Undergraduate Research and Experiential Mentorship
Earners of this microcredential will acquire knowledge and transferable skills of analytical, problem-solving, and project management, through undergraduate research and academic excellence. This microcredential consists of a blend of both curricular and co-curricular requirements such as basic research design and development courses, and the practical application of acquired research skills. Participants will demonstrate their evolving skills through conference presentations and faculty mentorship. This microcredential is intended for those who plan to continue their education beyond their undergraduate degree or those with a keen interest in research.
Admission requirements for application:
- Matriculation into a 51³Ô¹Ï degree program
Requirements to earn the microcredential:
- To achieve the Undergraduate Research and Experiential Mentorship microcredential, participants will be enrolled at FSC and successfully complete one of the listed research methods and design courses with a grade of C or better.
- In addition, students must participate in a faculty-led mentorship (either on-campus or off-campus), which can include: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Programs, Farmingdale’s Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI), or research performed under department supervised structures (e.g., "SOC 481 Research Internship I").
- Participants must also submit their work to a recognized research conference or publication and be accepted to present or for publication, for example: the IGNITE Symposium, SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC), or other selective research venues acceptable to the faculty research.
Time to complete:
2-3 semesters
Cost to attend:
Standard tuition rates apply. For tuition and student consumer information, please click here.
Contact Information
Greenley Hall, , Lower Level
Students must complete the following courses:
Required Coursework (Choose one) | (1 course) |
ANT 366: Anthropological Research Methods | 3 credits |
DEN 401W: Health Science Research – Principles and Methods | 3 credits |
ETM 503: Research Methods for Tech Mgmt | 3 credits |
GIS 231: Geospatial Research Methods | 3 credits |
HPW 430: Research Methods in Health Science | 3 credits |
IXD 312: Research Strategies | 3 credits |
MLS 425: Laboratory Research & Education | 3 credits |
NTR 450: Research Methods in Nutrition Sciences | 3 credits |
PCM 315: Research Techniques | 3 credits |
PSY 325: Principles of Survey Research | 3 credits |
PSY 360: Research Methods | 4 credits |
RAM 201: Sophomore Year Introduction to Research | 1-2 credits |
SMT 370: Research in Sport Management | 3 credits |
SOC 366: Sociological Research Methods | 3 credits |
ANT 366 Anthropological Research Methods
This course focuses on research methods in anthropology as the means for learning ethnographic research methods and how to talk and write about culture, as a basis of anthropological research. The purpose of the course is to gain experience in ethnographic practices, including interviewing, fieldwork research, qualitative analysis, and writing critically informed accounts. Prerequisite(s): (ANT 100 or ANT 110), EGL 102 and any 200 level ANT course. All with a grade of C or higher.
DEN 401W Health Science Research: Principles and Methods (Writing Intensive)
A profession seeking to enhance its professional stature strives for the continual development of a scientific body of knowledge fundamental to its practice. Dental hygiene research involves a systematic search for knowledge about issues of importance to the dental hygiene profession. This course is designed to develop skills in scientific research. Emphasis is placed on the research process which includes problem identification, hypothesis writing, research design data collection, and data analysis and data interpretation. This is a writing-intensive course. Fall Note: DEN 401W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): (Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene and MTH 110) or (EGL101 with a C or higher and DEN 220 and DEN 322)
ETM 503 Research Methods for Tech Mgmt
This course introduces data based scientific/engineering research methodology. This course includes a systematic literature search process, objective data collection, and research design. The course also includes"inferential statistics such as hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Students are also exposed to various parametric and non-parametric statistical concepts like t-distribution, chi square test etc. Students learn how to put together a research proposal that may result in a full-blown research topic for future course(s). Prerequisite: Graduate status in ETM and approval of the Graduate Program Coordinator
GIS 231 Geospatial Research Methods
This course exposes students to the process of doing geographic research. Basic epistemological and ontological approaches will be reviewed through the use of readings on research methodologies and selected readings from the geography literature. Class discussion will focus on the identification of research problems, construction of hypotheses, and development of research design. The course will cover a variety of important contemporary geographic theories and will complete exercises to give students hands-on experience in completing qualitative and quantitative geographic research. Note: Students cannot get credit for GIS 231 and 231W; GIS 231W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): EGL 101, MTH 110 and Any 200-Level or Higher GEO course.
HPW 430 Research Methods in Health Science
This course provides a thorough and comprehensive overview of the scientific research process utilized in social and health sciences. It provides training in the process of publishing peer reviewed research as well as practical experience on the complete development of a research project. Topics to be covered include the underlying theory of research, data management/analysis, and presentation to small and large media groups. Note: Students cannot get credit for HPW 430 and 430W; HPW 430W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. Prerequisite(s): HPW 300 and Junior level status
IXD 312 Research Strategies
In this course students will survey how design research is planned and executed. Students will conduct literature reviews regarding best practices in qualitative and quantitative research. Students will also cover theoretical principles in user behavior, attitude, emotion, empathy online and in-person analysis. Students will gain skills in task analysis, empirical studies, interviews, focus groups, surveys, usability testing, and other tools and methodologies that facilitate research and discovery. This course will survey the research process, e.g., starting with a research question and conclude with a research strategy for future implementation. Students will be expected to utilize storytelling techniques to propose design solutions, establish personas and develop presentation skills, that support a design strategy. Prerequisite(s): PSY 101
MLS 425 Laboratory Research and Education
This course presents the principles and practices of applied research design, education, and training for clinical laboratory technologists. Research designs, sampling methodologies, collection and analysis of data in the research process will be discussed. Topics related to education include the domains and levels of learning, constructing behavioral objectives, learning outcomes, and clinical training strategies. Strategies for effective communication in the clinical laboratory workplace will also be discussed. Each student will be required to design an applied research study on a topic related to clinical laboratory science. Prerequisite(s): MLS 325 with a grade of C or higher
NTR 450 Research Methods in Nutrition Sciences
This course introduces the principles of research methodology as relevant to nutrition sciences. It examines the context of research in professional practice in the healthcare field, and will equip students with the basic research skills necessary for their continuing professional education. The course content considers concepts in both qualitative and quantitative research methodology, the critical appraisal of literature in science and healthcare, and includes basic statistical concepts and methods. Prerequisite(s): NTR 320 and Junior-Level status
PCM 315 Research Techniques
In this course students are introduced to information science, bibliographic practices, and research methods appropriate to finding, evaluating, and incorporating into documents both online and hard copy data and graphics. Students complete several research projects. Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing or permission of department chair.
PSY 325 Principles of Survey Research
This course covers the basic principles of survey research related to the design, evaluation, implementation, and analysis of surveys. Students will be introduced to the skills and resources needed to conduct quality survey research. The course is focused on the Tailored Design Method and emphasizes the customization of survey procedures for each survey situation. The course will cover the complete procedure of survey research including an introduction to different types of surveys, the development of survey instruments, an evaluation of reliability and validity, guidelines for implementation, sampling procedures, methods to increase response rate and reduce errors, and data entry, analysis, and reporting. Prerequisite(s): PSY 348
PSY 360 Research Methods
This course will present the scientific method within the context of applied psychology. Research techniques and methods will be examined for the formulation of hypotheses, development of testable objectives, experimental design, subject selection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and report preparation. This course will focus on laboratory based methods and simple statistical procedures for the analysis of data. Students will apply the concepts and methods in laboratory exercises. Prerequisite(s): PSY 348
RAM 201 Sophomore Year Introduction to Research
RAM 201 is a course reserved exclusively for students in the Research Aligned Mentorship Program (RAM) that will introduce sophomores to research and graduate study in preparation for a faculty-mentored research experience. Throughout the course, students will be responsible for written reflections on scholarly journal articles. The course will culminate in a semester-long project that engages the student in writing a research proposal that requires students to read and summarize scholarly articles accessed through the college’s electronic library databases. The research proposal will be evaluated as a poster presentation which is delivered orally in class at the end of the semester. Prerequisite(s): RAM 101
SMT 370 Research in Sport Management
This course is an undergraduate class on various aspects of research within the context of sport. The course provides a general overview of social research, covering four broad topics: research design, review of literature, data collection, and data analysis. Upon course completion, students will demonstrate the ability to develop a research proposal for a sport-based study. Prerequisite(s): SMT 110 and EGL 310 both with a grade of C or higher.
SOC 366 Sociological Research Methods
In this course, we develop an understanding of the different types of research methods used by sociologists (and other social scientists) to study the social world. The class begins with a discussion of the fundamental concepts of social science research and the ethical issues involved. Students will learn how to conduct basic qualitative and quantitative research - the ability to formulate research questions, methods of research design, strategies for collecting information and data, as well as the ability to analyze and present statistical data. Great emphasis is placed on students doing research projects in and outside of class. Prerequisite(s): Any 200 Level Sociology course.