
Guidelines for Motor Disability

A motor disability must currently substantially limit major life activity, including fine, gross, and visual motor skills, to support eligibility under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities act of 1990. Documentation must, therefore, support this eligibility, as well as any requests for reasonable accommodations. The following guidelines describe the necessary components of acceptable documentation for students with motor disabilities. Students are encourage to provide their clinicians with a copy of these guidelines.

1.  Testing must involve a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation and must address all of the following:

  • Aptitude/Cognitive Ability: A complete intellectual assessment with all subtests and standard scores reported is essential.
  • Academic Achievement: A comprehensive academic achievement battery is essential, with all subtests administered. The battery must include current levels of academic functioning in relevant areas such as reading (decoding and comprehension), mathematics, and oral and written language.
  • Information Processing: Specific areas of information processing short and long term; memory sequential; auditory and visual perception/processing; processing speed) must be assessed and should be addressed in the written interpretive summary of the documentation.

2.  Current documentation is preferred or after age 18, to assess the current impact of the student's disability on academic performance.

3.  Clear and specific evidence of a learning disability must be presented. Terms such as "learning differences", "learning styles", or "weaknesses" are not the equivalent of a learning disability.

4.  Actual test scores must be provided along with an interpretation of test results. Test protocol sheets or scores alone are not sufficient.

5.  A professional, qualified to conduct assessment and render a diagnosis of learning disability, must perform testing. Names and credentials, including licensing, certification and their areas of specialization must be clearly indicated on the report. All reports must be typed and dated.

6.  Testing must include information about the functional limitations of the student. Please indicate how the student's disability will affect his/her current participation in courses, programs, services, or any other activities of the University.

7.  Recommendations for accommodations must be based on objective evidence of a substantial limitation to learning and be supported by test results and clinical observation.

8.  Individual Education Programs (IEPs) may be provided, if available. However, please note that IEPs alone do not provide sufficient documentation to establish accommodations.