
Ram Program - Frequently Asked Questions


What are the extra benefits of the RAM program?

The RAM students receive:
  • Individualized advisement
  • Priority registration for classes
  • One-credit RAM courses designed to prepare students for real-world learning, scholarship, and creative and/or professional endeavors
  • A digital advisement roadmap designed to fit the student's own interests and to create a clear path to graduation and beyond
  • Two meetings with a RAM counselor each semester in addition to once-a-semester meetings with a faculty advisor in the student's major
  • A lounge/work room on campus reserved exclusively for RAM students
  • Invitations to special workshops and events
  • Hands-on research or a project-based learning experience with a faculty mentor

How do students get into the RAM program?

Each fall, a new cohort of 250 fortunate first year and transfer students is randomly selected for participation in the RAM program from the master list of students admitted to Farmingdale's baccalaureate degree programs.

What are the distinctive features of the RAM program that are available to participants?

Enhanced preparation
RAM students are prepared for graduation and beyond through RAM courses, advisement, and special events in their first 2 years after entering Farmingdale.

Hands-on learning experiences
After sophomore or junior year, RAM students will be paired with a faculty mentor to engage in hands-on research or in a project-based learning experience.

Career building
The RAM program will add experience and skills to students' resumes, enhancing their job prospects or their acceptance into graduate school.

Increased likelihood of graduating on time
RAM students at Farmingdale will save time and money by staying on track to graduate in 4 years.

Networking opportunities
RAM students will meet real professionals in their field, leading to additional opportunities for research or project-based learning experiences and better job prospects.

Why is there a hold on students' accounts when they go to register?

In order to progress toward graduation in four years, students must stay on track, completing those courses that count toward their degree. RAM counselors and department advisors work with each RAM student in order to carefully design a schedule based on (1) each student's intended major and academic interests, (2) RAM-specific courses for enhanced learning, and (3) if appropriate, the requirements of a student's financial aid package.

Of course, the hold is temporarily lifted during the College's schedule-change period at the start of each semester. During that period students may add and drop courses. However, we do encourage all students to confer with a RAM counselor or faculty advisor before making any changes to their schedules.

What is RAM 101?

RAM 101 is a 1-credit, first-year experience course that meets once per week and is taught by a RAM counselor. The purpose of the course is to help students adjust to college. Students will develop essential skills to be successful in college and will learn about some of the important resources available at Farmingdale.

What is RAM 102?

RAM 102 is a 1-credit course that complements Math 110, 117 or 129. It is a collaborative learning workshop intended to help students master the material and earn strong grades in math.

What is RAM 201?

RAM 201 is a 1-credit course that prepares students to engage in research or project-based learning with a faculty mentor. It is taught by the RAM program directors.

What is RAM 301?

RAM 301 is designated for RAM transfer students only. It combines topics from both the RAM 101 and RAM 201 courses.

May I drop the RAM courses?

Dropping a RAM course should only be done in consultation with a RAM counselor. RAM courses are there to bolster performance in other courses and to enhance the student's GPA. These courses are considered free electives in DegreeWorks and will count toward graduation.

May I remain in the RAM program if I change my major?

Yes – and the RAM counselors and faculty advisors will work with students who change their major to plan course schedules that meet new major requirements and keep a student on track toward graduation.

Are students selected for the RAM program able to opt out of the program entirely?

Students selected for the RAM program receive benefits and opportunities not available to other Farmingdale students. The RAM program is specifically and carefully designed to bolster's a student's success in college and beyond. We are confident that RAM program students will be viewed favorably by employers and graduate schools.

We strongly encourage students to give it a try at least in their 1st year before making the decision not to participate. Students must speak to their RAM counselor if they are considering opting out of the program.

Still could use some help? Email us and we will get back to you shortly.