
Colorful image of the world continents with the Study Abroad logo.

FSC Study Abroad Office

  • Edinburgh
  • egypt
  • hong kong
  • Pompeii

FSC’s Study Abroad Office supports the college’s commitment to student-centered learning and inclusiveness that prepares graduates to be exemplary global citizens equipped to excel in a competitive, diverse, and technologically dynamic society. We accomplish this by offering transformative educational opportunities abroad and creating an environment of global learning on campus. Students who study abroad gain confidence, self-awareness, and global perspectives they can rely upon to forge their path into the future.

FSC Study Abroad Opportunities

SUNY Study Abroad Programs

Study Abroad News and Events

Planning a Study Abroad Experience

Financial Aid and Funding Opportunities

Beyond Study Abroad

COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning



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Alumni, Adult Learners, and Parents: !


Get out there. The world is waiting for you!



Study Abroad Events

Name Date Time Location
Study Abroad Informational Table 3/27/25 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Campus Center, Table 4
Study Abroad Informational Table 4/3/25 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Campus Center, Table 4
Study Abroad Informational Table 4/10/25 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Campus Center, Table 4
Study Abroad Informational Table 4/10/25 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Campus Center, Table 4

Study Abroad OFFICE

Eric De Sena (Study Abroad Manager)

Greenley Library, room 038G
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm