Welcome to the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration (OSPA). Farmingdale State College (FSC) encourages faculty and staff to engage in professional development, grants, and research activities. OSPA can assist in finding funding sources, and all aspects of grant preparation from inception to submission. Once a proposal is awarded, OSPA will provide support with contracts, budget revisions, RF personnel appointments, benefit information, purchase and travel requisitions, accounts payable matters, and final reporting requirements.
Policies & Compliance
The policies, procedures, and other guidance documents provided in this section outline the broad framework through which research activity must be conducted at Farmingdale State College. They reflect certain statutory requirements as well as other generally accepted best practices for the conduct and administration of sponsored and non-sponsored activities.
These policies vary in oversight from SUNY, to the RF, and campus administration. However, these policies need to be followed in order to ensure that work being done on campus is consistent with Federal, State, and local laws.
Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs Administration with any questions or for additional guidance for the applicability and specific implications of each policy.
- Research Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF)
- This policy applies to any individual who is involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of an externally funded project on campus or in collaboration with Farmingdale State College.
- This page provides a topical breakdown of all Research Foundation corporate policies. While many of these policies may not apply to our campus environment, investigators or interested faculty should be familiar with the general requirements of these policies as they pertain to their specific field of study or type of research.
Office of Sponsored Programs Administration
Knapp Hall, Room 108
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm