
Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD

Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes autism, Asperger Syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder. ASDs are characterized generally by impaired social functioning and are often accompanied by problems with language, behavior motor clumsiness, sensory issues and/or psychiatric symptoms.

Professionals recommended to provide documentation include: licensed mental health professions, psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians or neurologists.

Documentation appropriate to establish eligibility for services must include:

  • Written statement of diagnosis
  • Names of the assessment instrument(s) used and the scores (standard scores with percentiles) obtained.
  • Social and developmental history to include information on: Communication skills, social interaction skills, motor skills, responses to sensory experiences, relevant family and environmental information, patterns of emotional adjustment, unusual or atypical behaviors.
  • Information specifying current level of receptive, expressive and pragmatic communication skills
  • Information specifying current medications prescribed for the disabling condition, to include side effects and possible impact on student academic performance
  • If the disability impacts memory or executive functioning skills, current level of functioning in these areas should be specified
  • Summary statement of the current impact of the disorder on the student's functioning, particularly as pertains to an academic environment.
  • Current documentation is preferred.

Please note that the College and the Disability Services Center reserves the right to deny services or accommodations while the receipt of appropriate documentation is pending.