
Welcome to the Non-Credit Bearing Micro Internship Program

For Students:

Connect with companies seeking support to complete professional assignments. These assignments are called micro-internships. They are paid, short-term, non-credit bearing experiences. Micro-internships are used by companies ranging from those in the Fortune 100 to emerging start-ups, and go across departments including sales, marketing, technology, HR, and finance.


Micro-Internships are valuable opportunities to:

  • Explore different career paths and work on interesting assignments
  • Demonstrate your abilities to potential employers
  • Complete projects year-round, with each project ranging from 5 to 40 of work and deadlines set one week to one month after kick-off.
  • Build a stronger résumé and expand your professional network
  • Get noticed by employers and get paid for your work product



Need help? Please contact Internship Coordinator, Lisa Lubrano at Lisa Bordonaro-Lubrano for all of your job readiness and career exploration needs.


For Prospective Employers:

Regardless of your role, industry, or organization size, students from Farmingdale State College can help. If you want to expand your recruiting pool to access diverse talent with 21st century skills and the grit to succeed, Micro-Internships make it easy. If you want to improve the effectiveness of your hiring efforts and lower the costs (and risks) associated with onboarding, no problem. If you just need some immediate help on projects because you or your team is overloaded, we’ve got you covered.


For Alumni:

Alumni are encouraged to connect with current students to share their expertise and show students how their classroom experiences connect to careers. Consider offering a micro-internship experience now!  




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school of business

School of Business Building, Room 107


Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


Richard Vogel
Dean, School of Business


Corinna Magno
Administrative Assistant 2


Kim Forman
Assistant to the Dean for Special Events & Social Media 


Nanda Viswanathan
Chair of Business Management & Assistant Dean 


William Steedle
Assistant Dean / Assoc. Professor of Visual Communications


Dimitrios Zarafopoulos
Accreditation Coordinator


Kenneth Tax
Sr. Network Admin - BUSC


Lisa Bordonaro-Lubrano
Internship Coordinator


Jessica Bernadotte
Senior Counselor