
Collage of images including hands on a laptop computer, a male and female student taking notes on a clipboard, Brain illustration displayed in outstretched hands, and a seating man with hands together.


Welcome to the Psychology department. Our program is specifically designed to stimulate and promote an inquisitive attitude regarding the scientific study of human behavior. 

Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior, embracing all aspects of the human experience — including the functioning of the brain, development across the lifespan, principles of learning, work, cognition, behavior, interpersonal relationships, psychological disorders, and the treatment of emotional pain.

Ultimately, the science of Psychology attempts to improve decision-making, increase understanding and tolerance, improve performance, enhance well-being and increase life-satisfaction. The main goal is to improve the human condition.

Psychological professionals are found in every conceivable setting including corporations, scientific research centers, mental healthcare settings, colleges and universities, and governmental agencies.

Outside the Classroom

There are multiple opportunities outside the classroom specifically designed to enhance our students' learning experience.

All students, in their Senior year, are required to engage in 2 semesters of either an internship in the community or a research experience with a faculty member. The choice of research experience or internship experience will be determined in conjunction with students' advisors and is driven by students' career goals. These applied learning activities are designed to help students gain marketable work experience, prepare for graduate education, and solidify career goals.

Students are encouraged to join the Psychology Club and Psi Chi – the international Honor Society in Psychology. 

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in research with faculty and to present their work at SUNY-wide, local, regional and/or national conferences in Psychology. 

Learn more about our programs.


psychology department

Knapp Hall, Room 48


Michael Figuccio


Amy Hasbrouck
Administrative Coordinator


Jennifer Gonder
Program Director

Office Hours

Please email the Department assistant, Ms. Amy Hasbrouck at hasbroak@farmingdale.edu to schedule an appointment. 

If you need to schedule an appointment with the Chair of the Department, please email Dr. Michael Figuccio at figuccm@farmingdale.edu

Thank you!