
Student Resources

Credit by Evaluation

The following outlines the procedure for the granting of life-experience credit for the Business and Computer Systems Department:

  1. The student selects a particular course offered by the Department (BCS or BUS) that he/she is seeking credit for and contacts the Department Chairperson with this course in mind.
  2. The department chairperson will identify a faculty member with expertise in the area being challenged.
  3. The student contacts the identified faculty member to: determine if the student's prior knowledge matches the course content and explain the method of evaluation to be used in determining the student's expertise in the area of the course content.
  4. If the student decides to continue with this process, he/she obtains a Credit-by-Evaluation form from either the Dean's Office or the Department Chairperson.
  5. The student fills out the form and returns it to the Department Chairperson for approval.
  6. The approved form is submitted to the Bursar's Office with payment of $20 per credit.
  7. The form is then returned to the Department Chairperson for forwarding to the appropriate faculty evaluator.
  8. Evaluation is arranged between the faculty evaluator and the student.
  9. After the evaluation is completed, the faculty evaluator returns the completed Credit-by-Evaluation form to the Department Chairperson indicating whether or not granting of credit is recommended or not.
  10. If credit is recommended, the Department Chairperson completes the forms necessary to have this course appear on the student's record.

NOTE: Students seeking credit for BCS102 – Computer Concepts and Applications will not have to see a faculty evaluator. There is a standard exam for this course. The BCS102 Standard Exam is composed of two parts – a concepts part and an applications part. The applications part of the exam covers Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. The process would begin with Step 4 above. After submission of the form in step 7 above, the student will be notified as to the arrangements for this exam.

Software Resources

The Computer Systems Department is currently a member of the Microsoft Development Network Academic Alliance. The benefits of membership in this alliance include:

  • Department receives an MSDN Academic Alliance Subscription. A license amendment to the End User License Agreement for MSDN enables departments to load any number of copies of the products in the MSDN Academic Alliance Subscription on their lab machines for instructional and non-commercial research use.
  • Students enrolled in courses in the member department will be able to download the software to their personal computers for use in their coursework and personal projects at no cost to them.

Farmingdale State students can purchase/download the complete Microsoft Office Suite directly from 51³Ô¹Ï at: 

Other Downloads

Transfer Credit Evaluation Process


Whitman Hall, Room 112
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


David Gerstl


Denise Backman
Administrative Assistant 1


Kathy Kollar
Instructional Support Specialist


Matthew Fried
Web Designer