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New York State Coaching Certification

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NYS Coaching Certification

The NYS Coaching microcredential will allow Farmingdale students and other interested parties to pursue coaching certification. For those seeking employment as a coach in the state of New York who are not certified in physical education, this microcredential will provide the opportunity to fulfill the educational requirement for the NYS Coaching Certification. Upon completing the microcredential, the students will have completed all of the NYS requirements to be certified and employed as a coach in NYS.

Admission requirements for application:

  • Matriculation into a 51³Ô¹Ï degree program

For Non-matriculated students:

Requirements to earn the microcredential:

  • To achieve the NYS Coaching microcredential, students will complete 3 required courses: PED 270: Theory and Techniques of Coaching, PED 275: Principles, Philosophy, and Organization of Athletics in Education, and PED 280: Health Sciences Applied to Coaching.
  • All coursework must be completed with a minimum course grade of C.
  • As a part of the credential, students will also be required to complete a Child Abuse Identification Workshop, a School Violence Prevention (SAVE) Workshop, a Harassment, Bullying, Cyber bullying, and Discrimination in Schools (DASA Anti-Bullying) Workshop, and a Concussion Training Course.
  • Students must also complete CPR certification. PED 203: Introduction to First Aid, AED and CPR Training (3 Credits): is optional to meet this requirement. Students may choose to complete their First Aid, AED and CPR Training from an outside source offering this certification, such as the American Red Cross.

Stackable To:

Sports Management, B.S.

Time to complete:

1-2 semesters

Cost to attend:

Standard tuition rates apply. For tuition information, please click here.

Contact Information

Nutrition Science & Wellness

Lupton Hall, 144
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm

Students must complete the following courses:

Required Coursework (3 courses, 9 credits)
PED 270: Theory and Techniques of Coaching 3 credits
PED 275: Principles, Philosophy, and Organization of Athletics in Education 3 credits
PED 280: Health Sciences Applied to Coaching 3 credits

PED 270 Theory and Techniques of Coaching

Topics will include a history of interscholastic athletics in NYS, as well as the objectives, rules, regulations, and policies of athletics. Performance skills, technical information and organization, and management practices will also be among the topics covered. The special training and conditioning of the athletes in specific sports, the filling of equipment needs, specific safety precautions, and officiating methods will also be examined. The student may spend time with a certified coach that would encompass practical experience in the specific sport and/or may spend time observing other approved, certified coaches.

PED 275 Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics in Education

This course covers basic philosophy and principles as integral parts of physical and general education. The student will learn about the state, local, and national regulations related to athletics. In addition, legal considerations and the function and organization of leagues and athletic associations in NYS will be addressed. Personal standards for the responsibilities of the coach as an educational leader, as well as his or her role in public relations and general safety procedures will be covered. The student will also understand the general principles of school budgets, records that must be kept, the purchasing function, and the use of facilities.

PED 280 Health Sciences Applied to Coaching

This course is a series of interactive exercises designed to study Health Sciences as they apply to coaching sports. Through these activities, exercises and health application to coaching topics, participants will gain information, organize it for professional and personal use, and apply it to their particular programs. This course will also help define selected principles of biology, anatomy, physiology and kinesiology related to coaching, risk minimization, mixed competition, NYSED selection and classification of athletes, and age and maturity of athletes.