
Collage image of female scientist holding a test tube of fluid with microscopes and beakers in the background.


Welcome to the Biology department, our hub for the life and health sciences degree programs. Our courses provide students with a deep appreciation and understanding of the study of life and living organisms.

The Biology department supports a variety of other academic majors by providing courses that qualify as Liberal Arts electives, many of which also fulfill the General Education Natural Science Core curriculum.

The department significantly supports a bachelor of science degree in Bioscience which is quite popular.

Students who previously earned a bachelor's degree in a non-science field, have a unique opportunity to enroll in the department's Science for the Health Professions Certificate. This certificate is designed for the individual who seeks a career change into the health professions, but lacks some or all of the necessary science and mathematics background. Completion of the certificate provides academically qualified students to seek entry into a health professional school of medicine, dentistry, physician assistant, veterinary, chiropractic, pharmacy, optometry, podiatry, and physical therapy.


Freshmen and Sophomore Bioscience students can get advised by the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC) in the basement of Greenley.

Transfer students, Juniors, and Seniors should be advised by advisers in the Biology Department. To schedule and appointment with a Bioscience advisor,.

Learn more about our programs.



Hale Hall, Room 127A
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm


Lauren Price


Diane Russo
Administrative Coordinator