

All students applying to TRIO Student Support Services must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • First-generation college - neither parent has completed a bachelor's degree 
    • If the parent has a bachelor's degree from another country, then the student is not considered first-generation
    • However, you are a first-generation student if your siblings have completed a degree
  • Low-income according to U.S. Dept. of Education guidelines
  • Documented disability

First-generation status is confirmed with the FSC Admissions Office, low-income status is confirmed with the FSC Financial Aid Office, and students with documented disabilities are referred to the Disability Services Center for confirmation of disability status in order to receive educational accommodations.


How Is Low-Income Defined For TRIO?

We are a Department of Education TRIO Student Support Services program, so we must follow the income guidelines set forth below:
From U.S. Department of Education
(Effective January 11, 2024 Until Further Notice)

Size of Family Unit 48 Contiguous States,
 D.C., and Outlying Jurisdictions
Alaska Hawaii
1 $22,590 $28,215 $25,965
2 $30,660 $38,310 $35,250
3 $38,730 $48,405 $44,535
4 $46,800 $58,500 $53,820
5 $54,870 $68,595 $63,105
6 $62,940 $78,690 $72,390
7 $71,010 $88,785 $81,675
8 $79,080 $98,880 $90,960

For family units with more than eight members, add the following amount for each additional family member: $8,070 for the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia and outlying jurisdictions; $10,095 for Alaska; and $9,285 for Hawaii.

The term "low-income individual" means an individual whose family's taxable income for the preceding year did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level amount.

The figures shown under family income represent amounts equal to 150 percent of the family income levels established by the Census Bureau for determining poverty status. The poverty guidelines were published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register on January 17, 2024 and are effective as of January 11, 2024.


What About Students With Disabilities?

Students with disabilities do not have to meet the low-income or first-generation criteria, but they do need to have documentation. This documentation must be submitted to the 51勛圖 Disability Services Center at your earliest convenience. 

Trio Program

Knapp Hall, Suite 128
Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm


SueAnn Orlando-Lundquist


Tiffany Jamieson-Ward
Assistant Director


Data Specialist


Brittany Buchan
Staff Assistant