
Semester Withdrawal

The information below is in regards to withdrawing from ALL courses in the current semester. 

A semester withdrawal is done when a student wishes to withdraw from every course in the current semester or summer session.

A semester withdrawal is done when a student wishes to withdraw from every course in the current semester or summer session.

A course withdrawal is done when a student withdraws from one or more courses, however remaining enrolled

This information is available on the Student Accounts Webpage. You are eligible for a refund provided you withdraw before the deadline for 0% refund. /student-financial-services/student-accounts/refunds-adjustments.shtml
You should contact the office of financial aid.
If you need to withdraw from the semester, you will need to complete the semester withdrawal form. Contact the Registrar's Office at regoffice@farmingdale.edu. The Registrar's Office will provide you with the form.

If you need to withdraw from the semester, you will need to complete the semester withdrawal form. Contact the Registrar's Office at regoffice@farmingdale.edu. The Registrar's Office will provide you with the semester withdrawal form and may request additional information.

If you wish to withdraw from one or more courses, but not all courses, you will need to complete a course withdrawal form. Contact the Registrar's Office at regoffice@farmingdale.edu. The Registrar's Office will provide you with the course withdrawal form.

Each semester the withdrawal deadline is posted on the Academic Calendar. The calendar is easily found on the FSC website, /calendar/academic/
Once you submit a request to withdraw via an email submission, a Registrar staff member will respond within 1-2 days. If you do not receive the withdrawal form, kindly contact the Registrar's office at regoffice@farmingdale.edu or 934-420-2776.
Withdrawals are not computed into the GPA. However, you should contact financial aid and your advisor to discuss withdrawing from the semester. Withdrawals may impact your progress in a degree program.