
51³Ô¹Ï seal logo displayed over a green background.

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

New York State’s Freedom of Information Law () allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies; and provides a process for the review and copying of an agency’s public records.

Records kept and maintained by 51³Ô¹Ï generally fall under the subject matter categories listed in of the State University of New York (SUNY)'s .

Note that only those records which the College keeps and/or maintains are subject to disclosure under FOIL. FOIL imposes no obligation for an agency to translate, explain the content of, or create a new record.

All requests for records must be submitted to the Records Access Officer (RAO). The request should be as specific as possible so that the college may easily identify records that may be responsive to the request (i.e. indicate dates, titles, specific files and designations, as appropriate). The RAO will mail or email the requestor an acknowledgment within five business days of receipt of the request. Reasonable fees may be charged for duplication of materials or for clerical assistance.  Payment must be received before records will be released.

Requestors can appeal a FOIL response within 30 days. Appeals must be in writing, stating the reason, and should be sent to the FOIL Appeals Officer, State University of New York, SUNY Plaza, 353 Broadway, Albany, New York 12246.  Copies of all relevant correspondence will be sent to the State office, and Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules will be followed.

FOIL requests can be submitted online via the . 

Please contact the College's Records Access Officer, Jill Silvestro, with any questions.