

The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) is the first individual grant awarded to Farmingdale by the NSF. Partners in an AGEP Alliance model work collaboratively to develop or reproduce, implement and study a model of advanced doctoral education, into postdoctoral training and into STEM and STEM Education Research tenure-track faculty positions.

At FSC, the NSF-AGEP Predominantly Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Alliance is comprised of Stony Brook University (lead Institution), 51³Ô¹Ï, Suffolk County Community College and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Faculty at FSC are selected to provide teaching mentorships and oversee micro-teaching experiences for underrepresented minority (URM) doctoral dissertators in the STEM disciplines visiting from Stony Brook University. The goal of the project at FSC is to ultimately hire visiting dissertators as full-time faculty and pave the way for increased diversity amongst FSC faculty and allow URM FSC undergraduate students to see themselves more represented in the faculty body.

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Dr. Paulo Castillo
Principal Investigator


Dr. Tracy Callender
Co-Principal Investigator


Dr. Christopher Malone
Co-Principal Investigator