
Requirements for Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles

Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles (MFPV) are vehicles, including trailers, that are equipped with appliances that, when in use, produce smoke or grease-laden vapors. Appliances including, but not limited to, deep fryers and griddles, are examples of the type of appliances that produce smoke and grease-laden vapors.

All MFPVs operating within the jurisdiction of 51³Ô¹Ï must comply with the . To ensure compliance, all MFPVs must be inspected and approved by the College's Fire Marshal. To request an inspection, a must be completed at least 10 days prior to the event.

If MFPV vendor does not possess a valid Suffolk County Department of Health Food Service Certificate, the vendor must contact the Suffolk County Department of Health to obtain a temporary permit.

Prior to inspection, please review the information below to ensure your Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle is in compliance with Fire Code of New York State.

This portion is intended to provide information regarding the requirements for MFPV pursuant to chapter 3, section 319 of the Fire Code of state of New York (2020). The content below is not all inclusive, so owners and operators of MFPVs are encouraged to review .

It is important to note that the Fire Code of New York State (2020) includes requirements that pertain specifically to MFPVs that were constructed on after May 12, 2020, as well as requirements that pertain to all MFPVs, regardless of the date of manufacture.

If you have any questions, please contact the College's Fire Marshal at facilities@farmingdale.edu.

  • MFPVs manufactured, assembled, or altered, on or after May 12, 2020, to include appliances that when used produce smoke or grease-laden vapors, are required to have installed both an exhaust system and automatic extinguishing system over the cooking appliances that produce smoke or grease-laden vapors.
    Additionally, appliances attached to a fuel supply, either Liquified Petroleum Gas (Propane) or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) have specific requirements for the appliance connections to the fuel system, as well as the appliances being secured to the vehicle.

  • MFPVs manufactured, assembled, or altered before May 12, 2020 to include appliances that when used produce smoke or grease-laden vapors. are not required to have an exhaust system and automatic over the cooking appliances that produce smoke or grease-laden vapors. However, all MFPVs are required to comply with the following requirements regardless of the date of manufacture, assembly, or alteration to include appliances that when used produce smoke or grease-laden vapors.

  • Any MFPV equipped with an automatic extinguishing system, regardless of date of manufacture, assembled, or alteration to include appliances that when used produce smoke or grease-laden vapors, shall be inspected and serviced every six (6) months in compliance with Section 904.12.5.2 of the , by a qualified inspection firm located within New York State.

  • Any MFPV, where an exhaust hood or exhaust system is installed, shall be inspected, serviced, and cleaned by qualified individuals in accordance with Section 607.3 of the Fire Code of New York State, every six (6) months, or every 30 days for solid fuel burning appliances. Documentation shall be maintained with the MFPV and shall be available at the time of Fire Marshal inspection. All documentation shall include the vehicle identification number (VIN).
  • All MFPVs shall be equipped with a Class-K portable fire extinguisher(s). The number and size of said extinguishers shall follow section 906.4 of the FCNYS. (Note: requirements for solid fuels and deep fryers).

  • All MFPVs shall be equipped with a multipurpose portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A-40BC.

  • MFPVs utilizing Liquified Petroleum Gas (Propane) to fuel cooking appliances. LPG containers and systems shall have been inspected annually. The inspection shall have been conducted by an approved inspection agency or a company approved by the US DOT to conduct such inspections. Inspection tag/documentation shall be maintained in the MFPV and available at the time of the Fire Marshal inspection.

  • A listed LPG alarm shall be installed within the MFPV in the area of the LPG system components and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

  • The maximum aggregate capacity of LP-Gas transported on a vehicle and utilized to fuel cooking appliances only is 200-pound LPG capacity.

  • LPG containers installed on the vehicle shall be securely mounted and restrained to prevent movement.

  • LPG System piping, including valves and fittings shall be protected from tampering, impact damage and damage from vibration.

  • MFPVs utilizing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to fuel cooking appliances. MFPVs utilizing CNG to fuel cooking appliances shall contact the Campus Fire Marshal for specific requirements.

Office of Events Management 

Horton Hall, Room 145
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm


Kimberly Parris
Director of Special Events & Scheduling


Alicia Femoyer
Assistant Director


Dan Walsh
Event Coordinator