History of EOP
The idea for the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) came into existence during
the Civil Rights Movement when equal rights were being sought for people of color.
Two fervent and dedicated civil rights leaders by the name of Percy E. Sutton and
Deputy Speaker Arthur Eve spearheaded the 1966 legislation establishing programs such
as the EOP in the State Education of New York System and the SEEK (Search for Education
Elevation and Knowledge) Program in the City College of New York and Queens College.
The EOP has been graduating successful students ever since!
In 1964, the SUNY Board of Trustees realized that there were talented yet educationally
underprepared students in our cities, suburbs, and rural areas. They stated, "...every
student capable of completing a program in higher education shall have the opportunity
to do so." Thus, the vision of the Educational Opportunity Program was born. In 1970,
the Legislature approved funding for this program on all state campuses and community
colleges. Currently, 50 of the 64 SUNY campuses operate an EOP for eligible, accepted
The Educational Opportunity Program at 51³Ô¹Ï is committed to excellence
and seeks students who are motivated and willing to work to achieve their goals. A
large majority of EOP students are first generation college students.
Educational Opportunity Program
Knapp Hall, Room 115
934-420-5222 (fax)
to meet with someone from the EOP team
Alicia L Cesar, Ed.D.
Director of Educational Opportunity Program
Kerri Porcelli
Administrative Assistant
Kwame Insaidoo, Jr
EOP Counselor
Margaret Pettit
Academic Coordinator