
Guidelines for Documentation of a Physical Disability-Orthopedic and Basic Chronic

Orthopedic and Basic Chronic Medical Conditions

Orthopedic and other medical conditions mist currently substantially limit major life activity, including learning, to support eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities act of 1990. Documentation must, therefore, support this eligibility, as well as any requests for reasonable accommodations. The following guidelines describe the necessary components of acceptable documentation for students with Orthopedic and Basic Chronic Medical conditions. Students are encourage to provide their clinicians with a copy of these guidelines.

Students requesting accommodations on the basis of orthopedic and other chronic health conditions must provide documentation consisting of all the following:

  • Medical or other licensed professional describing the nature of the condition including information pertaining to the history expected course of treatment, and limitations resulting from the condition or treatments.
  • Documentation must be recent in order to assess the current impact on academic functioning. The currency of documentation needed is assessed on a case to case basis by the DSC Counselor.
  • Documentation must be comprehensive and establish clear evidence of a significant impact on academic functioning
  • Documentation must be relevant to requested accommodations.

*Examples of orthopedic disabilities include, but are not limited to, clubfoot, absence of a limb, poliomyelitis, bine tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, and amputation, or any other condition which substantially limits a student a student's participation academically.

*Examples of other medical conditions include, but are not limited to, heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, AIDS, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, diabetes or Tourette syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome, or any other condition which substantially limits a student's participation academically.

*Please note that the College and Disability Service Center reserve the right to deny services or accommodations while the receipt of appropriate documentation is pending.