
Eight Semester Plan

Please note that this is a suggested plan towards your graduation. You must schedule an to confirm your schedule each semester.

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year


1: 100-200 Level Technical Elective must be chosen from the following departments: BCS, CPS, CRJ, EET, SST, SET. 

2: 300-400 Level Technical Elective must be chosen from the following departments: BCS, CPS, CRJ, EET, SST, SET.

3: Computer Networking Electives: A minimum of 8 credits from the following courses: EET 440 (4 Credit), EET 441 (4 Credit), BCS 208 (3 Credit), BCS 209 (3 Credit), BCS 320 (3 Credit), BCS 321 (3 Credit).

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year


Courses that run in specific semesters

AVN 417 Homeland Security in Aviation: Spring
BCS 209 Networking Fundamentals II: Fall

*The Liberal Arts and Science Electives must include the following: 

  1. At least 9 credits in Social Sciences
  2. At least 12 credits of 200 or higher level courses
  3. At least one oral communication course

Concentration Options:

**Networking Concentration (12 Credits)

BCS 208 Introduction to Networks => BCS 209 Networking Fundamentals II => BCS 320 LAN Switching and Wireless => BCS 321 Accessing the WAN 


**Transportation Security (12 Credits) 

AVN 280 Introduction to Air Cargo operations => AVN 300W Government in Aviation => AVN 400 Aviation Law => AVN 417 Homeland Security in Aviation 

Computer security

Whitman Hall, Room 112
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm


M Islam


Matt Odierna
Instructional Support Technician


Donna Schneider
Administrative Assistant 1