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RamTutor Online Tutoring

About RamTutor

  • RamTutor offers free appointment-based, individual fully online (remote) tutoring sessions with tutors from the Center for Academic Success & Tutoring (CAST) for courses that are unique to the College.
  • Please carefully read all of the information listed below prior to scheduling your RamTutor session.
Technical Information
  • RamTutor sessions are conducted remotely using Google Meet.
  • Tutors will e-mail students (via their FSC e-mail address) a link to join their online tutoring room prior to the tutoring session.
  • Small group sessions are available upon request.
  • Google Meet offers audio/video capabilities and screen sharing.
Appointment Policy

Please see below for the appointment policy.

  • All appointments are created using the Bookings scheduling system. Any appointment requests sent via e-mail will not be accepted.

  • Appointments should be booked at least 24 hours in advance and may be scheduled up to 2 weeks (14 days) in advance.

  • Tutoring sessions are generally capped at 60 minutes (1 hour). 

  • Students may only receive tutoring in courses for which they are enrolled at FSC for the current semester.

  • Students are only permitted one (1) tutoring appointment per course per day. (Lab/Theory are counted as one course).

    • Back-to-back (double) appointments for the same course will not be accepted and will be cancelled by the Center's staff.

  • Students who need to cancel or reschedule an appointment should do so at least 12 hours prior to their session by contacting the CAST staff during normal business hours at 934-420-2066 or e-mailing OnlineTutoring@farmingdale.edu.

    • Students who cancel appointments in excess will receive a warning notice from the CAST staff and may be prohibited from scheduling additional appointments for the remainder of the semester.

  • Students who fail to arrive within the first 15 minutes of their appointment without notifying the staff will have their session cancelled and marked as a No-show.

    • Students who are marked as a "No-show" will forfeit their appointment.

    • After two "No-show" incidents, students will receive a warning notice and be encouraged to meet with the Director and Assistant Director to discuss the policy violations. Any subsequent no-shows will result in the student being prohibited from scheduling additional appointments for the remainder of the semester.

Student Expectations

Prior to your initial tutoring session, please view the Frequently Asked Questions and Student Tutoring Agreement.

General Online Policy

Similar to on-campus tutoring, students are expected to come to their sessions prepared with specific questions/concepts in which further clarification is needed. Tutors are not teachers and are not responsible for teaching students course content. Students should attend a tutoring session after first seeking assistance from their course instructor. Tutors reserve the right to end a session early if the student is not adequately prepared, or if they are blatantly disregarding either the College's Academic Integrity Policy, Student Code of Conduct, or the CAST's Student Tutoring Agreement

In accordance with the College's Academic Integrity Policy, the CAST strictly prohibits those who utilize its services from engaging in any form of academic dishonesty. As a result, tutors are not permitted to complete any type of assignment for a student, directly provide them with answers to an assignment, or assist them with a graded assignment (such as homework, projects, take-home exam, etc.) unless the Center staff has received written consent from the course instructor. Failure to comply with this policy could result in the course instructor/academic department being notified, a loss of tutoring services, or in extreme cases, a referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

RamTutor fully remote tutoring is currently not available. Please contact the Center for Academic Success & Tutoring for questions on RamTutor.

Still could use some help? Send us an Email and we will get back to you shortly.


Greenley Hall, Room 302


Michael Londis


Madison Lerner
Administrative Coordinator

Office Hours | Spring 2025

Monday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm

Effective Monday, 2/3/25 through Tuesday, 5/20/25.

Please view the CAST Tutoring Schedule for specific course and tutor availability. These hours are only effective on days when classes are in session during the spring 2025 semester. Whenever classes are cancelled or delayed, the Center will also be closed during those times.