
Collage of happy students giving presentations, writing, and using a laptop.

Global and Cultural Awareness

Global and Cultural AwarenessDigital Badge

Global and Cultural Awareness

Earners will increase their global and intercultural awareness while refining their intercultural communication skills in order to recognize the diverse needs and perspectives of people from different cultures. Earners demonstrate an understanding of intercultural and cross-cultural connections in a global world. This micro-credential will be of interest to those looking to gain cultural sensitivity and soft skills in addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Admission requirements for application:

  • Matriculation into a 51³Ô¹Ï degree program
  • Pre-requisites: EGL 102 and students must be in good academic standing
    Note: Courses in this microcredential might have pre-requisites; please, consult with your advisor to make sure that they are met.

For Non-matriculated students:

Requirements to achieve the microcredential:

Earners will complete three courses in total, two from a cluster of culture-focused classes, and one from a cluster of global/international focus classes. The three courses must be from different disciplines (three courses with three different Course Code Designators). Earners will also complete a capstone project, which demonstrates the earner's global and cultural awareness.

Courses listed below:

ANT 211: Caribbean Cultures

ART 304: Global Art History

BUS 280: International Business

BUS 320: International Marketing

EGL 206: World Literature: Early Classics

EGL 207: World Literature: The Moderns

EGL 232: Voices of Multicultural America

EGL 235: Caribbean Literature

EGL 309: Voices of Black America in Poetry, Prose and Song

EGL 314: Major Authors in World Literature

EGL 325:  African American Literature

HUM 332: Intercultural Communication

GEO 231: Europe and Its People

GEO 322: Cultural Geography

HIS 213: Peoples and Cultures of Asia

HIS 280: Caribbean History

HIS 281: Modern Latin America

HIS 307: Germany in the Modern Age

HIS 310: Technology and Society Russia-1917-Present

HIS 311: China since 1840

HIS 312: Latin American Popular Culture in the 20th Century

HIS 314: History of Modern Mexico

HIS 315: Imperialism

HIS 317: Irish History

HIS 318: Israel: A History of the Jewish State

HIS 320: Europe since the Industrial Revolution

HIS 343: Cinema and the City in East Asia

POL 374: Politics in Africa

MLG 201: Italian Food, Culture, and History

MLG 301: Italian Cinema (In English)

MLG 302: Spanish and Latin American Cinema

MLG 303: French Cinema

MLG 304: French Culture and Civilization

MLG 305: Hispanic and Latin American Culture and Civilization

MLG 306: Italian Culture and Civilization

MLG 307: French and Francophone Fiction and Film

MLG 308: Arabic Culture and Civilization

MLG 309: Arabic Cinema

MLG 310: Latin American Women Writers

MLG 311: Italian American Experiences

MLG 312: Contemporary Latin American Short Stories

MLG 313: Science, Literature, and Film in the Hispanic World

MLG 314: Hispanic Fiction to Film

MLG 315: Art, Culture and Civilization of Spain

MLG 316: French Fables and Folktales

MLG 317: The Arab-American Experience

MLG 318: Italy: From Text to Film

MLG 320: Latino Writers in the U.S.

MLG 321: Chinese Culture and Civilization

MLG 322: The Latin American Novel

PSY 265: Culture and Cognition

PSY 304: Multicultural Psychology

SOC 229: Race and Ethnic Relations

SOC 231: Multiculturalism

SOC 253: Black Popular Culture


BUS 321: International Law

BUS 322: International Management

BUS 366: International Resource Management

BUS 473: Global Finance

ECO 340: International Trade

ECO 341: International Finance

ECO 350: Economic of Global Disasters

ECO 450: International Development Economics

GEO 211: The World and Its People

GEO 325: Globalization and Sustainability

HIS 210: America and the World

HIS 214: East Asia and the World

HIS 233: Comparative Religions and Cultures

HIS 341: Terrorism and the Modern World

HIS 270: Genocide in the Twentieth Century

MLG 300: International Cinema

NTR 300: Cultural Foods

PCM 334: Culture and Communication

POL 262: Global Politics

POL 265: Comparative Politics

POL 267: Politics of the Muslim World

POL 370: International Relations

POL 371: Geopolitics

SMT 350: International Sport Management

SOC 350: Global Social Change

SOC 351: Global Health Systems

STS 320: Technology and Humanity in Cinema



Stackable to:

Science, Technology, and Society B.S.
Professional Communications, B.S.
Global Business Management, B.S.

Time to complete:

3 semesters

Cost to attend:

Standard tuition rates apply. For tuition and student consumer information, please click here.


Contact Information

Modern Languages

Memorial Hall, 200

Students must complete the following courses:

Basic Coursework (3 courses, 9 credits)
Culture-focused courses 6 credits
International/Global-focused courses 3 credits