
Montage of students doing research, presenting to an audience, and a graduate celebrating

Honors Program at FSC

Deeply rooted in our mission as one of SUNY’s premier technological colleges focused on applied learning, the Honors Program affords students a dynamic and vibrant academic experience epitomized by a shared commitment to excellence. The Honors Program combines academic rigor in and out of the classroom, connection to community on and off campus, and access to prestigious scholarships and fellowships into one program spanning the course of a student’s college career. Limited to just 20 accepted students per year, the cohort model provides students with opportunities to work intimately with faculty and advisors to build critical thinking and technical competencies necessary to investigate society’s greatest challenges from a discipline-specific perspective. 

  • $2000 scholarship per academic year (for a total of 4 years)
  • Honors program seminar courses
  • Credit-bearing mentored research experiences
  • Support for conference attendance
  • Peer mentoring
  • Specialized counselors and advisement
  • Service and leadership opportunities
  • Social activities, lectures series, and networking events

General Requirements

  • Attend the annual FSC Honors Program luncheon
  • Complete three required seminars (The Core Level)
  • Earn 9 activity points by graduation (The Flex Level)
  • Maintain a cumulative 3.3 GPA overall and in their major
  • Complete an Honors Program Culminating Project

The Core Level: Required seminars

  • HON 101: Life of the Mind (1 credit seminar)
  • HON 201: Life of the Scholar (1 credit seminar)
  • HON 301: Life of the Practitioner (1 credit seminar)

The Flex Level: 9 Activity Points  

Frequently Asked Questions

The Honors Program at FSC will accept students on a rolling basis until the cohort has been filled.

As part of your Honors Program application, you need to complete a one-page personal statement. This personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to join the Honors Program at FSC?
  • What personal characteristics would you add to the Honors Program community? 

To apply for the Honors Program, first apply to FSC. After you are accepted into FSC, you will be provided with an account through SLATE, you can apply to the Honors Program.

Students from any major can participate in the Honors Program at FSC. 

Honors Program students receive a variety of benefits from their participation. These benefits include:  

  • Priority registration for classes 
  • One-credit seminar courses designed to prepare students for real-world learning, scholarship, and creative and/or professional endeavors 
  • Specialized advising
  • A lounge/workspace on campus reserved exclusively for Honors students 
  • Invitations to special workshops and events
  • Opportunities to present at and attend conferences
  • Credit and non-credit bearing internships
  • Assistance with applying to prestigious scholarships and fellowships
  • Hands-on research or a service-based learning experiences
  • $2000 scholarship per academic year (for a total of four years) 

Students must maintain a cumulative, overall GPA of 3.3 to remain in the Honors Program at FSC.  

As part of the Honors Program at FSC, you will take 3 one-credit seminar courses (first-year, second year, and an upper-level course) with Honors Program students. You can also enroll in separate, Honors-only courses with Honors Program students.  

The Honors Scholarship is a merit-based award and while financial need is not considered, like all scholarship awards, merit, need based or otherwise, will be considered in its entirety when packaging the total need of a student.  

Honors Program students are required to complete a culminating project prior to graduation.  

For more information contact Dr. Katelynn DeLuca, Director of the Honors Program:
Katelynn Deluca or 934-420-5531

For more information contact Dr Katelynn DeLuca, Director of the Honors Program.

Honors Program

Greenley, 203
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


Katelynn Deluca


Joy Flores
Administrative Coordinator-Honors Program