
Disability Services FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


How much will it cost me to utilize Disability Services Center (DSC)?

Nothing. All services provided by DSC are free of charge.

I broke my wrist playing softball last week. Can the DSC help me?

Yes. DSC works with students with temporary disabilities. For instance, if you sustain an injury to your hand and are unable to write, DSC may be able to assist by identifying note-takers or providing scribes for exams. In the case of an orthopedic injury where you may have limited mobility, we can assist by assuring that your classes are in locations that are accessible.

I have a disability and I wasn't required to take a foreign language in high school. Do I have to take one in college?

There are several factors taken into account before consideration for a foreign language substitution is granted. Students should contact DSC@farmingdale.edu for specific information. Students will be expected to provide documentation of a language-based disability.

I have ADHD. What services are available to me at DSC?

All the services provided by DSC are on an individualized basis. Consideration is given to the students needs as well as documentation regarding his/her disability.  Please contact us DSC@farmingdale.edu.

Still could use some help? Email us and we will get back to you shortly.