


Bylaws of the Faculty

In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, the Bylaws of the Faculty in each of the following subsections will be referred to by the term Article and then followed by the corresponding subsection number and heading.

ARTICLE 10.1       Preamble
ARTICLE 10.2       The Farmingdale Executive Committee
ARTICLE 10.3       Meetings
ARTICLE 10.4       Voting Membership
ARTICLE 10.5       Rules of Procedure
ARTICLE 10.6       Order of Business
ARTICLE 10.7       Officers
ARTICLE 10.8       Standing Committees
ARTICLE 10.9       Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
ARTICLE 10.10     Curriculum Committee
ARTICLE 10.11     Student Affairs and Services Committee
ARTICLE 10.12     Bylaws Committee
ARTICLE 10.13     Calendar Committee
ARTICLE 10.14     College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee
ARTICLE 10.15     College Promotion Procedure
ARTICLE 10.16     College Academic Faculty Continuing and Term Appointment Committee
ARTICLE 10.17     Elections Committee
ARTICLE 10.18     International Education Committee
ARTICLE 10.19     Planning and Budget Committee
ARTICLE 10.20     Multicultural Committee
ARTICLE 10.21     Sabbatical and Reduced Load Committee
ARTICLE 10.22     College-Wide Scholarship and Awards Committee
ARTICLE 10.23     Selection Committee for Chancellors Excellence Awards for Faculty
ARTICLE 10.24     Selection Committee for Chancellors Excellence Awards for Professional Services
ARTICLE 10.25     Selection Committee for Distinguished Faculty Ranks
ARTICLE 10.26      Governance Health and Safety Committee
ARTICLE 10.27     Establishment of Other Committees
ARTICLE 10.28     Amendments to the Bylaws
ARTICLE 10.29     Memorializations


Last Revised October 20, 2022


The Bylaws of the Faculty are mandated to appear in the Professional Handbook by the Policies of the Board of Trustees. The publication of all changes in these Bylaws is accomplished through the cooperative efforts of the Faculty Bylaws Committee, the Secretary of the Faculty, the Secretary of the Farmingdale Executive Committee, and the President's office. The following codes are used to indicate changes:

  1. Sec. Rev. - Section Revised: This section was revised on the date shown for clarity, to remove gender, etc. This revision was done through the cooperation of the Faculty Bylaws Committee and the Office of the President, without a vote of the faculty.
  2. Sec. Amd. - Section Amended: This section was amended on the date shown by a vote of the faculty.
  3. Sec. Add. - Section Added: This section was added on the date shown for clarity, etc. This addition was done through the cooperation of the Faculty Bylaws Committee and the Office of the President, and without a vote of the faculty.
  4. Art. Add. Amd. - Article Added Amendment: This article was added by amendment on the date shown by a vote of the faculty.
  5. Art. Del. - Article Deleted: This article was deleted on the date shown. This deletion was done at the direction of the faculty Bylaws Committee and without a vote of the faculty.

The adoption date of each change is given in parentheses following the change number.

Following is Article X, in its entirety, extracted from the "Policies of the Board of Trustees, 1987 Edition."


  1. Composition: The faculty of each college shall be comprised of the Chancellor, the chief administrative officer and other members of the voting faculty of the college, other members of the academic staff of the college, and such non-voting administrative officers and professional staff as may be designated by the faculty bylaws of the college.
  2. Chairman and Presiding Officer: The chief administrative officer of the college shall be the chairman of the faculty of each college. Each college faculty may provide for the selection of its presiding officer, in a manner to be specified in college faculty bylaws. Both the Chancellor and the chief administrative officer shall be empowered to call meetings of the college faculty or the governance body of that faculty and of its executive committee. The agendum of each meeting of these bodies shall provide, as a priority order of business, an opportunity for both the Chancellor and chief administrative officer to present their reports.
  3. Voting Faculty: The voting faculty of each college shall be comprised of:
    1. The Chancellor and the chief administrative officer of the college
    2. Members of the academic staff of the college having academic rank and term or continuing appointments
    3. Such other officers of administration and staff members of the college as may be specified by the faculty bylaws of the college
  4. Responsibility: The faculty of each college shall have the obligation to participate significantly in the initiation, development and implementation of the education program.

5. Bylaws:

  1. The faculty of each college shall prepare and adopt Bylaws which shall contain:
    1. Provision for committees and their responsibilities
    2. Procedures for the calling and conduct of faculty meetings and elections
    3. Provisions for such other matters of organizations and procedure as may be necessary for the performance of their responsibilities
  2. Bylaws shall be consistent with and subject to the Policies of the Board of Trustees of State University of New York, and the provisions of agreements between the State of New York, and certified employee organizations established pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. Provision of Bylaws concerning consultation with the faculty shall be subjected to the approval of the chief administrative officer of the college. All actions under bylaws shall be advisory upon the Chancellor and the chief administrative officer of the college.


Article 10.1 PREAMBLE

10.1.1 Preamble

To provide an organization through which it may effectively discharge its responsibilities in the development and conduct of the College's programs of instruction, the Faculty of the 51勛圖 agrees to govern itself according to these Bylaws. In the governance of the Faculty, these Bylaws are supplementary to the Policies of the Board of Trustees, the provisions of which are presupposed in these articles.


10.2.1 Responsibilities

Within the Faculty, there will be a Farmingdale Executive Committee. Between meetings of the faculty, the Executive Committee of the Faculty shall have the responsibility of conducting business in the name of the faculty. This responsibility will include the following:

  1. To fill interim vacancies on faculty-established standing committees, with the exception of the CAFPC. (Sec. Amd. 4/5/2019)
    1. When the FEC is notified of an existing vacancy, it is the responsibility of the FEC Secretary to determine the eligible individual who has the next highest plurality of votes as recorded on the official tally sheet from the preceding election. The candidate will fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term of office.
    2. If there are no eligible individuals from the previous election process to serve, the FEC will appoint a candidate from an established list of eligible volunteers to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term of office.
    3. In the event that there are no eligible individuals from the volunteer list, the FEC will canvass the campus for candidates. (Sec. Rev. 2/13/1990)
  2. The FEC shall maintain, revise, and periodically publish the rosters of membership of the Farmingdale Executive Committee and Standing Committees of the Faculty on the Membership on Standing Committees document posted by the Presiding Officer on the Governance webpage.  and where feasible, other faculty committees.  The FEC chairperson shall notify the campus community via email when the first Membership on Standing Committees document containing the election results for the new academic year has been posted to the Governance webpage. (Sec. Rev. 4/19/2022)
  3. To supervise nominations and elections to standing committees.
  4. To create ad hoc committees of the faculty, to charge these committees, and to appoint the members of such committees when it believes the service of the faculty requires such action.
  5. To review excessive absence or other activities by committee members, which shall be brought to the attention of the Farmingdale Executive Committee secretary for action by the faculty. This may result in the faculty declaring a vacancy on the Committee.
  6. To communicate resolutions of the faculty to the College President, when appropriate, and to make proper inquiry of the President about the subsequent status of such resolutions.
  7. To prepare the final form of the agenda prior to each meeting of the faculty.
  8. To make recommendations on such matters of procedure and policy as may be requested by individual Executive Committee members, by members of the professional staff, by students, by alumni, by members of the College council, or by individual members of the faculty.
  9. To concern itself with the matters on which the contract between the duly elected bargaining agent and the State is silent. The Executive Committee shall make recommendations to any or all of the following: the faculty, the President, and the Bargaining Agent.
  10. To handle matters pertaining to the memorialization as indicated in Article 10.28.
  11. To review the Professional Handbook annually and to submit recommendations for revision to the President.


The membership of the Farmingdale Executive Committee shall be as follows:

  1. The President, or in the absence of the President, the Provost, or the Deputy President. (Sec. Amd. 10/7/1986; Sec. Rev. 4/25/1988)
  2. Two faculty members from each School (Arts and Sciences entitled to four members) and one faculty member at large. Eleven members, nominated by individual members of the faculty, are elected by the faculty for a term of three calendar years. No more than one member from a department may serve concurrently. (Sec. Amd. 9/26/17)
    1. When there are three or more candidates for one office, plurality vote elects.
    2. When there are more than two candidates, for two or more offices in one election, candidates will be elected by order of plurality.
  3. The faculty representative to the State University Faculty Senate and Alternate, when they are not elected members of the Farmingdale Executive committee.
  4. Two members of the Professional Staff. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)


The Secretary of the Farmingdale Executive Committee shall be an ex-officio member of the Election Committee, and other members shall serve as non-voting liaisons to the other standing committees of the faculty. (Sec. Rev. 4/25/1988)


The Farmingdale Executive Committee shall elect its own Chairperson and Secretary and appoint such ad hoc committees of the Farmingdale Executive Committee and Chairpersons as it deems necessary. (Sec. Rev. 3/20/1988)

Article 10.3 MEETINGS


In the academic year, the faculty shall hold at least two meetings each semester during the day at a time convenient for the faculty, as determined by the President in consultation with the members of the Farmingdale Executive Committee. The meeting shall be held in a hybrid format with virtual live streaming of audio, video, and presentations for remote attendees. Voting shall be made accessible to eligible voting members who are physically or remotely present. (Sec. Amd. 4/19/2022) (Sec. Rev. 10/20/2022)


Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or by the Farmingdale Executive Committee.


Special meetings may be called by the Farmingdale Executive Committee at the request of ten or more members of the faculty whose names shall be published in the announcement of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the announcement of the meeting.



The voting faculty shall be comprised of:

  1. The Chancellor of the University
  2. The President of the College
  3. Full-time members of the Academic Staff of the College having the academic rank of either Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Visiting Professor, Librarian, Associate Librarian, or Senior Assistant Librarian; but not, however, Assistant Librarian.
  4. Such administrative officers as designated by the faculty. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)
  5. Members of the staff holding professional titles (Non-Teaching Professionals) with full-time appointments. NB: Professional staff employees may not vote on issues concerned with Academic Faculty Promotion or Academic Continuing and Term Appointment. 
  6. Part-time faculty members, those persons other than Visiting Professors having temporary positions, such as lecturers, and those persons who are considered Management Confidential are not part of the voting faculty. (Sec. Amd. 11/2/2021) (Sec. Rev. 10/21/2022)

10.4.2 QUORUM

  1. A Governance Meeting quorum shall consist of 70 members of the voting membership. (Sec. Amd. 4/10/1997, 2/28/2014, 9/24/2019)
  2. Each standing Committee can determine its own policy for what constitutes a quorum for that Committee; but, at a minimum, a quorum shall consist of not less than a simple majority of the voting members of that Committee. (Sec. Amd. 9/24/2019)



Procedure at meetings of the faculty shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition. As part of the general election and each serving for a term of three years, (1) a member of the faculty shall be elected as Parliamentarian, and (2) a second member of the faculty shall be elected as Alternate Parliamentarian to assume the responsibilities of the Parliamentarian in the latter's absence. (Sec. Amd. 11/2/2021)


The Parliamentarian shall perform the function of advising the Presiding Officer and the membership of the faculty through the Presiding Officer, on proper procedure according to Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition. In addition, the Parliamentarian shall make a report in each meeting, if requested, on the correctness and legality of procedure followed at the previous meeting. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1978, 8/1985)


  1. A Faculty Senator and an Alternate Faculty Senator will be elected as individual positions. Elections to the Faculty Senate shall be conducted as part of the general election. (Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018)
  2. A Faculty Senator and an Alternate Faculty Senator will be elected as individual positions. (Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018)



In official meetings of the faculty, the order of business shall be as follows:
Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
President's Report
Provost's Report
Old Business
New Business
Reports of the Standing Committee
Reports of Other Committees and Organizations (Sec. Rev. 2/13/1990), (Sec. Amd. 4/10/1997, 2/28/2014)

Article 10.7 OFFICERS


The Officers of the Faculty shall be the Chairperson of the Farmingdale Executive Committee, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty and the Secretary of the Faculty.


All faculty meetings shall be chaired by an elected Presiding Officer, who will be a member of the faculty serving for a term of three years. (Sec. Amd. 2/26/2021)

  1. In the Presiding Officer's absence, the meeting shall be chaired by the Secretary of the Faculty.
  2. Nominations to fill the position of the Presiding Officer of the Faculty meetings shall be made as part of the general election process. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1979, 3/20/1980; Sec. Amd. 4/9/2018)


The Secretary shall be elected by the faculty to serve a term of three calendar years. The Secretary shall keep minutes and publish the agenda of meetings. The Secretary shall circulate the minutes and agenda to all members at least five days preceding the next regular meeting.

  1. The individual serving as the Secretary to the Farmingdale Executive Committee shall be the Alternate Secretary to the Faculty.
  2. The Secretary of the Faculty shall provide the Bylaws Committee with a copy of all amendments to the Bylaws as they are adopted. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1979)



The Standing Committees of the faculty are:
Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
Bylaws Committee
Calendar Committee
College Academic Faculty Committee on Continuing and Term Appointment
College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee
College-Wide Scholarship & Awards Committee 
Curriculum Committee
Elections Committee
Farmingdale Executive Committee
Governance Health and Safety Committee
International Education Committee
Multicultural Committee 
Planning and Budget Committee
Sabbatical and Reduced Load Committee 
Selection Committee for Chancellor's Excellence Awards for Faculty
Selection Committee for Chancellor's Excellence Awards for Professional Service
Selection Committee for Distinguished Faculty Ranks
Student Affairs and Services Committee


  1. Faculty: Any voting member of the faculty shall be eligible for election to the standing committees. Individuals who are in acting positions at or above the level of Assistant Dean are not eligible to serve on standing committees (Sec. Amd. 9/2016).
  2. Professional Staff: Any full-time member of the professional staff who is not designated as managerial or confidential, as defined by the New York State Taylor law, shall be eligible for election to selected standing committees. (Sec. Amd. 9/20/2020)

The above-defined professional staff members shall be eligible to serve on the following standing committees:
Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
Bylaws Committee
Calendar Committee
College-Wide Scholarship & Awards Committee (Sec. Add. 2/28/2014)
Curriculum Committee
Elections Committee
Farmingdale Executive Committee
Governance Health and Safety Committee
International Education Committee
Multicultural Committee (Sec. Rev. 11/1992, 11/2/1999) (Sec. Add. 11/19/1992)
Planning and Budget Committee
Sabbatical and Reduced Load Committee (Sec. Add. 4/12/2002)
Selection Committee for Chancellor's Excellence Awards for Faculty
Selection Committee for Chancellor's Excellence Awards for Professional Service
Student Affairs and Services Committee


Unless a special order of business has been agreed upon, standing faculty committees should be given an opportunity to report at each meeting to the faculty. When such a committee wishes to recommend a specific proposal for adoption, its proposal has the status of a motion made and seconded.


At the second Governance meeting of the fall semester, the Elections Committee shall make the call for nominations for impending vacancies on the Standing Committees to assume membership at the start of the next fall semester. Nominations will close at the first spring Governance meeting with the taking of nominations from the floor. At least two nominees should be presented for each vacancy. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Election shall be by electronic ballot on the college intranet over a secure link with encryption, password protection, paper verification record and paper ballot made available upon request to the FEC chairperson. A final date for return of the ballot shall be printed on the ballot. (Sec. Amd. 11/17/2009; Sec. Amd. 4/9/2018)

  1. When there are three or more candidates for one office, plurality vote elects.
  2. When there are more than two candidates for two or more offices in one election, candidates will be elected by order of plurality. (Sec. Rev. 3/20/1980)
  3. For each general election, a candidate may be nominated only once for each committee. (Sec. Amd. 11/13/2018)


With the exception of the College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee, the College Academic Faculty Continuing and Term Appointment Committee, the Selection Committee for Chancellors Excellence Awards for Faculty, the Selection Committee for Chancellors Excellence Award for Professional Service, and the Selection Committee for Distinguished Faculty Ranks, members of a standing committee cannot serve on more than one standing committee. Members of the College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee and the College Academic Faculty Continuing and Term Appointment Committee cannot serve on both committees simultaneously. (Sec. Amd. 3/1/1988; Sec. Amd. 4/20/1999; Sec. Amd. 11/17/2009; Sec. Amd. 11/12/2013; Sec. Amd.2/28/2014; Sec. Amd. 8/21/2014)


Members of a standing committee, excepting promotions, are limited to two consecutive terms. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1979; Sec. Amd. 9/28/1999; Sec. Amd. 11/17/2009)


Each committee shall elect its own chairperson and secretary. Responsibilities of Committee Chairs/Secretaries:

  • To schedule and hold meetings on a regular basis in accordance with Article 10.8.10 of the Faculty Bylaws (Sec. Amd. 2/28/2014)
  • To submit a written report to the general membership at each Governance Meeting (Sec. Amd. 2/28/2014)
  • To submit an end-of-the-year report electronically to the Secretary of the FEC by the last day of classes each spring semester (Sec. Amd. 2/28/2014)
  • To take minutes of each meeting and transmit approved minutes to the Chair of Governance in accordance with Article 10.8.9 (Sec. Amd. 11/8/2017)


A term shall consist of three years unless specifically adjusted by the Bylaw governing a committee. If an appointed member of a standing committee has served a major fraction of a first term (2/3 or more of the term), then that appointed member will be considered as having served the first term on that committee. (Sec. Amd. 4/20/1999 and 4/8/2018) (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)

10.8.9 MINUTES

Secretaries of committees shall send minutes electronically to the Chair of Governance for submission of committee minutes within one week following the approval of the minutes for posting on the Intranet. (Sec. Amd. 2/10/2017)


  1. All standing committees of the College must meet in person and/or virtually at least once every semester. The first meeting of the fall semester should be held within the first four weeks of the semester. (Sec. Amd. 9/29/2020)
  2. The primary purpose of the first meeting of the Fall Semester shall be to introduce any newly elected committee members, elect a chair and a secretary, review the committees charge, and plan the committees agenda.  Following that first meeting, the chair of each standing committee shall contact the chair of the Farmingdale Executive Committee to report who has been elected chair and secretary of that committee.  The FEC chair will update this information on the Current Members of Standing Committees document and submit it to the Presiding Officer for posting on the Governance website. (Sec. Amd. 1/8/2017; Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018; Sec. Amd. 4/19/2022)
  3. The primary purpose of the first meeting of the Spring Semester shall be to review the Membership on Standing Committees document and identify which committee members for the following year will be (a) returning, (b) seeking re-election, and (c) no longer serving on the committee.  Following that meeting, the chair or secretary of each standing committee shall contact the chair of the Elections Committee to report these results. (Sec. Rev. 4/19/2022)
  4. At the last meeting of the spring semester, (1) a continuing committee member shall be designated to convene the first meeting of the fall semester and (2) the committee members will agree to and set the date, time, and place of the first committee meeting of the fall semester.



  1. One academic faculty member to be elected from each of the four schools
  2. Three academic faculty members at large
  3. One professional employee from the Admissions Office
  4. One professional employee at large. (Sec. Amd. 11/2/1999)


  1. To recommend to the President and/or the faculty, policies concerning modification of the admission requirements and academic standards of the College.
  2. To regularly review the admission requirements and academic standards as they relate to the realization of the educational objectives of the college and students.
  3. To recommend and review policies and regulations concerned with awards for achievements in scholarship.
  4. To review and recommend policies that concern student grading and academic integrity. (Sec. Amd. 11/12/2013)



  1. Two academic faculty members to be elected from each of the four schools
  2. Two academic faculty members at large
  3. One member from the library
  4. Two professional employees at large (Sec. Amd. 11/2/1999)


  1. To receive and review all proposals to amend the curriculum of the college and to report to the faculty and all concerned parties its recommendations made to the Office of the Provost.
  2. To review periodically the existing curriculums and to make such recommendations to the Office of the Provost, the Schools, all concerned parties, and the faculty as seems desirable.
  3. To recommend to the Office of the Provost, the faculty, and all concerned parties such proposed new programs or courses as in its judgment are necessary to implement the existing mission of the college.
  4. To review Letters of Intent and formal proposals for all new programs and to make its recommendations known to the Office of the Provost, the faculty, and all concerned parties. (Sec. Rev. 4/25/1988)
  5. To notify the initiator of each curriculum change proposal of the Committee's decision in writing. (Sec. Rev. 11/14/1989)


(Sec. Amd. 2/20/1992)


  1. Six academic faculty members one faculty member from each unit, and one from the faculty at large. (Sec. Amd 4/8/2011)
  2. Three professional employees including at least one professional employee from the Division of Student Affairs. (Sec. Amd 4/8/2011)
  3. Two or more students (Sec. Amd. 4/2/1992; 11/2/1999; 4/8/2011) The Farmingdale Student Government (the FSG) will designate one student representative on the SASC. The SASC will select one (or more) student representative(s) from the student body at large. (Sec. Amd. 3/5/2010, 4/8/2011)


  1. To serve as an advisory board to the Division of Student Life and to other areas administered as student services. (Sec. Amd. 4/20/2004)
  2. To gather and disseminate information to all departments and offices that provides student services. (Sec. Amd. 4/20/2004; 3/5/2010)
  3. To bring the issues and concerns of students to the Student Affairs Division, to the faculty and professional staff (through the FEC), and the Administration and to recommend clearer procedures for action in response to these issues. (Sec. Amd. 2/20/1992; 4/20/2004; 3/5/2010)



  1. Five academic faculty members
  2. One professional staff member


  1. To review and make recommendations on existing Bylaws once a year.
  2. To review and evaluate and make recommendations to the faculty on all proposals to amend the Bylaws except as provided in Article 10.23 when unanimous consent of the quorum occurs and to make note of all proposals to amend the Bylaws.
  3. To receive from the Secretary of the Faculty a copy of all amendments to the Bylaws as they are adopted within thirty calendar days and subsequently incorporated into the master Bylaws document by the Bylaws Committee.
  4. To present a report of all corrections and revisions of the Bylaws to the Office of the President at the end of each academic year.



  1. One academic faculty member to be elected from each of the four schools. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1970, Sec. Amd. 11/2/1999
  2. Two professional employees
  3. The Provost or Provost designee (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1970, Sec. Amd. 11/2/1999)


  1. To represent the faculty in the preparation of the Academic Calendar
  2. To consult with representatives of all concerned groups and recommend an Academic Calendar to the faculty for ratification
  3. To recommend revisions in policies and procedures concerning scheduling of registration, intersession, graduation and emergency calendar adjustments to enable the adoption of an acceptable Academic Calendar

Article 10.14 COLLEGE ACADEMIC FACULTY PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE (the CAFPC) (Art. Amd. 11/2/1999, 3/2/2012)


  1. A College Academic Faculty Promotion Committee shall be formed to evaluate candidates. All recommendations for promotion shall be made to the President of the College at the conclusion of the promotion cycle.
  2. Deans of Schools, Department Chairpersons, and any others who are involved in the promotions process in an administrative capacity are not eligible to serve on the CAFPC. In the event that committee members receive appointments to any of these positions, then their CAFPC seat will be filled by the election of new representatives from their promotion unit in an election supervised by the Elections Committee. In departments with no full-time tenure track faculty assigned to teach courses specific to the department, the Department Chairperson will be eligible to serve on the College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee. (Sec. Amd. 2/24/2005)
  3. The Provost shall declare the opening of the promotion cycle by written communication with the CAFPC. The Provost or alternate shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.
  4. A faculty member who successfully achieves Continuing Appointment will concurrently receive the rank of Associate Professor. (Sec. Add. 3/2/2017)


No one shall serve on any of the aforementioned Promotion Committees who is being considered for promotion during the year the faculty member serves.


During a promotion cycle, no faculty member shall serve on both a departmental promotions committee and the college-wide promotions committee. A promotional cycle shall be defined as that period of time from the distribution of the Faculty Promotion Resume form to the publication of the CAFPC's list of names submitted to the College President.

Article 10.15 COLLEGE PROMOTION PROCEDURE (Art. Amd. 11/2/1999, 3/21/2012)


The responsibilities of faculty promotion will be performed by the College Academic Faculty Promotions Committee (the CAFPC). This committee will review and evaluate all candidates dossiers for promotions. The format of the promotions dossier will be identical to the College Academic Faculty Continuing and Term Appointment Committee (the CAFCATAC) dossier.


All new faculties will be assigned a mentor who holds continuing appointment. If necessary, a mentor may be chosen from another Department within the same school. This mentor will work with the new faculty member to make a smooth transition into the procedures, operations and standards of the College and school. The new faculty members department chair will orientate the individual in department procedures and standards but shall not serve as mentor.


A new faculty member, in conjunction with the department chair and school dean, will create a growth plan. This plan will describe in detail the individuals goals and objectives for the first two academic years. These achievements will be reported in the faculty members annual report. New goals and objectives for the following year, as well as the evaluation of the previous years goals and objectives, will be included (reported) each year in the faculty members annual report.

10.15.4 DOSSIER

Every faculty member must create a dossier. This document, created during the department member's first year of service and revised annually, is a factual description of the individuals major strengths and achievements. It will contain documents and materials which collectively suggest the scope and quality of the individuals teaching effectiveness, scholarly activity and service to the profession, discipline, College and community. Items in a dossier should include but not necessarily be limited to: (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)

  • Teaching philosophy
  • Teaching strategies and objectives
  • Assessment activities and changes resulting from information obtained by their use
  • Methods employed to remain current in that discipline and teaching pedagogy
  • Summaries of articles published in peer reviewed journals in the discipline or in education or summaries of critically judged creative work.
  • Books
  • Exhibits
  • Summaries of presentations given or panels served on at conferences or meetings sponsored by national organizations or their affiliates.
  • Grants applied for or received
  • Degrees earned
  • Honors awarded for service to the profession, discipline or community service to the College, school and department
  • The candidate's annual report
  • Evaluation of teaching effectiveness by peers, department chairs and deans or associate deans
  • Summaries of significant published articles or written reports or creative work that has not been peer reviewed.


  1. Optionally, one year before a prospective candidate files for promotion to Full Professor, the candidate may submit a draft application to candidate's department chair or one or more senior tenured full professors for review. The function of this reviewer is to examine the draft application and to advise the candidate on how to strengthen the candidate's application. (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)/
  2. Each candidate's dossier must contain an Executive Summary, regardless of the rank, which the candidate seeks. (Sec. Amd. 4/10/2015) (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)


  1. Handbook qualifications represent minimal qualifications for promotion and do not, of themselves, guarantee promotions.
  2. Upon the CAFPCs review of the candidates promotion documents and supporting information, each candidate will be ranked as either Highly Qualified, Qualified, or Not Qualified. The CAFPC will rank the Highly Qualified and Qualified candidates. The CAFPC will provide a narrative evaluation for all candidates. (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)


  1. Teaching evaluation systems must be flexible to accommodate diversity in instructional methods, including but not limited to:
    • Lecture
    • Discussion
    • Laboratory/Studio
    • Case Studies
    • Small Group Interaction
    • Practicum
    • Field Work
    • Clinical
  2. Effective teaching evaluations should be individualized. Thus, a plan sensitive to individual variation should be created. A faculty member should provide information about the candidate's contributions and accomplishments as a teacher on a longitudinal basis over the candidate's teaching career. (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)
  3. A teaching evaluation has as its central element the assessment of quality of classroom instruction. Since teaching includes activities broader than classroom instruction, evaluation of teaching must assess more than classroom performance. Among the teaching activities that may be considered are:
    • Quality and level of classroom instruction
    • Development of curricula, new courses and classroom materials
    • Individual consultations with students including supervision of independent study classes
    • Supervision of undergraduate student research
    • Advising students
    • Supervision of field work
    • Supervision of clinical and practicum experiences
  4. Sources of faculty effectiveness can be found in:
    • Unsolicited student and alumni correspondence
    • Faculty provided examples of student learning
    • Evaluation of classroom teaching by peers for:
      1. Appropriateness of materials and methods
      2. Breadth and depth of materials covered
      3. Relation of such materials to the syllabus and goals of the course
      4. Incorporation of recent developments in the discipline in the course
  5. When peer evaluations are used for personnel decisions, it is important to have explicit criteria by which colleagues can make valid evaluations. An observation form will yield systematic and comparable data and help to compose a required letter. Observations of a candidate must occur:
    • Departmental CAFPC/Peers: Once a semester
    • Chairs: Once a year
    • Deans: Once a Contract Period
  6. In addition, each observer must conduct a pre- and post-observation meeting with the individual observed. Outside the classroom, instructional contributions can be evaluated by the quality of:
    • curriculum development
    • supervision of student research and internships
    • publication of articles in recognized journals of education or discipline
    • presentations on pedagogy or in the discipline at regional and/or national conferences
    • publication of textbooks in pedagogy or in the discipline

10.15.8 SCHOLARSHIP (25%)

  1. The College recognizes that scholarship may take many forms. In order to allow faculty members to pursue their interests and strengths, the College recognizes the following categories of scholarship as recommended by Ernest Boyer in his book, Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate.
    1. Scholarship of Teaching
      This area covers activities with intellectual merit that contribute to teaching and learning or to the better understanding or application of current learning concepts.
      These can include, but are not limited to:
      1. Creating original instructional materials
      2. Developing original curricula
      3. Incorporating new knowledge or new technology into existing courses or programs.
      4. Evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical procedures.
    2. Scholarship of Discovery This type of scholarship includes not only traditional research but also original and creative work in software development and in the literary, visual and performing arts. Evidence of achievement would include, but is not limited to:
      1. Publication of original contributions to knowledge in recognized referred journals or books.
      2. Refereed conference papers or creative artistic works.
      3. Applying for or receiving competitive grants.
    3. Scholarship of Integration
      This type of scholarship requires collecting or cataloging information and knowledge from various disciplines and by the use of original insight, put apparently unrelated facts into perspective or place specialized knowledge into broader context.
    4. Scholarship of Application
      The scholarship of application moves the scholar to ask How can knowledge be responsibly applied to solve consequential problems? Evidence of achievement would include, but is not limited to:
      1. Productive consultancies with external groups which result in innovative practical outcomes that are accepted by the profession or techniques developed which are adopted by those in the field.
      2. Attainment of professional licenses or credentials.
      3. Attainment of an advanced degree.
      4. In all cases, the scholarly work must be viewed as significant by external peers. The significance of the scholarly work can be evaluated by:
      5. The reputation of the organization publishing the work or sponsoring the seminar or exhibition.
      6. The reputation of the industry or profession which adopts new or creative ideas or techniques created by the individual.

10.15.9 SERVICE (25%)

  1. As an educational institution, the College needs and values the service of faculty on committees and with activities which enhance its educational programs, student life and community services in the broadest sense. Faculty members are expected to:
    1. Be active participants in the College government process by attendance and participation in College, school and department meetings and committees
    2. Participate in the academic ceremonies of the College
    3. Serve as academic advisors of students
  2. Additional Categories Although not intended to be exhaustive, faculty may render valuable service by:
    1. Serving as advisors to student clubs and activities
    2. Providing public service in areas of discipline/specialization
      1. presentations to community groups
      2. service to professional organizations
      3. service to charitable endeavors
      4. governmental boards and committees


  1. All candidates for promotion to Full Professor must submit an Executive Summary of their dossier which illustrates both their accomplishments and continuing growth in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. This document will be forwarded to external reviewers who are professionals in the candidates disciplines and may include either academics and/or experts from industry. All reviewer reports will become a permanent part of the candidates dossier.
    1. Each department will establish and maintain a list of potential external reviewers.
    2. Candidates applying for promotion to Full Professor will submit, to the Provosts office, the names of two external reviewers who are professionals in the same discipline. (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)
    3. The Chairperson of the Department Promotion Committee shall forward, to the Provosts office, two names of external reviewers from their list of reviewers with a relevant background.
    4. The Provost will select one external reviewer from both the candidates and departments lists.


  1. Candidate
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Prepare the dossier in consultation with:
        1. Department Chair
        2. Mentor
        3. Department Promotion Committee
      2. Finalize content of the dossier (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)
      3. Follow established rules, formats and deadlines
  2. Department Chair Review
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Review candidates dossiers and return if necessary.
      2. Verify that the dossier includes all classroom observations
      3. Forward copies of the dossier to the School Dean and the Department Promotions Committee.
  3. Department Promotions Committee
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Review candidates dossiers
      2. Rate candidates as qualified or not qualified based on:
        1. Board of Trustees Policies
        2. College Standards
      3. Place a Narrative Evaluation in the dossier of each candidate (this letter highlights the strengths and achievements of the candidate.
      4. Send a letter to each candidate explaining the rationale for the committees decision.
      5. Forward all dossiers to the College CAFPC.
      6. Coordinate external review.
  4. CAFPC
    1. Responsibilities
      1. Prior to the beginning of a promotions cycle, the committee shall ensure that:
        1. Policies and procedures are published and available to candidates on the Intranet
        2. Committee members at all levels are knowledgeable about all policies and procedures, including due process and discrimination laws.
      2. The committee shall also:
        1. Hear appeals of department not qualified recommendation of candidate based on discrimination or lack of due process
        2. Ensure uniformity and quality of general college standards as they are applied across departments and the college.
        3. Ensure equity and adequacy of policies and procedures at the school levels
        4. Rate candidates as
          1. Highly Qualified
          2. Qualified
        5. Place a Narrative Evaluation in the dossier of each candidate which explains the rationale behind each candidates rating
        6. Forward dossiers to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost along with a report on any recommendations on special cases


  1. Department Promotions Committee
    1. The committee will consist of a minimum of three members elected from the department who hold continuing appointments.
      1. If the department cannot supply a minimum of three members holding continuing appointments, additional members may be chosen from other departments within the School, holding continuing appointments (the Committee can be three to seven members.
      2. Members shall be chosen by secret ballot.
      3. Each department shall establish a Review Committee for Promotions (the "Department Promotions Committee"). Neither the Department Chairperson nor the Dean (including Acting, Assistant, Associate, or Interim Dean) of the School shall serve on this committee. (Sec. Amd. 10/29/2019)
    2. The Faculty Promotion Resume shall be completed by each faculty member who is seeking promotion. The application format will be provided to the departments by the CAFPC.
    3. Each Department shall recommend nominees for promotion in priority order. Each nomination shall carry an evaluation by the Department Chairperson. In addition, the Department Chairperson may unilaterally make recommendations for promotion, but each must be noted as such. Individuals recommended for promotion shall meet the criteria for promotion published in the Policies of the Board of Trustees and the Professional Handbook. The Departmental Promotion Lists shall be circulated to all department faculty members.
  2. College-wide Committee
    1. Composition: Seven faculty members, each holding Continuing Appointment.
    2. Election:
      1. For an Arts & Sciences vacancy on the CAFPC, only voting members from the Mathematics/Natural Sciences Unit (the departments of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) may vote for the Mathematics/Natural Sciences representative on the CAFPC; only voting members from the Arts Unit (all other departments in the School of Arts & Sciences) may vote for the Arts representative on the CAFPC at a special election held by that school. (Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018)
      2. One faculty member from the Library will be elected at a special election held by the Library.
      3. One faculty member at-large will be elected as part of the general election of the standing committees.
    3. Exclusion: No department may have more than one member on the Committee.
      (Sec. Amd. 9/2016 and 4/8/2018)
  3. Library and EOC
    1. The promotion recommendations of the Library Promotion Committee and the Educational Opportunity Center Promotion Committee shall be based on their own developed procedures. The ranked names of the candidates will be forwarded to the CAFPC.


  1. A majority of the total CAFPC is necessary to determine the ranking and the placement of each Qualified and Highly Qualified candidate for promotion.
  2. The review process (including personal notes and discussions) will be kept confidential and the sessions where such reviews are undertaken will be closed. All votes are confidential and should not be discussed outside of the meetings. Each committee member will fill out a ballot for each candidate recommending for or against promotion. In addition, in the space provided on the ballot, a concise statement supporting the rationale for the vote cast should be given. The rationale must be based on the information presented in the dossier.
  3. All ballots will be placed in an envelope which will be sealed. The chair shall sign across the seal. The committee will meet at a predetermined time to open the envelope(s) and count the ballots. The committee will compose a letter of endorsement stating the final vote and the rationale for it. A copy of this letter will be placed in the candidates dossier. (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)

10.15.14 APPEALS

  1. Appeals will be limited, and will be based upon the candidates' providing evidence of discrimination or lack of due process. All appeals must first be submitted to the CAFPC in writing. The CAFPC will then decide whether to hear that appeal in person based on an evaluation of the submission.
  2. After hearing appeals, the CAFPC shall assign priorities by formulating a single list of priority recommendations from the Departmental Promotions Committees. The Library Promotion List and Educational Opportunity Center Promotion List will be formulated separately. The Committee shall remove the name of any candidate who does not meet the criteria stated in these Bylaws. (Sec Amd. 4/8/2018)



  1. The committee shall be composed of seven elected academic faculty members holding continuing appointments:
    1. One faculty member from each of the four schools
    2. Three faculty members at large (Sec. Amd. 9/23/2008)
  2. There shall be no more than one member from the same department on the committee at one time. (Sec. Rev. 8/1985)
  3. No department member from the same department shall serve on both the department continuing and term appointment committee and the College-wide Continuing and Term Appointment Committee at the same time. (Sec. Amd. 9/27/2022)


  1. To formulate, initiate, and periodically review procedures for departmental evaluation of candidates for term and continuing appointments, in accordance with the Policies of the College, Board of Trustees, and current contractual obligations.
  2. To review all departmental recommendations relating to continuing appointments.
  3. To review appeals submitted by individuals who have been denied renewal of term appointment by their Department, their Department Chairperson, or both.
  4. To convey to the President and each candidate the findings and recommendations of the committee. (Sec. Rev. 3/20/1980, Sec. Amd. 10/7/1986)


  1. The President shall notify this Committee of candidates scheduled for appointment review at least six months prior to the time that faculty members must be informed in writing of their status.
  2. The Committee shall devise faculty evaluation forms. The Office of the Provost shall provide these forms to each of the Academic Deans. These forms may be supplemented by the department, as it deems necessary. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)
  3. Each department shall establish a Review Committee for Continuing and Term Appointments (the Dept. CCTA). The size of committee shall consist of between 3 and 7 members, as voted on by the department, holding continuing appointment in the department. Members are elected by the department and serve for a term of three years. If the department is unable to form a committee holding continuing appointments, then additional members from within the School shall be selected annually by the Department CCTA and Department. Chair. Neither the Department Chairperson nor the Dean (incl. Acting, Assist. /Assoc., Interim) of the School shall serve on this committee. The election of members and committee chair shall be noted in the Department Minutes. (Sec. Amd. 10/1/2013)
  4. The Department Committee shall meet without the Department Chairperson present. After reviewing a candidate for term or continuing appointment, the Committee shall forward its recommendation(s) to the CAFCATAC and shall present a copy of its recommendation to the candidate. The Department Chairperson shall submit a recommendation for term or continuing appointment to the CAFCATAC and present a copy to the candidate concurrently. (Sec. Amd. 11/28/1995)
  5. The CAFCATAC shall review the evaluation file and evaluation procedures of all candidates including those denied recommendation for term or continuing appointment. At this time the Committee may request personal interviews with the candidates, members of their departments, or anyone else who might prove helpful in the committee's deliberations and recommendations. (Sec. Amd. 11/28/1995)
  6. Upon completion of its review, the CAFCATAC shall convey its findings and recommendations to the President and to each candidate within fourteen calendar days. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)
  7. All notifications to candidates shall be sent by certified mail with return receipt to the last known legal address of the candidates. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)

10.16.4 APPEAL MECHANISM: (Department and CAFCATAC)

  1. In case of a Department Review Committee's decision of non-renewal, the candidate for term appointment shall first appeal to the Department Review Committee for reappraisal. The request for appeal shall be submitted in writing within fifteen calendar days following receipt of the certified letter by the candidate of notification of non-renewal. The request shall be directed to the Chairperson of the Department Review Committee with a copy to the Department Chairperson. The Department Review Committee shall notify the candidate by certified mail of its decision within fourteen calendar days of their meeting. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)
  2. If the denial stands, the candidate may then appeal to the CAFCATAC. The request for an appeal shall be submitted in writing to the CAFCATAC within fifteen calendar days following receipt by the candidate of the letter denying the appeal. The request shall be directed to the Chairperson of the CAFCATAC. Reason for Appeal may include among others: procedural errors or irregularities in evaluation, omission of relevant information from the candidate's records, evidence of machinations that influenced the decision-making process, and biased or capricious judgments during review processes.
  3. In case of a recommendation of non-renewal by the Department Chairperson, the candidate for term appointment has the right to appeal to the CAFCATAC within fifteen calendar days following receipt of the Chairperson's recommendation for non-renewal. The form sent by the Chairperson to the candidate must be served by certified mail. (Sec. Rev. 4/11/1989)
  4. At the time of appeal to the CAFCATAC, the CAFCATAC may interview or seek testimony from the candidate, Department Chairperson and staff members, and any witnesses the candidate considers important.
  5. During the appeal process, the CAFCATAC may seek the candidate's permission to examine the candidate's personnel file.
  6. Final ruling of the CAFCATAC on the appeal shall be presented to the Department and the President, as well as to the candidate. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1979, Sec. Amd. 10/10/1979, Sec. Rev. 3/20/1980, Sec. Amd. 12/6/1983, Sec. Amd. 10/7/1986)

Article 10.17 ELECTIONS COMMITTEE (Art. Amd. 3/6/1979, 4/19/2013)


  1. One elected academic faculty member from each of the four schools
  2. One elected member of the professional staff
  3. One elected member of the faculty or professional staff, at large
  4. Secretary of the Farmingdale Executive Committee, ex-officio


  1. To conduct the general election of the Standing Committees of the Faculty and elections for vacancies on the CAFPC. (Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018)
  2. Within ten business days after the general election, the chairperson of the college-wide Elections committee shall notify each elected committee member and send the list of results to the President of the College, the Provost, and the chairpersons of each standing committee. (Sec, Rev. 4/19/2022).
  3. To supervise and conduct school elections to the CAFPC.
    1. In February of each year, the Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall provide to each dean (or the Director of the Library) a list of those members of the CAFPC whose terms of office expire at the end of the current academic year. (Sec. Amd. 10/9/2018)
    2. If a vacancy on the CAFPC will exist at the end of the current academic year, then by March 15, the Dean of that School or the Director of the Library will notify the academic faculty of that School or the Library and notify the chair of the College-Wide Elections Committee regarding that impending vacancy. The College-Wide Elections Committee will seek nominations and add candidates to fill that vacancy on the CAFPC as part of the general election process. Only academic faculty in that School or the Library may vote to fill that vacancy. (Sec. Amd. 09/28/2021)
    3. If an immediate vacancy on the CAFPC exists in a School or the Library during the current academic year, the Dean of that School or the Director of the Library will notify the academic faculty of that School or the Library and notify the chair of the College-Wide Elections Committee regarding that vacancy. The College-Wide Elections Committee will seek nominations and add candidates to fill that vacancy on the CAFPC as part of a special election. Only academic faculty in that School or the Library may vote to fill that vacancy. Following the special election, the chairperson of the Elections committee will notify the Dean or the Director of the Library of the results of the special election. (Sec. Amd. 09/28/2021)
  4. Within five business days after notification of their election, a person elected to a standing committee must agree to accept that position by notifying the chair of the Elections Committee. (Sec. Rev. 4/19/2022)

  5.  Within ten business days after the close of the general election of the standing committees, the Elections Committee will forward the election results to the chairperson of the FEC to revise the Membership on Standing Committees document as described in 10.17.2b. (Sec. Rev. 4/19/2022)



  1. The committee shall be composed of seven elected members:
    1. One faculty member from each of the four schools
    2. One professional staff member
    3. Two members at large (faculty or professional staff). (Sec. Amd. 11/12/2002; 3/7/2008; SEC. Amd. 4/4/2014)
    4. In addition to its 7 elected members, the Director of the Office of International Education and Programs shall serve as an additional non-voting permanent member of the Committee. (Sec. Amd. 4/4/2014)


  1. To receive proposals and make recommendations to the faculty and administration concerning education of international students. (Sec. Amd. 9/28/1999)
  2. To assist in developing programs relating to international student orientation, accommodations, and activities at the College. (Sec. Amd. 9/28/1999)
  3. To assist in promoting good public relations for the Office of International Education and Programs at the College and to assist in extending the hospitality of the College to visiting scholars and students  from other countries. (Sec. Amd. 4/4/2014)
  4. To seek and compile information about international programs and projects of potential interest to the faculty and students and to make this information available to the faculty and students.
  5. To assist in development of faculty and student exchange programs relating to international education.
  6. To represent the faculty in consultations concerning all aspects of international education at the College.

Article 10.19 PLANNING AND BUDGET COMMITTEE(Art. Amd 11/2/1999)


  1. One academic faculty member to be elected for each of the four schools and one elected librarian (Sec. Amd. 3/7/2008)
  2. Two elected professional employees
  3. Four elected academic faculty members at large
  4. The chairpersons of the Curriculum and Admission and Academic Standards Committees to serve as non-voting liaisons
  5. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost to serve as an ex-officio member. (Sec. Amd. 9/28/1999; 2/13/2007)


All elected members of the Planning and Budget Committee will serve as members of the Committee on Planning and Resource Allocation. (Sec. Add. 2/13/2007)


  1. To provide a formal channel and/or forum for faculty and staff input into planning and budgeting. (Sec. Amd. 2/13/2007)
  2. To participate significantly in the initiation and development of the College's plans. (Sec. Amd. 2/13/2007)
  3. To obtain input and to provide a forum for new initiatives from the campus community and to review and assess these initiatives in relation to meeting the mission, goals and objectives of the College. (Sec. Amd. 2/13/2007)
  4. To review internal and external studies and to make recommendations to the administration based upon the Committee's evaluation of the data so obtained.(Sec. Amd 2/13/2007)
  5. To appoint subcommittees and ad hoc committees, as necessary. (Sec. Amd. 2/13/2007)
  6. To make recommendations and to refer to the appropriate individual and/or body those planning issues that it deems to fall properly within the purview of the administration or another Standing Committee. (Sec. Amd. 4/20/1993; 4/4/1995; 2/13/2007)
  7. To review and assess the current College goals and objectives annually for the purposes of deleting, modifying and/or creating new ones as may be found necessary. The Committee recommendations shall be presented to the governing body for approval during the spring semester. (Sec. Amd. 3/28/1996; 2/13/2007)
  8. The Planning and Budget Committee shall report to the faculty and staff on relevant planning and budget issues at general governance meetings. (Sec. Add. 11/2/1999; 2/13/2007)



  1. Seven elected faculty members (Sec. Amd. 11/13/2018)
  2. Two elected professional members (Sec. Amd. 11/13/2018)
  3. Three student members to be elected by members of the Multicultural Committee
  4. (Sec. Amd. 4/13/2018)


  1. To promote a pluralistic and diverse environment, as well as multicultural awareness and understanding, that will allow a free exchange of ideas, the involvement of administrators, faculty, librarians, professionals, students, and the community-at-large by its dedication to multicultural issues and activities.
  2. To work with academic units in identifying ways in which to make their curricula more relevant to multicultural student populations.
  3. To facilitate and assist faculty, librarians, and professionals to develop multicultural non- curricular opportunities.
  4. To identify and foster networking of faculty, librarians, and professionals interested in supporting multicultural awareness on campus.
  5. To recommend support systems that encourage involvement in a culturally diverse environment including mechanisms for channeling interests and concerns of residential and commuter students as well as ideas that will enhance our curricula, programs, and projects.
  6. To work with appropriate departments and/or committees to create assessment tools to gauge the impact of implemented recommendations.

Article 10.21 SABBATICAL AND REDUCED LOAD COMMITTEE (Art. Add. 4/12/2002)


  1. One elected academic faculty member from each of the following areas: School of Business, Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciencess, School of Engineering Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  2. One elected professional employee
  3. One elected librarian


  1. To review and evaluate each request for sabbatical, and to forward recommendations to the President.
  2. To review and evaluate applications for release time from teaching or other professional activities in order to pursue scholarly activities, and to forward recommendations to the Provost.
  3. This review and evaluation process will not pertain to replacement funding from a source other than the campus budget.

Article 10.22 COLLEGE-WIDE SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS COMMITTEE (the "CSAC") (Art. Add. Amd. 10/7/2014, Sec. Amd. 11/17/2020)


  1. One elected faculty member from each of the following areas: School of Business, Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences, School of Engineering Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  2. One faculty member elected at large
  3. Two members of the professional staff, one elected from the Office of Student Affairs and one elected at large
  4. A designee from the Registrar to serve as a non-voting liaison.
  5. A designee from the Office of Institutional Advancement and Enrollment Management to serve as a non-voting liaison.
  6. The Dean of Students or designee to serve as a non-voting liaison
  7. The Chair or designee of the FEC to serve as a non-voting liaison
  8. A designee of the President to serve as a non-voting liaison

10.22.2 FUNCTIONS (Sec. Amd. 11/17/2020)

  1. To solicit nominations from the campus community and review applications for SUNY student awards and scholarships such as the SUNY Chancellors Award for Student Excellence and the SUNY Act For Excellence and Student Initiative Award (ACT). The President may also request that CSAC develop guidelines and/or evaluate candidates for other scholarships or awards that are not otherwise assigned to an appointed body of the College.
  2. For each application and selection cycle, CSAC can choose to appoint a review subcommittee from its voting members. Each subcommittee will have an odd number of members and will be of an appropriate size to effectively review all eligible applications for the scholarship or award. CSAC, or the appointed subcommittee, will establish review criteria and a timeline for each scholarship or award, consistent with SUNY and College guidelines.
  3. CSAC will convene to certify the selection of final candidates and ensure that the evaluation of candidates was objective, rigorous, and aligned with the established review criteria.
  4. In the case of tied scores in a ranked list, and if the number of available scholarships or awards is insufficient to provide scholarships or awards to all applicants with that tied score, all voting members of CSAC will vote on the applications having that tied score to decide the recipients/簫nominees.
  5. To assist committee-selected members with the preparation of final application/簫nomination packets for SUNY awards/scholarships
  6. Assist committee-selected students with the preparation of final application/簫nomination packets for SUNY awards/scholarships.
  7. To submit final nominations/applications to the President or Presidents designee for review and approval as per SUNY guidelines.
  8. After receiving approval from the President, to submit the final nominations to the respective SUNY body by the designated deadline.

Article 10.23 SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR CHANCELLORS EXCELLENCE AWARDS FOR FACULTY (Teaching, Faculty Service, Librarianship, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Adjunct Teaching) ( Art. Amd. 12/15/2015)


  1. One elected faculty member from each of the following areas: School of Business, Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences, School of Engineering Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  2. One elected librarian
  3. One elected faculty member who has previously received a Chancellors Award
  4. Two elected professionals
  5. Chair or designee of FEC, ex-officio and non-voting
  6. A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
  7. Two adjunct faculty members to be appointed by the President during each award cycle*
  8. Two students to be appointed by the President during each award cycle

*Adjunct faculty members will only review/evaluate/recommend nominations for the Chancellors Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching.


  1. The local selection committee solicits nominations, conducts an objective and rigorous evaluation of the merits of candidates nominated, prepares the final nomination portfolio, and forwards to the campus President or the Presidents designee only the campus finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through these awards.
  2. The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the award for which nominated.
  3. Other than self-nomination, which is not allowed, the committee, working with the campus President or the Presidents designee, may establish whatever procedures are deemed appropriate to elicit nominations. It also determines the process the campus will follow in evaluating and selecting candidates to forward to System Administration.
  4. The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a recommendation to the President and shall forward to the President no more than the number of nominations allowed.



  1. Four elected members of the Professional Staff
  2. One elected member of the Professional staff who has previously received a Chancellors Award (Sec. Amd. 11/13/18)
  3. One elected librarian
  4. One elected faculty member
  5. Chairperson of FEC, ex-officio and non-voting
  6. A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
  7. 2 students to be appointed by the President during each award cycle


  1. The local selection committee solicits nominations, conducts an objective and rigorous evaluation of the merits of candidates nominated, prepares the final nomination portfolio, and forwards to the campus President or the Presidents designee only the campus finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through these awards.
  2. The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the award for which nominated.
  3. Other than self-nomination, which is not allowed, the committee, working with the campus President or the Presidents designee, may establish whatever procedures are deemed appropriate to elicit nominations. It also determines the process the campus will follow in evaluating and selecting candidates to forward to System Administration.
  4. The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a recommendation to the President and shall forward to the President no more than the number of nominations allowed.

(Art. Add. Amd. 12/15/2015)


  1. One elected academic faculty member from each of the following areas: School of Business, Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences, School of Engineering Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
  2. One elected librarian
  3. One elected faculty member who holds a Distinguished Faculty Rank
  4. Chairperson of FEC (or designee), ex-officio and non-voting (Sec. Rev.10/29/2019)
  5. A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
  6. 2 students to be appointed by the President during each award cycle
  7. All elected members must hold continuing appointment or its equivalent


  1. The local selection committee is empaneled specifically to solicit nominations, to conduct an objective and unbiased evaluation of the merits of proposed candidates, to prepare the final nomination portfolio, and to forward to the campus President or the Presidents designee only the campus finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through the Distinguished Faculty Ranks Professorships
  2. The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the Distinguished designation for which nominated. The local selection committee may stipulate additional selection criteria over minimum selection criteria established by the SUNY system administration.
  3.  a)   Additional minimum selection criteria above the minimums election criteria established by the SUNY system administration. A Distinguished Faculty Rank nominee is required to:
    i.      Be a recipient of a Chancellors Award for Teaching, Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, or Librarianship.  Faculty who are Chancellors Excellence Award recipients may be nominated for any of the Distinguished Faculty Rank categories. Librarians who are Chancellors Award recipients may be nominated for Distinguished Librarian.
    ii.     Demonstrated leadership in the production of at least two refereed artistic or scientific accomplishments, accepted grants, or publications in a refereed environment (including but not limited to) academic journals, conference proceedings, trade journals, books,and online publications, within six years of their nomination.  Peer reviewed materials must be clearly distinguished and differentiated from non-peer reviewed material.
  4. The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a recommendation to the President and shall forward to the President no more than the number of nominations allowed. (Sec. Amd. 11/2/2021)

Article 10.26 GOVERNANCE HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (Art. Add. Amd. 3/7/2022)


  1. Five academic faculty members to be elected from each school (one each from Arts and Sciences)
  2. Two professional staff members to be elected at large
  3. Two members to be elected at large from either faculty or professional ranks


  1. To add campus employee health and safety to shared governance.
  2. To conduct regularly scheduled open committee meetings for the campus community to discuss health and safety concerns in an environment of cooperation.
  3. To provide an opportunity for committee review and follow up of health and safety concerns submitted by any member of the campus community.
  4. To encourage the campus community to share ideas on how to assure and improve health and safety for all.
  5. To build a culture of proactive safety.


The faculty may establish other committees as it deems them necessary. The nature and functions of such committees shall be prescribed in the act of creating them.


  1. Any voting member of the faculty may make a motion to amend the Bylaws at any duly announced Governance meeting.
  2. Voting members of the faculty are encouraged to submit to the Bylaws Committee chair, a draft of a proposed Bylaw change at least four weeks in advance of making the motion at a duly announced Governance meeting.
  3. A motion to amend the Bylaws should be placed on the Governance meeting agenda by contacting the Presiding Officer of the Faculty at least one week before the Governance meeting at which the motion will be presented.
  4. During discussion of the motion at a Governance meeting, the original motion may be amended prior to the vote on the motion. However, if, during discussion, the motion is extensively revised, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty or the Parliamentarian -- in consultation with the Presiding Officer of the Faculty -- may decide that it is in the best interest of the voting faculty to withdraw the motion at this time.
  5. If the first vote on the motion fails to receive unanimous consent approval of the quorum votes cast by those persons entitled to vote, excluding those abstaining from voting or otherwise not voting, the motion (or a tabled motion) may be presented for a second vote at any duly announced Governance meeting in the same or following semester. The first vote and the second vote on the motion cannot occur in the same Governance meeting.  (Sec. Amd. 9/28/2021 and 11/2/21)
  6. A two-thirds vote when the term is unqualified means at least two-thirds of the votes cast by persons entitled to vote, excluding blanks or abstentions, at a regular or properly called meeting. (Sec. Amd. 9/28/2021)
  7. A friendly amendment is one that does not alter the meaning or intent of the original motion.
  8. Friendly amendments to a motion require a simple majority for approval. The Parliamentarian shall determine whether or not an amendment is a friendly amendment and whether an amended motion requires unanimity (if this is the first time the motion is being presented), or a 2/3 consent of the voting membership present at the meeting for the motion to be approved (if this is the second time the motion is being presented).


10.29.1 POLICY

  1. The faculty shall consider the following for memorialization at the time of the death:
    1. Faculty members and administration, whether or not retired, who have served the College twenty years or more.
    2. Any other members or retired members of the College community (except students) for whom a petition is presented containing the signatures of at least twenty-five percent of the faculty and administration.


The Farmingdale Executive Committee shall initiate action in all cases where a faculty member or administrator has served twenty or more years. Any faculty member or members may initiate a petition for other cases.

The Farmingdale Executive Committee shall be responsible for investigating the case and presenting a proposal to the faculty for approval and to the President of the College for approval.

After memorialization has been so approved, the Farmingdale Executive Committee shall recommend a proposal relative to how the party shall be memorialized for the approval of the faculty and the President of the College. The Farmingdale Executive Committee may solicit suggestions.

After a proposal has been so approved, the Farmingdale Executive Committee shall be responsible for carrying out any proceedings which may be called for by the proposal. (Sec. Rev. 9/1/1979)


, Ballroom