsheet. The following Monday of each week, the Property Control Clerk verifies that the equipment has been recorded correctly in the Property Control System or Excel Spreadsheet.
- When a requesting department wishes to transfer any assets from one department to a different department or one building to another, the same procedure A and B above is to be followed by completing a in place of a.
- A "SUNY RF Property Status Change Request" Form (see sample) is required whenever any Research Foundation equipment is to be surplused or transferred, and this form is obtainable from the Research Foundation office.
- A staff member from the Research Foundation office forwards the form with instructions
to the requesting department. Once the form is completed, the department returns the
form to Research Foundation for approval. Copies of the approved form are sent to
Moving & Trucking and the Property Control Department.
The same procedure is to be followed if the equipment contains a hard drive (1. Farmingdale State, B.) - Upon completion of the request form instructions, Moving & Trucking signs the form, one copy to Property Control Clerk and one copy to Research Foundation. The Property Control Clerk removes the item from the Property Control System if $5,000 and over; if the asset is under $5,000, the adjustment is made into the Excel Spreadsheet. The following Monday, the Property Control Clerk verifies that the equipment has been recorded correctly in the Property Control System Records or Excel Spreadsheet.
Surplus Property Reusable Property
Surplus Property deals with removing unwanted equipment and furnishings (Reusable equipment and furnishings) from departments and redistributing those items to other departments that can use them. Property Control provides a service to all departments on campus coordinating the pickups and re-distribution of surplus equipment and furniture throughout Farmingdale State and other "State" agencies. What happens during or after the removal process is the distribution of "reusable" equipment. There are departments in need of various pieces of equipment and/or furnishings for their areas. The departments may contact Property Control, and we will assist you in tracking down a piece of equipment/furniture needed by your department. We can often provide what is required immediately; other times, we will take the request, and as the equipment/furnishings are received, we will contact you to verify if you are still in need. If so, we will coordinate delivery.
If you need to surplus any equipment, please submit the Surplus Form to Etrieve and send it to Property Control in the Service Building. All equipment leaving a department requires completing the "Report of Disposal/Surplus form" or the "Property Control Transfer Form to ensure removal from your department inventory.
Including equipment/furnishings: chairs, computers, copiers, desks, fax machines, filing cabinets, etc.
Please have all items emptied before removal to ensure safety for both parties.
Equipment Disposals Unusable Equipment
Equipment disposal deals with the removal of equipment deemed unusable.
Any piece of equipment that is deemed unusable, the department head must sign off on the Disposal Form that they are aware this piece of equipment can not be salvaged.
There are specific areas of concern for the Property Control Department when dealing with any of the equipment dispositions. All equipment leaving a department requires a Disposal From completion. Please use the designated Disposal Form especially designed for this process.
If the equipment is a computer of some sort, a staff member from the Information Technology Department must deem it unusable before it can be disposed of. Please contact the Information Technology Department at ext. 2167. If they declare it unusable, they must sign off on the Disposal Form. If it can be used or salvaged, then it must be surplused.
The same procedure must be followed for the disposal of equipment with hard drives as surplused equipment with hard drives (see above).
Assuming refrigerators being discarded are broken and/or unusable, before contacting the Property Control Department, please contact Facilities Operations to remove the Freon in the refrigerator. The Facilities Operations will assist you with a licensed contractor, and the requesting department will be liable for all charges.
The Report of Surplus Property Form is to be completed by the department requesting a pickup. The form has Hazard Codes (Radiation, Chemical, Bio-hazardous and not applicable) on the lower right for each item being surplused. If a Department is disposing of an item that qualifies as a hazardous code, they are to contact the Department of Environmental Health & Safety at ext. 2105 and specify what hazardous materials are involved with the piece of equipment.
Any cellular device should be submitted to the Property Control Coordinator with the completed Surplus Form indicating they should be recycled.
Off Campus Use of Farmingdale State Property
Department Heads are required to authorize off-campus use of Farmingdale property. It is expected that laptops will be the primary area where the property is used off campus. In such instances, the department head should complete the off-campus use form. This form also provides an authorized signature certifying the equipment was returned in good condition and should be signed by the department head or their designee.
All new equipment purchased with the proper budget category will be issued an inventory or ownership tag and will be included in an annual and biannual physical inventory. Property Control will send a periodic inventory lists of all property in each department to verify its location and request certification by the department that the equipment is in usable condition and that the department acknowledges having custody of the equipment. Locations and destinations of equipment are essential pieces of information and essential documentation. To better serve the campus community, we need your assistance with property documenting the physical location.
An annual inventory of all assets will be conducted once a year.
The Office of the State Comptroller (OSC), Guide to Financial Operations directs that each state agency conduct inventory of State-owned equipment. In addition, as required by OSC, campuses will be required to conduct inventory of a portion of the equipment at least annually.
The PCC will send each Department Head a list of their inventory items to then direct the list to their designee to confirm the items are in their possession.
A physical inventory of all assets will be conducted once every two years.
This is consistent with the federal governments Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110 regulations. It is the Property Control Coordinators responsibility to ensure procedures are communicated to campus departments to facilitate the physical inventory process. The inventory process should identify equipment on RAM that is missing, disposed of, or transferred, as well as equipment location or condition changes, and missing or damaged tags.
The PCC will send each Department Head a list of their inventory items to then direct the list to their designee to confirm the items are in their possession.
Theft or Loss of State Assets
Any loss of assets, including theft or vandalism, should be reported immediately to the Dean, Director, Department Head, and the University Police Department. A copy of the police report should be sent to the Property Control Coordinator.
When making a report, please have the following information available:
- Asset Number (PCS)
- Quantity
- Item Description
- Location (Building, Room)
- Department
- Cost (Value)
Property Control
Service Building
Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:00pm
Ambar Batista
Administrative Coordinator