Frequently Asked Questions
Go onto your account. Under Financial Aid, click the Eligibility tab, and then the Student Requirements tab.
The Center for Academic Success and Tutoring at FSC is committed to ensuring student success by delivering high-quality tutoring and academic support services, free of charge.
The Nexus Center is FSC's career advising office. Register for , where you can schedule an appointment or upload your resume for review. ACE staff can also help!
ACE is capped at 215 students.
You have been assigned an ACE Success Coach to work with during your time at Farmingdale! Be sure to check your email to see which Success Coach you were assigned to. You can always reach them by email:
- Georgia Kalamidas - Georgia Kalamidas
- Katie Travers - Katie Travers
Speak with your ACE Success Coach and/or browse the ACE webpage.
It is expected that you meet with your ACE Success Coach at least twice per month in your first semester of the program.
You must attend one ACE event per semester in addition to the mandatory Semester Kickoff events.
No, we understand life can happen. Your ACE Success Coach will work with you to get you back on track and in good program standing!
We support each student individually. On a case-by-case basis, it is possible that students may lose some benefits (i.e. monthly stipends) temporarily. ACE staff is in your corner to set up ways for you to be successful.
ACE offers financial support in the following ways:
- Cost of Attendance Awards: Funds of up to $550 per academic year will be posted in your financial aid package in OASIS and awarded at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.
- Textbook Stipend: You will have access to $150 per Fall and Spring semester (up to $300 per academic year) by showing your RAM ID at the FSC Campus Bookstore.
- Monthly Stipends: You are eligible to receive four $50 monthly stipends for the Fall semester (September-December) and the Spring semester (February-May). These funds will be disbursed via BankMobile and equates to a total of $400 per academic year.
Yes! We support all of our students throughout their entire academic career at Farmingdale to help you graduate!