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Computational Mathematics

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Computational Mathematics

The Computational Mathematics microcredential provides a solid foundation in computational and applied mathematics. Earners of this microcredential will demonstrate a mastery of the concepts and tools necessary to mathematical modeling, computational methods, and simulations using computer algebra systems. The Computational Mathematics microcredential equips students with the necessary skills to enter or advance their professional career in fields such as algorithm design, software development, medical research, data analysis, banking, or continue their study at a graduate level in applied mathematics, computer science or related fields.

Admission requirements for application:

  • Matriculation into a 51³Ô¹Ï degree program
  • MTH 151: Calculus II or MTH 236: Calculus II with Applications, and MTH 245: Linear Algebra, or Permission of the Department Chair

For Non-matriculated students:

  • Completion of the non-matriculated student application
  • MTH 151: Calculus II or MTH 236: Calculus II with Applications, and MTH 245: Linear Algebra, or Permission of the Department Chair
  • Completion of the Microcredential Application on Etrieve (Instructions will be emailed after completing the non-matriculated student application)

Requirements to earn the microcredential:

  • To achieve the Computational Mathematics microcredential, students will complete 3 required courses totaling 9 credits. This coursework will include MTH 270: Introduction to Mathematical Computing (3 credits), MTH 422: Numerical Methods (3 credits), and MTH 400: Problem Solving Seminar (3 credits). Students must meet the pre-requisites for each of the courses and earn a grade of B or higher in MTH 270, MTH 422, and MTH 400 (pre-requisites listed below).
  • Pre-requisite coursework for the microcredential includes: MTH 151 with a grade of C or higher of permission of the department as a pre-requisite for MTH 270, MTH 145 and MTH 245 as a pre-requisite for MTH 422, and MTH 252 or MTH 245 or MTH 250 or MTH 253 as a pre-requisite for MTH 400.
  • In MTH 400, students will be required to work on a major research project under the guidance of an instructor and will present their results to the department at the end of the semester, and the adequacy of this final project will be evaluated by the microcredential advisor.

Time to complete:

3 semesters

Cost to attend:

Standard tuition rates apply. For tuition and student consumer information, please click here.

Contact Information


Whitman Hall, Room 180

Required Coursework (3 course, 9 credits)
MTH 270: Introduction to Mathematical Computing 3 Credits
MTH 400: Problem Solving Seminar 3 Credits
MTH 422: Numerical Methods 3 Credits

MTH 270 Introduction to Mathematical Computing

This course is an introduction to computational, experimental, and algorithmic methods using a computer algebra system. Course topics include computational algebra, functional programming, simulation, and visualization. Numerical calculus, analysis of mathematical models and dynamics, and other mathematical problem-solving methods will be discussed. At the completion of the course, students will be familiar with a computer algebra system and how to solve mathematical problems by computational methods. Prerequisite(s): MTH 130 or MTH 150

MTH 400 Problem Solving Seminar

This is a seminar course where students will work on a variety of non-routine problems chosen by the instructor and present their solutions (or partial solutions). Students will also work on a major research project under the guidance of the instructor and will report their results. Cooperative work will be encouraged and much of the work will be of an "open ended" nature. Communications skills will be stressed. Prerequisite(s): MTH 252 or MTH 245 or MTH 250 or MTH 253

MTH 422 Numerical Methods

This is an introductory elective course for Applied Mathematics students. Topics include solutions of nonlinear equations, interpolation and approximation of functions, numerical differentiation and integration, iterative techniques in Linear Algebra and others. Solutions of problems using computer will be an integral part of this course. Prerequisite(s): MTH 151 and MTH 245