

Please be aware that once you are registered for classes, you have incurred a financial liability for the cost of these courses. That liability may be cancelled or reduced by subsequent actions taken by the student (drop or withdrawal during the published refund schedule). Students should be aware that if they decide not to attend the College after registering for courses, they must drop/withdraw from the course(s) in order to have their liability adjusted and/or a refund processed.

For additional information, please see the 51勛圖 Catalog.

Drops and Withdrawals

Reduction (and refund, if applicable) of tuition and fee liability is made according to SUNY Board of Trustees policies.  Students incur liability based on the length of the academic term and the date of official withdrawal.  In order to be eligible to receive a reduction of tuition and fee liability for the semester, students must follow the official drop or withdrawal deadlines. Failure to submit payment, stopping payment on a check, or not attending class(es) does not classify as an official withdrawal and does not absolve the student of his or her financial obligation or entitle the student to a refund.  The College will not automatically cancel the schedules of students for non-payment or non-attendance and any liability will not be waived.

Financial liability to the College is determined by the refund schedule applicable at the time the drop or withdrawal is processed in the Registrars Office.  If a course(s) is dropped during the 100% refund period, then no tuition and fee liability will be incurred.  After the drop period, if a student wishes to withdraw from a course(s), the schedule below can be used to determine the reduction of tuition and fee liability that is due.  Please note that after the 100% refund period, the College Fee, Transcript Fee, Special Course/Curriculum Fees and First Day/Inclusive Access Fees are no longer refundable. 

Please Note:

  • The last date to process a withdrawal may fall on a Saturday or Sunday.  If the drop period falls on a Saturday or Sunday, or you wish to process a schedule change outside of office hours, you will only be able to drop a course online.  Financial Holds on your account will prevent you from dropping your course online.  Students with a Financial Hold on their account can only process schedule changes in person at the Registrars Office during normal business hours.
  • The academic drop/withdrawal deadline is not related to the deadlines for determining tuition and fee liability.

Procedures for withdrawal from classes and the deadlines for adding or dropping/withdrawing classes can be found in the College Catalog, at www.farmingdale.edu or by calling the Registrars Office 934-420-2776.


Coronavirus Update: Spring 2020 Credits & Refunds

The COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the College required flexibility and adjustments by all of us. The College is providing you guidance on the credits and refunds provided for the spring 2020 semester as implemented per the SUNY-wide plan. 


Non-Attendance / Non-Payment

Failure to submit payment, stopping payment on a check, or not attending class(es) does not classify as an official withdrawal and does not absolve the student of his or her financial obligation or entitle the student to a reduction of liability.  In order to be eligible to receive a reduction of tuition and fee liability for the semester, students must follow the official drop or withdrawal deadlines.

The College will not automatically cancel the schedules of students for non-payment or non-attendance and any liability will not be waived.


Any student who is expelled or suspended from school by the President of the College or his designee, or the Dean of Students, will not be eligible to receive tuition or any other refund.

MMR Immunization

New York State law requires all students born on or after January 1, 1957 who are attending an institution of higher education to show proof of two doses of live measles vaccine given at least one month apart after twelve months of age and after 1968; one dose of live mumps vaccine given after twelve months of age; one dose of live rubella vaccine given after twelve months of age. New York State law also requires that all students read and sign a letter about meningitis, the meningitis immunization, and to then make a choice regarding the immunization. Note: all resident students must be immunized for meningitis. Students who fail to comply with either NYS laws regarding MMR immunization or meningitis will be disenrolled and will not receive any reduction of their tuition as per NYS law.

Military Service

There shall be no tuition or fee liability established for a student who withdraws to enter military service prior to the end of an academic term for those courses in which the student does not receive academic credit.  Note: The term military service means full-time active duty in the Army, Navy (including Marine Corps), Air Force, Coast Guard of the United States, or qualifying National Guard duty during a war, other military operation, or national emergency as defined in Section 5 of the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act (Public Law 108-76).

Financial Aid Implications

Regulations require the Office of Financial Aid to recalculate the amount of aid the student has earned based on the time in attendance.

Students who fail to attend any classes will be ineligible for Title IV and NY State Financial Aid. Financial Aid eligibility is based on the course load of courses actually attended and applicable to your degree. If notification of non-attendance in any class is received at any time, the determination of financial aid eligibility will be re-evaluated for that term and may result in financial aid forfeiture and/or a balance due to the College.

Aid for subsequent terms may also be affected by a withdrawal.  It is strongly recommended that students consult with their financial aid counselor.

Room and Board

Residence hall and meal plan fees are refundable on a prorated basis according to the following schedule, providing that the student follows the check-out procedure through Residence Life.

Time-Frame Liability Refund
First week 10% 90%
Second week 25% 75%
Third week 50% 50%
Fourth Week 75% 25%

Any student who has been accorded due process and has been dismissed from the residence halls for disciplinary reasons will receive neither full nor partial refund of room, board or fee payments.

Refunds of Credit Balances

Refunds are processed automatically when there is a credit balance on a student's account.  Students do not have to request the refund.

Please note:

  • The reduction of tuition and fee liability is automatic depending on the date the student's class is officially dropped/withdrawn. 
  • The reduction of room and meal plan liability is automatic depending on the date the student officially moves out of on-campus housing.
  • Refunds are not processed for anticipated Financial Aid.  Refunds can only be processed once there is an actual credit on the students account. 

Refunds of Advance Tuition Deposit

Requests for refund of the Advance Tuition Deposit should be directed in writing to the Colleges Admissions Office.

Submit your $100 deposit to confirm your acceptance and intent to enroll. Deposits are due by May 1st for the Fall semester and Dec 1st for the Spring semester.

If you are accepted after April 1st for the Fall semester or November 1st for the Spring semester, your deposit is due 30 days from the date of your acceptance letter. 

Tuition deposits are nonrefundable unless requested before the deposit due date. 

For additional information, please visit Farmingdale.edu/deposit.

Refunds of Advance Room Deposit

Requests for refund of the Advance Room Deposit should be directed to the Office of Residential Life.

The Advance Room Deposit will be refunded in full if either of the following two conditions are met:

1. If the application for refund is made by June 15 or within 30 days after notification of acceptance, whichever is later.

2.  If the application for refund is made later than as stated above, the refund will be granted only if:

  • The student withdraws to enter military service.
  • The Office of Residence Life cannot secure placement for the student by the 1st week of the academic year.
  • The student withdraws due to conditions beyond their control as certified and approved by the Chief Administrative Officer of the College.

Advance Deposit Refunds that are not requested within this timetable will not be refunded and will be forfeited.

Extenuating Circumstance Appeal

The College recognizes that there may be instances such as medical circumstances, serious family situations, deaths and other similar severe events that may prevent a student from attending class(es) for the remainder of the semester for which they are currently enrolled. These serious circumstances may require that the student withdraw from their class(es) and request a refund that is beyond the normal refund schedule and policy.

Students should be aware that they have the right to submit such an appeal to the Extenuating Circumstances Committee.  The procedure for filing this appeal is detailed under the section Academic Information within the 51勛圖 catalog.

Please be advised that no appeals will be considered if you have attended more than one-half of the term, or if any academic credit is received for any course within that term.  Please see www.farmingdale.edu/registrar/appeals for detailed information and to download the appeal form.